Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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DemonQueen17 (Chapter 27) - Thu 12 Jul 2012

Kikyo's darkness is about to come out real soon. I don't think she's going to heed Sesshomaru's declaration of banishment. She's going to try to get revenge on him AND Kagome for wishing the Jewel out of existence. I have a feeling things are going to take a turn for the worse.

Katrina (Chapter 1) - Thu 12 Jul 2012

The more I read, the angery and pissed off I get at Sesshomaru. This guy makes me sick, having kagome was a display like a fucking object. Kagura should stop day dreaming and get a reality check. I mean, she been though a lot with Naraku and now she planning on killing Kagome. Now, that just foolishness. I would hate to see her as a villian, and hope that Kagura will withness or listen to kagome of what the poor girl goes though everyday and night. Maybe she realize it, and feel bad for her. I guess I willl just have to keep reading your story and find out what will happen next.

NightQueen (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

God I didn't think I could despise sesshoumaru more, but you did it. He doesn't get it and kagomes loathing is growing by leaps and bounds!! I don't know how this is ever going to end well. I just don't know how she'll ever forgive him! I feel emotionally involved in this story. It's so well told and heartwrenching. Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

Tex, Here's the concrit I promised you last night. I'm feeling pretty clear-headed today.


Instead he reminded himself that he had caused a significant amount of pain, distrust, and pain in his mate.


especially noble bred women, therefore

especially nobly-bred women, therefore,


than a humans.”

than a human.

now that I see him ….

now that I see him ”    (elipses are always 3 dots. picky of me, I know.)


getting all teary eyed at

getting all teary-eyed at


Normally if she did not immediately obey him

Normally, if she did not immediately obey him,


retake his defense position near the wall. 

retake his defensive position near the wall. 


he had so thoroughly defeated and humiliated after Naraku’s [defeat] fall (I thought that fall would sound better than using defeat a second time in the same sentence.)

Nodding towards the hand carved cradle

Nodding towards the hand-carved cradle

“Mommy loves.  So much. 

“Mommy loves you.  So much.   [Did you intend to put you in there? It makes sense, rather than just "Mommy loves."]

the pregnancy that would probably never go away that completed

the pregnancy that would probably never go away [that] which completed  [Consider using which instead of that as you have used that before in the sentence.]


In short she was absolutely beautiful to him. 

In short, she was absolutely beautiful to him. 

she was the woman that had birthed his son

she was the woman who had birthed his son   [Kagome is a person, not a thing; therefore, who would be proper usage as opposed to that.]


pitiful attempt on her part to pus him away,

pitiful attempt on her part to push him away,


his need for ripping and clawing at him. 

his need for her ripping and clawing at him. 


Sesshoumaru has expressed a wish that I have yours and his wards favorite dishes prepared for the

Sesshoumaru-sama has expressed a wish that I have your[s and his] wards' favorite dishes prepared for the

(I'm not really sure where to go with this part of the sentence. Maybe make it: that I have His and your wards' favorite dishes. Jaken would be most likely to put Sesshoumaru-sama before the dirty human. LOL)


Across Japan Kagura hopped off her feather

Across Japan, Kagura hopped off her feather


as Inuyasha dropped to a defense crouch

as Inuyasha dropped to a defensive crouch(You really should use the adjective form of defense as you are using it to describe the crouch.)


She is nothing and no one, and nothing can never create

She is nothing and no one and nothing can never create


Kikyo and Inuyasha’s mind before she plucked

Kikyo and Inuyasha’s minds before she plucked


I’m a miko, I’ve seen for myself how

I’m a miko; I’ve seen for myself how


Each clung desperately to the belief that the Wind Witches message

Each clung desperately to the belief that the Wind Witch's message


because the truth was just to awful to accept.

because the truth was just to awful too accept.


Those stupid fucking guards never let her out of their sight!

Those stupid, fucking guards never let her out of their sight!


All I can say is: WOW! You DO manage to keep the tension going! I honestly don't see how you are going to EVER get Kagome to forgive Sesshoumaru and then do a 180 and actually LOVE him!  But I'm hanging by my claws just waiting to see what comes next from your fertile brain.




