Looking for another fic (two exactly):
Lord of the South and East(?) ask "with" the Lord of the West Kagome and her pack to help defeat Naraku. Sesshoumaru really, really doesn't like the idea. Truth be told Kagome also doesn't but she goes along with if the other Lords will "hold" back Sessoumaru 'cause he really, really doesn't like the idea.

So they agree but till they wait and organise everything out Sesshoumaru makes Kags and the rest work in the shiro: Kags first in the kitchen with a bear/"horse" demon then helps Jaken out in private (but of course Sesshy knows otherwise after a while...), Inuyasha will beat up the troops, Sango is making swords, Miroku is going/coming around making him a mediator(?).
The another one I am totally not sure if this is real or just an idea for a fic: Kagome lives with Shippo in the modern(?)era. Kags and Sesshy meet but they hate each other at first sight because of a spilled coffee(?). Than it comes to light that they work with each other. You know what's next? War... Or something like that but Shippo has a good idea: matchmaking. Total disaster.
Thanks for helping and I hope it was a good idea to make a new thread. If not I am sorry.