A couple of weeks ago someone posted in DemonLordLover2 group searching for a story...it is driving me crazy! I'm dying to read it and so far no one has responded with the name. Here is the summary that was posted:
Hey guys could you help me I'm looking for a story where Sesshomaru gets frustrated by the press and blurts our Kagomes' name to get them off his back thinking that her name doesn't exist. After finding out that she exists they move in together to keep up the charade. Sesshomaru's ex Kagura comes back and ruins their relationship and Kagome leaves him. I also remember that kagome had a disease that made her cough up blood. Another thing I remember was that Kagura was there because Naraku told her to and she left as soon as she finished distroying their relationship.
Please help: I can't remember what it was called or where I found it.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? Please help retain my sanity!
