Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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randomfan17 (Chapter 29) - Thu 30 May 2013

Oh that’s hilarious, she heard all that truth and still thinks she can hurt people? Kikyo is going to die a slow and painful death. At least Inuyasha won’t act like an idiot now, he knows that getting her away won’t help her, just harm her. I almost feel bad for Sesshomaru but he brought this on himself and nothing really is going to help with that, he’s got to do something Kami worthy for Kagome before she forgives him. Can’t wait to see what happens next.

Minha (Chapter 29) - Thu 30 May 2013

There is so much to love about this story! I really like how you show the tragedy aspect of Inuyasha's situation with Kagome. It is so easy to picture how they could have had it all---had the betrayals never happened. That it was Inuyasha's low self-esteem that made him believe he and Kagome weren't possible and lead to his big screw-up, makes me feel for him a little. It makes me feel for the two characters, given what they are experiencing now too. Also, I like how the demon tree showed him mercy in this chapter. In my mind, he has a lot of growing to do, but he is still one of the characters I wish to see have a happy-ish ending.  As for Kagome and Sesshoumaru, I really like how you are handling their relationship and their individual maturing. In the beginning, Sesshoumaru really believed that he had the right to do what he did to Kagome, and (as your story points out) by demon law, he did. He's now at the point that he's seen the power of Kagome's love and wants to be included amongst those she loves and have a real relationship with her. In his own way, is trying to make amends, but he can't achieve this desire because he still won't see it from Kagome's perspective. His pride/ego won't let him admit that it's not that he didn't handle the mating right, it is that he hurt her and demeaned in a way she may (understandably) chose not to forgive him for. The way you handle the characterization makes it easy for me to understand his actions and hers. I really enjoy that you take the time to flesh-out your characters' reasoning for thinking/acting the way they do. I follow your True Blood stories, so I never doubted your ability or how you would handle the pairing, but I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your efforts. On a side note, I found this site and became a fan of the pairing because I read your story a few weeks ago, so thank you for that too!



Laura (Chapter 29) - Thu 30 May 2013

Excellent chapter and so glad you are able to start writing fanfiction again. 

MLMonty (Chapter 29) - Thu 30 May 2013

Congrats on the books! The chapter was wonderful as always. I look forward to seeing what else you have in store for them.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Where have you been? It's been nine months and two weeks since you updated, I'm glad your back. Great chapter, please update the next chapters soon and not in months. Keep it coming. 

NightQueen (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

OMG!! This is soooo good! First off I can't believe that Sesshoumaru thinks he's done Kagome a great favor! He's hurt her beyond words and expects her to turn around and decide she could care for him, possibly love him! Boy! Does he have another thing coming! Please tell me Kagome doesn't give in easily!! No matter how much I love Sesshoumaru he needs to suffer lifetimes before Kagome can even possibly contemplate forgiveness!! I don't feel sorry at all for Inuyasha and his bitch not at all! They both got what they deserved, but I am a bit worried about what the crazy bitch might do to Kagome!!  On another note I really Kenji and now he's going to be very close to Kagome. Hmmm I wonder if he'll develop feelings for her? Oh, how delicious that would be!! You're so talented and I always look forward to reading your stories.  If you're moving everything to your blog does that mean you won't be posting here anymore?  Thank you soo much for the update!

Ana (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

I can´t believe... A NEW CHAPTER! I must be dreaming... xD

Just when I was starting to lose hope... xD (kidding, of course!)

Love the new chapter, and shocked for Sesshomaru´s thinking... I mean... For one so smart he can be very idiot some times... xD

This chapter was just what I needed right now! (I have been in a lot of stress... --")

Thank you ^^ and please don´t makes wait so much! Because I will keep waiting for the next one!

Kisses *** (and keao up the good work!)

Sleeping_lullabies (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

IT's getting so exciting  >< . Hope to hear more of this story. Good job.

