Love love loved it!!!! Update soon!
Please update want more!
Please continue this!
I got some comments about the characters. its nothing bad. Just that i hate kagome. but i love the author.
I hate how kagome who keeps trying to maintain her morale high ground (expecting sesh to remove the leash on her), when she in the first place, put a leash on inuyasha while still expecting inuyasha's love.
It always seemed to me like a typical tsundere-tsundere interaction, except that i find myself liking sesh much more than I like kagome. Sesh is a baby, who do not know a normal human behaviour and is learning. fast.
But kagome's character never really developed or even worst than in the manga. she was very forgiving in the manga, on how she was able to forgive even murderers and youkai's despite what they tried to do to her. so her reaction to inu was a bit out of wack. She also did not realise how her cold demenure to sesh will still greatly impact the baby. and she is still sulking on something that happens a year ago, despite sesh clearly trying to make ammendments.
Now im not saying sesh and inu is perfect oh no. they deserve to be in the predicament they are now. just that, i do also hope kagome's character can move to an even higher level.
Holy. this is the best fanfic ever!
Dokuga + Kinky really yields tons of good stuffs *snigger*
I guess the only thing I can do now is keep on bugging you!
Please update please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please *.*
If you do, I will give you a cookie! xD Seriously though pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
Please update soon, story is too good to leave unfinist.
Please please please please please please please update! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease :3
I´m dying over here! please! (puppy eyes *.*)
i really like your story. i can't wait to see where this goes.
MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!i love this story! please continue!!
For years, I have searched all number of different fanfictions sites to find a decent Sesshomaru story that stayed true to his canon personality. In all the decent stories I found, he always seemed so quick to be affectionate and lovey dovey during the sex scenes. I stumbled onto this site by way of your fanficiton link on google by accident, and I must say that this is the BEST Sesshomaru fanfiction I have ever read. I was never particularly fond of the Kagome and Sesshomaru ship, but you've made me believe that it works. I spent all day reading it, and could barely stop to get drinks. I hope this story keeps going for a long time because I cannot WAIT to see how it ends. Keep up the fantastic work.
me gusta mucho esta historia la encontre ase poco y me gusto mucho que los personajues no pierden su esencia tienes mucho talento para escribir y grasias por compartir
Hello, my daughter has already sent one review under my name, so I thought you should get one from the real pclark. I have so enjoyed what your mind has come up with for this story. I do hope to see more updates, I can not wait for when Sesshomaru finally realizes that he is stupid. I do hope that his realization comes in the form of his son confronting him with what he has done. No child would want to know that they were concieved by rape and not by their parents loving each other. And I also can not wait until Choices is updated. Keep writing no matter what.
So hope to read more soon i really like this story
Need... more.. please
II'm like this story it I brings drama to a boring day. Thanks
Looking good my dear. You are making Kiyo more antagonistic then I have read n any other IY story without making her too much OOC. Now this will become interesting indeed. Congrats on with publication and semi success with your books.
Update again ASAP.
Authoress smcandy
Thank you so much for updating your story. I really enjoyed how “clueless” and prideful Sesshoumaru continues to be in this chapter. Though he tells her repeatedly how much he “values” her, and has promised not to “discipline” her physically, he threatens her with even stricter imprisonment, to be confined solely to their suite, their personal chambers, never to be allowed out side for a whole year… now that will most CERTAINLY engender the tender feelings within her he so desires! Poor Kagome. I know you’ve said in your author’s notes that they will eventually be happy together, I certainly look forward to seeing how you pull it all together after all that’s happened. Especially since you are portraying her as someone who is actually strong of spirit & mind, not a weak minded pushover.Thanks, again.
this story is so sad yet i love it thanks.
I'm so happy to see an update :) and what a lovely update too! Thank you so much for taking the time to do so, I know its hard to find the time :) update when you can <3
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