love this chap although i had 2 wait so long it was worth the wait my bf complain i spend more time with my laptop than with him which is funny cause he spend more time playing blackopps than with with me i kick his ass in it thou he is really irritable when i win girls rule like the time we had a bet to see which gender was the best he did'nt get laid 4 a whole month lol i was lmao he could'ent take it anymore and i sat back and enjoyed goin to the spas which he pays 4 he has a prob with me spendin my money . the story u could use tis to make a story . R.M Avalon ur stories r d best i would rite a prompt 4 u anytime even if i doe know u lol lmao
okay now that i got that out, i'm really excited about this chapter it was a good update, and i like the more subtle parts of this, like the fact that they say, as a made up story, that she's recognized as a potintial mate, and this everything was kinda dropped on their laps, but the truth is there, that they really seem to be potiential mates, and that neither of them are noticing it.
I hafta say I'm also VERY VERY pleased that his momma's name is still Hatsumomo, i dunno with a kid named Sesshomaru, i just cant see her having a short overly 'girly' looking for meaning name, even though Hatsumomo means first peach, or something along those lines. Im excited and happy you kept it!
I'm really looking forward to where your going with this, i feel like i know some awesome secret, about the plunnie, but seeing you bring it to life like this just really splits my face in a grin, it's such an awesome fic so far and i cant wait for more!
*wiggles more c0okies at you*
I must admit, I was just skimming through stories because none of my regulars have posted and after reading these first chapters, I am totally hooked.
I love your descriptiveness of everything. You do just enough to paint a picture without overdoing and making it seem as if you need to fill up the page with something. The Taisho mansion/manor sounds utterly spectacular. As you said, something out of the history books. I can see Sesshoumaru as a lawyer. That's one profession that totally fits his personality.
I can imagine both parents approving of Kagome, she's easily a likable person, but I'm concerned what InuPapa's reaction will be to her being a miko AND I am even more curious as to how InuYasha is going to come into all of this. I do hope that Sesshoumaru will at least tell her his name before Izayoi or InuPapa does.
InuYasha being Kagome's ex, as well as the father of her child is bound to cause trouble but hopefully not before Kagome and Sesshoumaru have time to discuss the matter. Anyway, I'm sure this is going to be quite an interesting story and I've put it in my favs so I can keep up. Like I need to add another story to my list but this is just too inticing to resist. JEN
CandIcane (Chapter 4) - Sun 27 Mar 2011
LOVE IT! Please keep writting I cannot wait for the next chapter!
Etain (Chapter 4) - Sun 27 Mar 2011
Bwahhahaha! I love it Ava! But i caught another spelling mistake!! >D but I'm sure someone got to it before me >: Cause its 2am now lol.
“Thank you for the tea.” Kagome replied with a smile, he heart going out to the Lady of the West.
TeeHee <3<3<3
love it cant wait for more
Avaaaaaaaaa darling. I'm soooooooooooo happy you updated....but now, you know what that means, time to harass and nag you again for another :3
Lovely chapter btw - Sesshy and Kag are getting closer and closer very nicely **smirks**
Oh and euh...I'm kind of hoping it was Kikyou or whoever Inuyasha was cheating with that Iyazoi was talking about, otherwise it would be kind of...awkward. "yeah, er, said harpy is right here :) "
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