I still think it was my brother's keeper but kogasangel. She's put it on a few sites, and some have more chapters then others.
The fic your thinking about,...?
Kagome's purgy, lives with inuyasha and kouga in an apartment.
They are frat guys, and their fraternity comes over, everyone there has something
horrible to say about kagome and her weight, except sess i think.
kagome's so upset that she leaves to go to her aunt keade who puts her on a diet.
there she meets 2 friends, and ends up staying through the next semester.
she loses like 50 - 100 poulds and she and her 2 friends end up going back to kagome's apartment,
where they end up helping her move out after she tells off inu/kouga/and all his frat brothers
she ends up a model, and her male model partner ends up really liking her, while sess wants her too?
if this is the story your thinking of, then it wasn't complete, and it IS My brother's Keeper.
My Brother's Keeper
Dokuga's version:
www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/2520/1 (9 chapters)
Spark's version:
www.dokuga.com/spark/story/4531/1 (7 chapters)
AFF's version:
inu.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600005337&chapter=1 (8 chapters)
FFN's version:
www.fanfiction.net/s/3401010/1/My_bBrothers_b_bKeeper_b (8 chapters)
All are the same fic, so the highest rating of MA applies to all links.