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Himura Asami
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RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
At last!
This is the happiest day of my life. Well... that may be a bit of an overstatement, but come on. I've been waiting for this for forever, with no hope that it would actually happen, and here it is!!

J.K. Rowling questions Ron and Hermione’s relationship

The authoress herself says that Ron and Hermione shouldn't have ended up together.
Granted, I was hoping for her to validate Dramione, but Harmione if better that Ron and Hermione. I mean, come on. They don't even have an awesome name combination.

Now all that's left is to hear Takahashi-sensei say that Sesshomaru and Kagome is the best pairing in the world and that Inu/Kag was a mistake and I can die happy.
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Ai Roku
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7
That's probably the best news I'll hear for months, thank so much for sharing!

I love J.K. but I'm so happy that she's finally admitting what the fans have known all along. I mean come on they had nothing in common, any relationship between them would never last.

I'm a Snapmione girl myself *What don't give me that look I only support it if she's of age! Just think about Jane Eyre one the most beloved romance novels of all time. Jane was 19 and Rochester was 40! Besides think of the age difference between Kagome and Sesshy, so there!* )

Dramione is a nice pairing as well, almost anything is better than Hermione and Ron! XD

If Takahashi-sensei ever does come out and say that Sess/Kag would be a better pairing I say we Dokugans throw the mother of all parties to celebrate!
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Last Edit: 2014/02/03 07:35 By Ai Roku. Reason: Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes XD
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
I totally get the whole Snapmione thing. In fact, I'd be willing to get Nevile/Hermione! I'm just so glad Rowling admits to it.

And that would be an epic party. I mean... woah. Epic.
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Ai Roku
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7
Snape and Hermione have similar personalities and I think they would be good for one another.
I'm glad you get it, you would not believe the looks I get when I say I support that pairing! (Still not as bad as when I wear my "Have you shagged you potions master today" T-shirt out in public, but still!)

Ah, it's always nice to find a fellow Potterhead!

That party would be an utter blowout! I really hope it happens, then my life would be complete! XD
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
Oh my goodness.
Where in the world did you get that shirt? I would love a shirt like that!
T shirts with sayings and quotes that only fellow fans of books are my favorite things ever!
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 62
LOL, finally! I have never shipped Ron/Hermione and they never did seem like a good match to me.
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 10
I am so glad that there are others that feel the same way that I do!!! Normally, I try not to hate pairings ,but Ron/Hermione is one that I cannot stand! Im being nice when I say that Ron is my least favorite in the series! Its nice to know that even the JK regrets her decision to write them together... I'm more of a Dramione shipper myself, but Hermione is one of those characters that can be paired with quite a few Harry Potter characters.
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
I know! I couldn't stand Ron half of the time and hated him the other half.
I was terribly pleased when I read that Rowling considered killing him off.
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Ai Roku
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7
Himura Asami wrote:
Oh my goodness.
Where in the world did you get that shirt? I would love a shirt like that!
T shirts with sayings and quotes that only fellow fans of books are my favorite things ever!

I made that one myself along with a couple of others. I love showing of my biblio geekdom too!Well honestly I just like to show support for my favorite fandoms in any way I can. It's always nice when people who like the same thing stop you and ask about it, you find some great friends that way!

There's a cool website that you might like to check out, it's: . It's generally made up of crafters and you can find shirts, jewelry and various other items for just about anything!

I also agree about Ron. He was so whiny, I just wanted to smack him upside the head most of the time. And I could never forgive him for abandoning his pseudo girlfriend and adopted brother when they needed him the most! Harry didn't make him come, he volunteered, and just because he came back doesn't mean he got a free pass for leaving in the first place!

I wish J.k. would have killed him off, I would much rather Snape, Fred, Lupin, or Tonks have survived than him!
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 62
I have read some Severus/Hermione and Draco/Hermione. I tend to ship Voldemort/Hermione and Lucius/Hermione the most. I will *never* read a Ron/Hermione fic, bleh.
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
Hm! It sounds awesome! I can think of so many things I'd love to put on a t shirt, most of the having to do with the logistics of 50 hour a day naps.
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Ai Roku
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7
Ohh, 50 hour a day naps sound heavenly! Quick we need an arithmancer! (Wonder if Professor Vector or Hermione would help us? LoL )

I've read some good Tomione and/or Voldemione and Lusmione fics before. Honestly pretty much anyone would be better for Hermione than Ron!

