Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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Alexandra (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Awww what?! The well won't work for Kagome now?! That kinda sucks. I just hope that Kagome gets out of this abusive relationship she has with Sesshoumaru.

If the well doesn't work, is there going to be an alternative time travel method? Or will Kagome roam the Earth, maybe live in Europe or China?

I'm glad that you updated! I've been wondering where this story was for a while. I was thinking that Kagura would help Kagome escape so that she could be Sesshoumaru's mate, but I guess that didn't happen.

There is no way that Sesshoumaru would change his mind, unless Kagome took him through the well with her. Maybe then he would understand where she was coming from.

Thanks for updating!

Phyllis (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

You can imagine my surprise when I saw an update for this.  So glad to read this!!  Loved the chapter, although I see a long road for Sesshomaru to convince Kagome that she is valued.  Such a rough start for these two.  Anyway, I'm so happy you updated!  I hope your other works are successful, even if it does mean this story will suffer for it.  Thanks again, and great job!

Khrystyne (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

I was so excited when I saw there was an update from you! I truely enjoy your fanfiction work and I'm so glad that you had time to work on it again. I can't wait to read you personal writing, congratulations for getting it published! I can't wait to see what you have coming up next. Best wishes to you :)

hana sora (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

thank you for update this story


hana sora (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

thank you for update this story


Time on my hands (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Thank you so much for updating. Sesshoumaru has a lot to learn. He has made a start, but only in his mind. Kagome is having none of it and I can't blame her. Golden bars are pretty, but still a prison if you can't escape. If he really wants to make any progress, he needs to realize the collar has to come off. As long as he forces her to wear it, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting anywhere with her. Kagome has begun to test him. How long before she finds out if his vow to not hurt her anymore is one he can keep?

Kikyo is plotting as expected. Of course none of her misfortune is her fault. Her type can never accept the consequences of their actions. Inuyasha is an idiot and deserves his misery. Karma will bite you on the butt in the end.

Overall a very nice chapter. Moving things right along. A few spelling and grammar mistakes, but you stated it was unbetaed. Anyone who has ever written anything knows how hard it is to proofread your own stuff. You can read and reread, but miss something that someone else can see in seconds. Been there, done that. Again, it is nice to have you back. I look forward to the next chapter.

phoenixgodess75 (Chapter 1) - Wed 29 May 2013

I would have to agree with your other fans, I have reread this story so many times, I can't seem to get enough of it. I'll be rereading it again now that you have update. THANK YOU MY LOVELY GODDESS. I kiss the ground you walk on for this lovely update.

rose (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

next chapter please

ChaoticLover (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

First, Thanks you for not having forgotten about one of the best fanfic I've ever read. Thank you sooo much for updating and sharing the next chapters to us readers. :DD

Second, congratulation on your publication. I wish I could read it... since it is not avaible in my country yet, I might have to buy it online, maybe through amazon or ebay or any other site. I deeply regret it. From the looks and what I have read in the description it sounds like a great story. I hope that I will not be disappointed. ^^

Third, have I ever told that you're awesome? The idea for this fanfic is truly one of a kind. I truly that Sesshoumaru will realize his TRUE feelings towards Kagome. He had done a lot. Mistakes after mistakes and it seems he will continue to do so. Being stubborn will not lead him to his true destiny. Those small amends to create peace between the two of them seem not to be working. If it were the case, I undoubtly would disappointed.

I really want see Sesshoumaru working for Kagome. I had come across a lot of fanfic which has Sesshoumaru raping Kagome, then suddenly Kagome falls in love with him, just because he did those small amends. But that's not how it works - at least not in reality. Seeing that you have that this story will likely have about 100 chapters, I have no worries about that fact and for that I truly grateful.

