Here is the challenge or treasure hunt for Super Bowl - Dokuga Style. Embedded into the story, so far, are
over 100 titles of IY fanfiction stories. Be advised, not all of them are from Dokuga. There are titles to chapter stories and oneshots, as well as titles from within oneshot collections. At the conclusion of the chapters containing the embedded titles, which will be announced, I will make a monetary donation to Dokuga in the name of the person who finds the most embedded titles. Compliments of the awesome, gracious, and artistically talented Priestess Skye, the winner will also receive a token for their profile.
You will have to give me the title and author in a reply on the Challenge Forum. Karma will be given for the first two titles found. Some chapters have a few, some chapters have a lot. Unfortunately, this was supposed to be a oneshot that has morphed out of control into a chapter story.
I will list the titles, as they are found, in an Epilogue in order to keep count. It will be numbered and listed by title, author, date found, and the name of the first person who correctly answers the challenge. There will only be one reader named for each title found, and will go by the order of the answers received in the Challenge Forum.
Any questions, please reply to the challenge, or PM me. Good Luck!
P.S. – First clue. In Chapter 1 there are 21 titles.