I sent you a PM. Hopefully, to the CORRECT acct this time! But I also wanted to publicly apologize for botching this up royally. It was an honest mistake, but it was a doozy and I sincerely hope you can forgive me! I grovel some more in the PM
Please read it. I'm very very very sorry to have deleted this story on you - and you, you poor thing, having no idea why or how! This was MY mistake and I take full responcibility. I just hope you can forgive me!
ADDENDUM: I've just gone through and checked my sent message and its again gone to the wrong Rika. I believe there may be an issue with the system, because I sent your PM from your profile (as I had done before) and it sent the message, brought me back to your profile, but sent the message to someplace else.
We're trying to work on this! again, I apologize, but at least now we know it LOOKS like a system error causing the issues, so we can hopefully fix it! (unless I'm still messing up somewhere?)