I heart Sesshomaru
Name: Sarah
Age: 16
Location: My room
More Detailed Location: A little tiny island in the Caribbean called Grand Cayman
Obsessions: Sesshomaru, Harry Potter, POTC, Music, Sleeping
More About Me: I have long dark brown hair, bluish gray eyes, about 5'4. I'm going into 12th grade (yikes!). I'm kinda quirky, and compared to everyone in my tiny school of 400 kids (and that's grades K-12) I'm definately different then most. While most people are into rap and all that ghetto crap, I'm the girl that's been labeled 'goth freak' even though I am no where near goth. My waredrobe consists of a shirt (probably from PacSun) jeans and a pair of converse. Does that sound goth to you? Anyway, I mostly hang out with people from other schools except one or two people in my school (one of them being my bestest best friend and one of my only best 'girlfriends'). Yep, you can mostly find me within a crowd of guys. I'm not very girly... and most of my friends would say I'm lazy... but I like to call it being extremely laid back.
I enjoy spending a ridiculous amount of time on the computer reading fanfics. I swear it'll be the death of me.
Anyway, I can't really be bothered to type anything else, not that any of you really care. =]
And if you want... you can go watch the AMV I made on YouTube.....
It's about Kagome and Sesshomaru.