Title: Revolution by Pensierri32
Summary: She had taken from him everything he had built, cherished. For that, she would help him in his revolution, help him rectify the mistaken, twisted desires of the Jewel of Four Souls and his idiot brother. She would become his in every way. S/K
Details: Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 54,119 - Updated: 10-24-09 - Published: 2-16-09 - Sesshomaru & Kagome -
Currently only on FF. I'm working on that!
My Opinion: Okay this is not your run of the mill SK fic, its not complete first off but it's over 50k and its passionate. This is more fanciful writing then anything else but its got a magic touch that i find i really like. Many times when the final wish is made, the idea is that Kagome herself becomes some kind of magical creature, demon or otherwise and SK live happily ever after.
This fic, is a total 180 from the norm.
The idea is that when the evil hanyou is defeated the jewel restored, Kagome keeps her promise and wishes on the jewel for Inuyasha's happiness. What she never expected was that his happiness would be so cruel to all the world. The wish leaves in the place of time as it was, a time where changes like magic casting more then sword fighting. Kikyo, Izayoi, and Inupapa now alive, Kagome enslaved, Rin changed into the thing that Inuyasha perceives Sesshomaru hates most.
Inupapa is a cruel tyrant upon once again, His first death making it so that Sesshomaru had to work hard to fix all the issues the Tyrant Papa caused when alive. Now not only is a revolution is starting, one where Sesshomaru takes Kagome and tells her that she helped cause the problem and she will help him fix it! BUT, The wish has basically flipped the world upside down and made many of the good guys bad, and the bad guys good. A budding and sweet romance even falls between characters that you might never think to pair together too!
Its a shock to read it really, but at the same time i find myself totally captivated by the story b/c it is so very out of the norm. There's a magical feel to reading it, it reminds me something of Dungeons and Dragons, or LOTR's, even Happy Potter, with the fact that there are spells and mages, but it all seems to work and flow very well with the fic. If you like that kind of Genre applied to IY then i think you'll love this fic. Like i said I'm enthralled by it! I hope some of you take the time to read this fic, and comment to the author about it, maybe even help me get it brought over here!
Okay so thats my say, go read it! love it! review it! help me get it over here!
- r0o