Paradise_Kiss (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

Yay, now sth drastic is gonna happen!! XD Can't waaaait!!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

I forgot to mention if only Inuyasha knew of his 'mate's' hand in all of this. I have a feeling he's gonig to lose his mind. Bad enough that Kagome never wants anything to do with him, which I don't blame her for, but that Kikyo had something to do with the conspiracy with Sesshomaru. The deluded hanyou would probably never touch Kikyo again after that. Truth hurts. I hope Sesshomaru suffers too. You don't force your mate to rut if she doesn't want to. Whether he wants to believe it or not, rutting without your mate's consent is RAPE, plain and simple, even though the only good thing that came out of it was that cute little puppy Aisoku. Hopefully, he doesn't end up being like his father.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

Keep it coming.

TruGemini (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

Kikyo and Inuyasha still in denial as always. When is she going to realize that clay is not human tissue. You may be more of a woman on the outside now, but not on the inside. Inuyasha is just stupid. I see Kagura looking forward to her end because surely she'll die before Kagome. Great chapter. Sesshomaru has not heeded Midoriko's words at all so it will surely be long before he can understand and work to build what he wants. Even now, any start he makes he fails instantly due to his actions. Poor Kagome.

rose (Chapter 1) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

karuga is going to die  cant wait for the next chapter

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

Kagura has just signed her death warrant. As for Inuyasha and Kikyo, as much as I feel bad for Inuyasha, it serves him right. I wonder what's going to happen down the road between those two. Hmm, perhaps a lot more pain. Can't wait for the next chapter.

henandchicks (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

Again, thank you so much for coming back!  You were missed so very much during your absence.  You are continuing this story in such a believable and exciting way.  Poor Kagome.  I'm glad you are allowing her to be strong at this point and not just give in to Sesshomaru's desires.  It was hard to read that chapter in some ways, but it was really well done.  

Crystal (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

So glad your updating again! Are you going to be updating C&C again too?


I still feel so bad for kagome! My heart reacts so much to your style of writing. I couldn't help but hope that Kagura does kill Kagome to put her out of her misery, but we know that Sesshoumaru  would bring her back with the tensaiga. Ugh. I can kind of see Sesshoumaru's side, but I feel for Kagome ssooo much more. To be forced to "like" what is a terror in your mind. 

Tarawriter (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

As always, I think your writing style is excellent; you have a knack for quick paced narratives and dialog, something I delight in reading!  That aside, it's a very good thing Kagome's personality wasn't modeled after mine, heh.  If it took me thousands upon thousands of years I'd find a way to flay Sesshoumaru alive, and then I'd serve his blood to Jaken in smoothies.  Maybe drink a few myself.  A good writer is capable of opening a door readers can walk through to feel anger and love on behalf of characters, and you have done quite the job of this!  Never have I loathed Sesshoumaru more.  In terms of characterization, I do think you have both of them nailed.  I really like strong Kagome-even if she's incapable of defending herself at the moment she's still exceptionally strong in mind and spirit, which I really do love about this fic!

raindancer13 (Chapter 14) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

I wonder if Kagome and Kanji will be unlikely friends. lol I know I have more chapters to read but it was a thought that kind of crossed my mind.

Sess Koibito (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

It made my day to see a new chapter posted! Awesome as always! I wonder how long until Kagome is pregnant again? And what is Kagura's plan to get rid of Kagome? Somebody has to be able to remove Kagome's collar!  :D

Night (Chapter 27) - Wed 11 Jul 2012

Great chapter~ Overprotective Kagome is cool. And poor her, she got raped again. I couldn't believe Sesshoumaru hired Kagura, but she is probably gonna get fired soon literally.:P I hope u update soon :)

Melyssa (Chapter 26) - Sun 08 Jul 2012

update soon. cant wait for the next chapter. when do u think Sesshoumaru will take the coller off of Kagome to show he trusts her get her to start trusting him?

Snow-inu (Chapter 26) - Sat 07 Jul 2012

god i cant believe you mad me hate sesshoumaru so much that i cannot feel pity for the pain he is in damn you are an amazing author

amanda (Chapter 26) - Fri 06 Jul 2012

ur story is great i just read all the chapters sofar and wow.

Snow-inu (Chapter 14) - Fri 06 Jul 2012

can i just say wow i cant imagine how you wrote this fic ive read plenty of dark!sessh stories before but i have never hated him like i do in your story its kinda amazing and horrible please do continue

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