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Fic: Rin dead, Sess in anguish found by Inu & Kag
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TOPIC: Fic: Rin dead, Sess in anguish found by Inu & Kag
Tourmaline Blue
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Fic: Rin dead, Sess in anguish found by Inu & Kag 10 Years ago Karma: 20
I'm searching for a fanfiction I read a little over 5 months ago, where in the story Sesshomaru finds the remains of his companions and is holding the broken body of the child Rin and Inuyasha and Kagome find Sesshomaru and Kagome wanting to help him.

This fic was intended to grow into a Sess/Kag pairing fic.

Takes place in the feudal era
I believe there was only a handful of Chapters in this story (approx 5 at the time i read it)and was still in progress.

But here are details of what i remember of this fanfic:

I guess in the story(since it's how it came across) Kagome as of yet hasn't officially met Sesshomaru and only Kagome and Inuyasha are traveling together.(not sure if because they're traveling without their other companions or they haven't met their companions yet in the story if the author has chosen to write the fic as somewhat alternate universe)

The story first starts off with Sesshomaru crouched in the dirt over Rins remains (HE's feeling rage, anguish the sense of loss over the child Rin and a sense of shock at how her death is affecting him)
going over mentally how his ward has gruesomely perished her body torn apart. (If i recall correctly ah-un and Jaken died trying to protect her)Him contemplating her presence in his life ( how at first she was an experiment with Tenseiga and how he should have regarded her as nothing more than a pet and yet how now that he's lost her she has left him feeling a incredible loss, and sense of failure. His internal monologue details how her presence affected him as he traveled and how she changed him as well.

Both Inuyasha & Kagome are traveling together chatting away and they get on the topic of his family, Inuyasha tells Kagome a bit about Sesshomaru and how much of bastard he believes him to be. Inuyasha and kagome hear the bestial cry of Sesshomaru and investigate the massive youkai, they come upon Sesshomaru, of course once they find him Kagome looks upon his bent in the ground form crumpled over either i believe the grave he made for Rin or pieces of her kimono ( I'm guessing since I'm not a hundred percent able to recall if he buried her body) . Kagome feels his pain approaches Sesshomaru and hugs him in order to comfort him.
(at first it seems he accepts Kagome's hug for he hugs her back, but that soon changes as Sesshomaru continues his internal analysis of his memories and feelings)

Sesshomaru mentally is going through his emotions, how he should have never allowed a little girl to travel with him and be a liability and having her in his life has left him vulnerable and her death has made him feel pain. He makes up his mind that he doesn't want to feel the loss and pain anymore and decides to revert back to his cold self the person he was before he met rin, in order --to obviously block out the pain he's feeling-- but also to be the once proud ruthless Demon lord who ruled without mercy and wasn't susceptible to his emotions and feelings. To gain back what i believe he thinks i his pride as a demon and re-seek the power of Supreme conquest.

(He Basically wants to revert back to his old ways)

He turns into Kagome and decides in order to be the ruthless demon he considers himself to be he should be able to kill Kagome without remorse and he grabs her by the neck after whispering softly in her here that her weakness will bring her death (I can't remember word for word what he says to her only that he spurns her need to give him comfort) Although in this scene he's portrayed as both interested in what she has to say as she tries to talk him through his grief and eagerness to kill her and yet eagerly watches Kagome squirm in his grasp as he is eagerly about to soon take her life, he lifts her in the air strangling her and Kagome thinks she's about to die when Inuyasha interferes punching Sesshomaru who in shock drops Kagome to the ground which I think Inuyasha make a snarky comment to Kagome( telling Kagome 'see i told you he was a bastard' or something of that ilk)

and that was the final chapter of the story i read
I will say the chapters were well written

In my opinion it was such a emotionally compelling story to read that know I can't help but want to read it again.

