Okay, Hello.. Thanks for looking in here.
Anyways, I am looking for 2 fics.
1: Kagome meets idk who.. (i think it's Sesshoumaru's father or grandfather can't remember) and erm things happen and kagome went into a sleep behind doors that could only be opened by the guy who was meant to be her mate. (she was a human but during the sleep, she changed into a demon).
2: Somehow Sesshoumaru was entrusted with Kagome's sleeping body,then Sesshoumaru was forced to take a mate. Whom he did not allow to sleep his bed because Kagome was there. One day his mate went into his room and saw that Kagome was there, she injured her. When Sesshoumaru found out, he flipped (obviously LOL :cause she was something he had sworn to protect or something).
And that's all I remember, Cookies to those who help me find them

Thxs in advance =D