I remember it is complete, AU and here is what i remember:
Kagome goes to cabin with her friends (Inu, Rin, Sango, Mirkou) while Sess is in another cabin by himself nearby. The group is supposed to be studying (the story told to their folks) but this is a lie. They only brought Kag along so they could go, since they all think she a little goody-two-shoes and none of them actually like her. While the four sexual deviants are in mid-orgy, (and they don't know Kag's hears them), they let this knowledge slip. Kag then runs, stumbling to Sess's private cabin, where she holds up for the remainder of the storm. And all is revealed to Kag about Sess's feelings and steamy inu luvin' commences.
It is several chapters long. I've racked my brains and did exhausted searches on A Single Spark to no avail.
Please help.