In a way I feel bad and sorry for Inuyasha, but he did his own grave. He was blind by Kikyo's reflection and could not see past the evil in disguise. There is no way out, but leaving with it and paying for his big, biggest mistake. I dispite Kikyo (at least in your story xD), and could never understand why she, out of all character, is Rumiko-san' favourite one. -_-

There's one sentence that confuse me: "But that didn’t mean she was going to tolerate her insulting him." Don't you mean the 'she' here is actually a 'he'? I mean Sesshoumaru is thinking that he will not allow Kagome to insult him, and not the other 'round?^^

Other than that, I cannot find anything else. I enjoy reading your fics a lot. When I saw you update, my eyes widened and I screamed and I jumped around like a crazy that I was, utterly happy to see an update. xDD

crin_fausta (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

You make my day! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the alert in my inbox. Thank you so much! I am truly in love with your story.... It's an addiction and no matter how much I read, re-read it's never enough.

MidNigh (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Yay another chapter!!! I really enjoy this story and hope you continue with it. Update soon please!

Trisha Cheshire (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Excellent as always. I love this story cant wait for more. Keep up the great work.

isasouza (Chapter 28) - Fri 17 May 2013

Hi, I have to say, I'm in love with your fanfiction "The Breeder", you are a great writer :)). and I wonder if you have plans to continue the fic?
Ps: sorry my bad english = /

inushya (Chapter 28) - Thu 16 May 2013

Hi, this is also my first incomplete fan fiction, and it makes me very sad that you do not complete it. I wish you would come back and I also wish to see you show me that sesshomaru realizes his mistakes and works hard to make up for them. I want to see how this is going to turn out, I want to see them happy in the end, but I also like how the story is going so far anyway, you're a very talented writer and I was hoping that you continue it dearly. Please don't make me wait anymore to continue reading this, you said it should be atleast a hundred chapters, please at least get to chapter 50. It is a good story, an amazing story, and you would be doing your fans a great favor by finishing this, you would have so many reviews, people review just so you could finish please finish this is one of the first fanfiction that I have ever written incomplete and this is also my second time reading it. Please finish, I would greatly appreciate it forever, I love that is angst but it will have a happy end, it will be a good story, thank you have a good day. PS, I hope that this doesn't affect your schedule or anything.



Elizabeth (Chapter 28) - Wed 24 Apr 2013

It's been so long since you last updated this story, I almost fear to favorite it.  I may not have enjoyed the early chapters, but I do find I want to see Sesshomaru realize his full mistakes.  I want to see how this story ends.  I hope you update again soon.

Ana (Chapter 28) - Sat 20 Apr 2013

Hi there! (English it´s not my first language, so please forgive me for possible mistakes! ^^)

This is why I never ever ever read incomplete fan fictions xD

I start reading this ff because I saw one of the pictures related to this and I thought it´s probably really good. So, why not?

I began two days ago and I couldn´t stop anymore. In the end of every chapter I was like "Please don´t be the last on, please please...” And now I got the last one and I’m dying too read more!!!

So just to clarify: this is the first time I read a ff incomplete!!! And I don´t regret! But please, please don´t stop writing.

I love this ff. You never made a sudden change on seshomaru´s behavior. Kagome even if close never gave up... In the middle of it I was like: "If I was on her place, I would have kill myself, I mean, come on...” And then she got pregnant and unfortunately there aren´t many women capable of loving so much a child born from rape.

Having said that I’m completely into your story and anxiously looking forward for more chapters!


Nice work! Really! ;)



MASMA91 (Chapter 28) - Tue 09 Apr 2013

Awesome chapter, I just love your story! Please update soon! We've been waiting for so long for a new chapter of this fanfic! Please don't give up on it! For us! We reaaaaally want to know what happens! And I really want to see Sesshoumaru pay for all the bad he's caused Kagome so that they can be together in the end *-* 

Blackthorn (Chapter 28) - Fri 05 Apr 2013

Please update soon! I love your story!

Zofia (Chapter 28) - Thu 04 Apr 2013

I love this story!!!! I'm just wondering when the next chapter will come out? i have been waiting almost a yr now. please update it soon, i wanna know hwat happens next!!!

Lisa (Chapter 28) - Thu 04 Apr 2013

so i love love love the story and was wondering when you were going to update again or if you moved the story or what happened?

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