Rosa (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Great chapter, good luck with the new ebook!

Lauren (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Long time no see!! I'm glad to hear that you're well, if not a little bogged down with real life issues. I hadn't known you were writing books. I'll definitely look into them. :)

Well, the story is thankfully moving past such a depressing and disturbing rut. I'm glad that Kagome's gotten to say her piece. With any luck, Kenji will prove to be more of an ally any turn his back to any possible meetings Kagome may have with Inuyasha, Sango, or Kagura. I feel like things won't end very well with the guard though.

Poor Inuyasha... As angry as I was with how he abandoned Kagome and acting so rashly, he definitely doesn't deserve a lifetime of agony for his misdeeds either. Here's hoping that Kagome can move past this indifference she has towards him. At least enought to hear him out (as he'll no doubt, attempt to visit her and the baby while Sesshomaru is away). Maybe he'll talk her into adjusting a little better or something. *le sigh*

Ugh... Sesshomaru is so ignorant and egotistical. His inability to even examine his own feelings makes me want to strangle the life out of him. He's so misguided and disgusting. I just can't deal with his attitude and belligerence. Why can't the Kami-sama punish him now? It's nauseating...

Great chapter as usual. I feel ill and happy and angry all at once. I hope things settle down a bit for you, that you had a fantastic Memorial day weekend, and that you'll enjoy this upcoming one as well. *wavies*

Kawaii Girl

Blackthorn (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

You know, the only thing we haven't heard Sesshomaru say is that he loves her. He says he is sorry for how he treats her and now he treasures her but Kagome hasn't been told that he loves her yet.


Meh...Great story like always! Can't wait to read more!

Danielle (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013 made my day love this story l love it love it love it please keep up the good work!

Moonlight Silk (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

The update is great as usual. And I like that Kagome is telling Sesshomaru off and throwing his derogatory name for her back at him. Serves him right now that he wants to fix things and make it better for her she is not making it easy for him.

roo86 (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I love this story so much that ever update is like manna. I read and reread it a few times before I let it go. It is so complex and even though I want Kagome to start loving Sesshoumaru you creat so many good reasons for caution. You always take so much time to ully develope your stories. I stand in awe of your talent.

Thank you again for your update.

Asia (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

so excited that you updated. i really enjoy this story and cant wait for the next chapter. i am also reading your story choices and consequences and you are a writer. great job. 

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

I have read and re-read this chapter and I can't help but have this as my favorite chapter. Secrets have a way of coming out and I love the way Bokuseno revealed Kikyou's involvement in Sesshomaru's plan to have Kagome as his mate since she's the prophesied Mother. I have a feeling that we haven't seen the last of Kagura, now that there are TWO people who want Kagome dead. Now I really feel bad for Inuyasha. He has a very lonely path ahead of him. At least he doesn't have to deal with her lies and betrayal anymore. Can't wait for the next chapter.

mrslegume (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

I had given up hope of ever seeing this story continued. Thank you for the update! I can't wait to see how S & K deal with Kagura and Kikyo. Maybe will get to see Kenji in action. Thanks again for the update, keep them coming. :-)

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Go tree yokai! :)

...I  hope Sesshomaru can learn something to redeem himself. he has a lot for which to make up but maybe he'll get a little bit lucky and some of Kagome's natural forgiveness will open to him. maybe.

Thanks for writing.

anna (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Welcome back ! I am so happy you decided to come back and still finish this fic, even with your busy  life lol. This fic is amazing!   And I am glad you let that treacherous bitch Kikyo pay, its sad that Inuyasha must sufffer to. Can"t wait for the other chapters!  I also want to congratulate you on your new ebook and many more to come.  I would love to read that book you have out. Don't stress too much.  :D

pclark (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 May 2013

Wonderful to see another chapter from you! It was a great chapter and I can't wait to see more updates from you on The Breeder as well as on Choices and Consequences. Hope you do some more updates very soon.

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