YAY!!! You updated. I love this fic the developing relationship between Kag and Sess is so interesting. Now that the pup is born I cant wait to see what is going to happen. Sess hasnt won her heart yet so I wonder what is going to happen with the pup and his powers?? UPDATE SOON PLEASE so i can find out what you have in store. :)
Yay! New chapter yay! Thank you so much for updating, this is one of my favorite stories!
Welcome back! I've missed your wonderful writing! If you do move to another site, would you please link it or provide the information so that I can follow you? Just getting you back - I'm in no mood to lose you again!
Hi TL,
Thank you so much for this update. Finally Kagome birth! I love this story, you always take your time and develope wonderful characters they give such life to a story. I truly love this story as I do all your others. I hope they get all the site issues under control. LJ has yet to post your recent update to "Negotiations," even though I got an alert that it had been. It was just by chance that I was browsing FF.net. and found it there with some of your other stories.
Thank you again for the update you have the best FF out there!
That was awesome!! Thank-you so very much for the update, I adored it.
Now, I m salivating for the next chapter.
I love how you brought everything back full circle, every action deserves an epic reaction!!!
Now, I need to update a certain story of my own.
Thanks Again. :)
I'm so happy you've finally updated your story! I hope you continue the story and complete it. It sad to here you may be taking your stories down and moving to a new site. If and when you do can you before hand make a notice letting all your fans know where too and if you'll still use your authors name.
As for possible websites here's a few I been to and have seen good fanfic's from other writers:
There's also mediaminer.org
Another Possibility is > AdultFanfiction.net
Anyways I hope these help. :)
gosh i love your story SO much and am happy you updated after such a long time!i love this chapter especially, with sesshoumaru finally realizing he made a monumental mistake. when you decided to post your story elsewhere, would you mind giving me a link? or are you informing us all where to look for? i hope ill read from you soon.
Oh my goodness that ending almost made me cry!
I know sesshomaru was a complete ***hole in the beginning but I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him.
omg thnk thnk u ive been keepin hope for so long tht this story would be updated and wht a great chap it was kagome is going to b a very good mother <3
Wow......you updated!
I thought i had my Favorite Stories list out of order or something when I saw this at the top, but I'm not complaining! I can only hope that we will see more from you on this story as well as others.
Love it! Also, its... alive! She lives! YAY!
I wish I could help you find another site to post on, but here is the best I have found. Is there any way you could keep posting here instead?
HOLY MOTHER! YOU'RE BACK!! No beta needed! Exquisite chapter!!! Don't ever leave me again! xoxo!!!
God i feel bad for Sesshomaru
he regrets what he did but kagome doesn't believe him
LOOKEE WHO'S BACK!! WELCOME BACK, MISSY!! I'm loving this update. It looks like the ice in Sesshomaru's heart is starting to melt a little bit. And a perfect name for their pup. Aisoku. I love it. Looking forward to more. *big huggies*
I finished reading it abd loved it sao much.
It was so cool and I hope you write more.
#1 Fan
review please I can't wait for the next chapter
in the last chapters you spelled kilala wrong.
~_~^-^~_~ - Ditto Princess
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