Inuyasha/Kagome/Sesshomaru con fetiche voyeur. 8 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 2
I'm looking for a fic that starts only with Inuyasha and Kagome, both with a fetish strange to be observed in the act, Inuyasha Sesshomaru offers witness their "sessions" and ends up joining directly. In the story the hanyous are sterile, so when Kagome is pregnant near the end there is no doubt who is the father, aborts due to an attack of Naraku and her mother is not happy about any of this, however Kagome chooses to stay with them.
I remember that was full but I'm not sure, and it's like a little "Menage au Inu" Sunset Miko but can not remember the title or if I was here in Dokuga or ff.net.
I've been months looking for her, if someone recognizes something that I mentioned please appreciate it.
EDIT BY WICCAN: "Menage au Inu" is rated MA, NO YIMs!
Last Edit: 2016/03/09 22:27 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Insert rating
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Posts: 228
Re:Inuyasha/Kagome/Sesshomaru con fetiche voyeur. 8 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 72
This kinda sounds like Aberrancy by Speedy Tomato Definitely rated MA so no yims plz!
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Re:Inuyasha/Kagome/Sesshomaru con fetiche voyeur. 8 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 2
Thank you! indeed is "Aberration" Speedy Tomato, you can not imagine how frustrated she was looking after so long without success. And it's funny because in reality and pass ever for their fics.
Well, not if you give it a abazo to you, ask the person who recommended me here, or the author for the creation of the fic, well, the three then.
By the way, I found ponias a warning that "No Yims" I apologize if I committed any breach of the rules of the forum, but I have to use the translator to read and write, not a very good translator that, so to I often lose detail even using my little knowledge of English and imagination, there are still some expressions or words I stay without understanding.
Damn, copy and paste the answer in Spanish rather than English and almost sent him. XDD
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