note: the fic I'm searching for is Not to be confused with: Golden Veil by BelovedStranger (EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is MA, no YIMs!)
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Last Edit: 2015/03/04 23:57 By TourmalineBlue. Reason: edit
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Re:Fic: Rin dead, Sess in anguish found by Inu & Kag 10 Years ago Karma: 5
i red a story where rin dies from hypothermia sending sesshomaru over the edge and forcing kagome to bid her self to him with a comand like inu yashas but i cant remember the name.
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Kagome Yuki Niwa
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Re:Fic: Rin dead, Sess in anguish found by Inu & Kag 10 Years ago Karma: 38
i red a story where rin dies from hypothermia sending sesshomaru over the edge and forcing kagome to bid her self to him with a comand like inu yashas but i cant remember the name

The one you're looking for SilverInu is mine! :3 That's A Demon Lord's Cry! I don't know about the other one :/ Sorry!

(EDIT BY DEMONQUEEN17: Rated MA, so no YIMs)
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Last Edit: 2015/03/04 15:53 By DemonQueen17.
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Re:Fic: Rin dead, Sess in anguish found by Inu & Kag 10 Years ago Karma: 5
it was sad for me but good, but i still want to read that story above thanks to Tourmaline Blue Lol
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Fic: Rin dead, Sess in anguish found by Inu & Kag 10 Years ago Karma: 95
Tourmaline Blue wrote:
The story first starts off with Sesshomaru crouched in the dirt over Rins remains (HE's feeling rage, anguish the sense of loss over the child Rin and a sense of shock at how her death is affecting him)
going over mentally how his ward has gruesomely perished her body torn apart. (If i recall correctly ah-un and Jaken died trying to protect her)Him contemplating her presence in his life ( how at first she was an experiment with Tenseiga and how he should have regarded her as nothing more than a pet and yet how now that he's lost her she has left him feeling a incredible loss, and sense of failure. His internal monologue details how her presence affected him as he traveled and how she changed him as well.

I can think of 2 stories that are not exactly what you describe but very similar.

Boundby Jesaka Karanaka
Devestation, blind rage, borderline madness - all things Sesshoumaru never thought he'd have to face again. But now that the Western Palace has fallen, he will get his retribution. Kagome had no clue what was in store for her when the Taiyoukai appeared with the witch, but she wouldn't give it up now for anything.
Rated MA so no YIMs

Midnight meets Moonlight by Mujitsu
(1st place winner in Best Romance and 1st place of Best Kagome Portrayal on A Single Spark! Thank you to who voted!) Kagome meets a present day Sesshoumaru and goes back to the Sengoku Jidai, only to meet the formidable TaiYoukai there. Can romance happen?
Rated MA so no YIMs
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I claimed Shippo`s mushroom in the claim game.

Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun.
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Tourmaline Blue
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Re:Fic: Rin dead, Sess in anguish found by Inu & Kag 10 Years ago Karma: 20
Thank you Shrine Girl for mentioning Bound by Jesaka Karanaka and Midnight meets Moonlight by Mujitsu, I've read them both in my years as a reader and love reading them still.

And though they share a few slight similarities they are sadly not the fic I'm hoping to find.

I will say that at the time i read the fic I'm trying to search for, I was also frequenting other fanfiction websites at the time. ( which of course makes this search even more difficult since I struggle to remember which fanfic site it was on)

I at the time was mostly reading on Dokuga and but had also visited AO3( Archive of Our Own, and ( at the time I read this fic. Suffice to say I strongly believe it was on one of these 4 websites due to the fact I remember being on these websites at the time.
Personally I'm strongly leaning towards and, but well see if I can find it or someone else can help me in doing so and also I believe the story was in text on a plain white background.
I feel mentioning this could sort of by pass a few fanfiction websites I know of that have Sess/Kag fanfiction, due to the fact that others I've visited don't have text on a plain white background.

But well see you and the other readers viewing this post may be able to find it on other fanfiction sites that I just didn't happen to know about.

Well best of luck since my search for this story is still underway.
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Last Edit: 2015/03/06 08:33 By TourmalineBlue. Reason: edit
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