Was I the only one who thought (at least after the first 3 books) that Hermione had a crush on Harry? I actually thought (before GOF anyway) that they might end up together.
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
I know right! It was seriously leaning that way!
Even in the fourth book I thought they'd be together, at least, before the Yule ball. Because, you know, she was by his side through it all even when Ron wasn't. And then there was that scene right before he went to face the dragon...
I was so sure!
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Ai Roku
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7
Thank you!
I know what you mean about GOF. (especially the pre dragon scene!)The only reason I didn't count it was that it was also in GOF where it started to look like Hermione had a crush on Ron. (I prayed it wasn't true but... T~T )

On the other hand, I could have sworn that Draco had a bit of a crush on Hermione. (You know that whole a boy always picks on the girl he likes thing.)
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
I know! And I would have been so pleased if they had gotten together because of the whole slap thing in book 3. I mean, if that isn't great relationship fodder, what is?
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Ai Roku
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7
They had this great dynamic going on! He was a slytherin, she was a griffyndor, he was a pureblood, she was a muggleborn... Ugh the romance practically writes itself!
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
I know! It's terrible when writers have this great relationship in the works and they botch it up trying to go for something "different." We reallt don't mind the whole cliché where arch enemies end up together. In fact, we love it. Why don't they know that about us?
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Time Traveler
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 57
LOL J.K didn't think Ron and Hermy should've been together? Now all I can imagine is a magical marital counseling session with Howlers, body-guards, and or some kind of charm that makes regular magical users muggles to stops them from zapping each other with curses, you know, during those emotional moments.

Someone will likely fanfic magical therapy now. No doubt. Although I did always like Harry x Hermy. I was never a fan of the Harry x Ginny canon, since we hardly ever see Ginny around in the books, later on. Herms is always there getting her boys out of trouble. She's awesome. Now I can also see a ficlet about Herms and the Weasley taking time out from one another. Maybe Harry would be stuck playing wizard in the middle, being the voice of reason, and trying to stop Herms from zapping Ron's redhair embarrasingly pink.

~ Pyre
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Last Edit: 2014/02/04 01:02 By Pyre.
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Kitana Tsukino-hime
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
So very true...

Yet, also sad somehow that they fail to realize it.
Makes me wonder if I should even read Book 6 & 7... Much less finish watching the movies. *sigh*
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
The books are definitely good if you can get past the nauseating Ron/Hermione relationship. Okay, now I'm making seem a whole lot worse than it is...
I wouldn't discourage finishing the series. I loved it!
You know... apart from the terrible end pairings.
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Ai Roku
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7
@Asami Himura:
The formula is simple: opposites attract!
And I'm not talking about two friends with different interests that bicker constantly. I'm talking about real conflict and obstacles to overcome.

I think that's why the Dramione, Snapemione, and Lucimione pairings are so popular.
You have all the conflict and angst along with the passion and common interests and understanding that make for truly epic romance.

You might be able to allow that Hermione and Ron could have a passionate romance, but when the passion is gone there'd be nothing left to build a long-term relationship on.

Firstly Pyre!!!
Secondly, I've actually seen the magical marital counseling thing before, although nowhere near as funny or involved as you've imagined.
Harry x Hermy is a solid pairing, (*cough cough, but I'm still a Snapemione girl! XD )and you have a point about the whole Ginny thing. I mean one day she's still an annoying little stalker fangirl my bestfriend's little sister to Harry, and the next she's his girlfriend!
And in conclusion, LoL pink hair would totally clash with his freckles! XD

@Kitana Tsukino-hime
Ultimately, I think both the books and the movies are worth it. And hey, if there're things you don't like or agree with than that's what fanfiction was made for!XD It's the ultimate release for spurned fangirls and boys who valiantly write the wrongs of a fandom's rightful owner! LoL
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 216
omg you guys make me laugh!

I recently and dangerously got myself hooked on HP fanfiction,

I'm going to say it bc no one else has, and we all know it

Ron = Inuyasha

both, loud, rude, annoying, insensitive!

If Hermione could sit him, we'd all have her doing it!

personally, i'm a HHr, Hr/WTwin(s) or Hr/Sirius but to each their own.

One thing i will say for JK is that while she did make SOME characters well thought out, others were flat, most of the characters that were not the trio, Dumbles, or the Weasley's seemed flat to me once i really thought about it. Honestly I've been fighting plunnies for KagomeHarry for a while, can't help but want to pair them off!
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
Hermione and the twins!
I love that. Don't tell anyone, but George/Hermione/Fred is my guilty pleasure.
But, if anyone asks, I stick to my Dramione OTP and never deviate. Ever.
Not even for the amazngness that is Hermione and the twins.
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Ai Roku
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7

Now I must admit that I too adore the Fred/Hermione/George goodness!
But to be honest my true guilty pleasure is Severus/Hermione/Sirius! Think about it, the intense rivalry and competitiveness; the need to outdo and show up the other, and you...*Ahem* I mean Hermione on the receiving end! *le sigh*

I won't tell anyone about your guilty pleasure if you don't tell anyone about mine!
To the outside world I shall remain solely devoted to Snapemione, but in secret I'll really be...Batman!! ....Wait that's not right....

P.S. The mental picture of Hermione sitting Ron has made me laugh so hard I fell off my chair!I can picture it now, Hermione swishing and flicking while shouting stulte sedeo sedi sessum!(Phew, that's a tongue twister!) Thanks Roo-sama I needed that! And now that you mention it there are a disturbing amount of similarities between Inuyasha and Ron Weasley! In Ron's own words...Scary! LoL
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Last Edit: 2014/02/04 06:31 By Ai Roku.
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Himura Asami
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Re:RON AND HERMIONE? GET REAL! 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9



Consider me your secret keeper. I promise I'll do a whole lot better than Wormtail.
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