I'm looking for what I think are two really long oneshots.
The first has to do with Kagome running into Sesshomaru in her time, and the way he talks to her lets us know that they had a relationship in the past only she has no idea what he's talking about. He realizes that she hadn't begun to interact with his past self yet. I remember that the well is a sort of third character in the plot. I think it was trying to fix a glitch, which I'm guessing is the relationship with Kagome and Sesshomaru. I remember Sesshomaru smokes, and he has short hair. Seeing he had short hair is what started them in the past I think. She sees his past self with his long hair and she runs and touches it. I think he was amused at her audacity to touch him so he didn't kill her, just walked away. From there I think it escalates. I think that Sesshomaru liked that she touched him; I think he had been missing that, the affection, in his life being a dog demon and all. I also remember that present day Sesshomaru wouldn't tell Kagome what happened between them until she had certain meetings with his past self.
The second one takes place in the present day after the well closes. Sesshomaru and Kagome meet up somehow and they start seeing each other. I think something happened around the middle to end of the story that made Kagome angry with Sesshomaru and she stops seeing him. I think he wouldn't mate her and she wanted to know why not but he wouldn't give a reason. Although I could be wrong about that. I think that because she was angry with him and refused to speak to him or forgive him Sesshomaru starts to die, like literally allowing himself to fade away and die because he couldn't live without her. I think while he was fading away Inuyasha comes and talks to him, but I think he's either a ghost or a kami. Because all of the shard hunters were rewarded by the kami. I also think he was dating or mated to Rin...who might be the ghost instead of him. Being a kami might allow him to be able to be with her. I don't remember. I also want to say that Sesshomaru is a doctor but I'm not sure. I also remember that Kagome was going to bring Shippo through the well to her time. She had made preparations to enroll him into school and everything, but before she could bring him he was killed by either a demon or an animal that had attacked him and some of the village kids I think. By the time Kagome came back to get him he was dead. I think she brought his body back, and Sesshomaru was able to bring him back to life. I also think that Sango and Miroku are also alive but we don't see them in the story.
I hope someone recognizes these, and that what I remember helps to find them.