Ok so i have once again blanked on the title of the fic im looking for

. What i remember is that Kagome is essentially neglected and living on the outskirts of the village. The village only barely tolerates her because of the miko skills she possesses. Sango and inuyasha have mated because they have a common issue with kagome. They blame her for the deaths of miroku and Kikyo. Her isolation gets to her and she bargains with Sesshoumaru to rape her so she can have some sort of physical closeness with someone. He eventually goes beyond the agreement looking for ways to make it permanent and take her away from the bad situation she is in. During her yearly trip to visit the graves Sesshoumaru follows her and eventually mates her after disposing of the jewel.
Hopefully this is enough for someone to get me to this story again. Also if anyone has any recommendations for stories where Sesshoumaru comes to an abused/neglected kagomes rescue, or vise versa i would really appreciate it. If they are complete even better