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Odd Writing Habits
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TOPIC: Odd Writing Habits
Nisou Tenshi
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Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
Hi people of Dokuga!!

Most people here are fanfiction writers. Because of this, I am sure a lot of you have certain quirky things you do during the writing process. For example, does taking a long, relaxing shower help you come up with ideas for your story? Maybe reading other material that is similar or dissimilar to what you are writing? When you are writing is there a certain type of music that you usually listen to you?

As for me I have 2 main quirks. My first quirk is that when I am writing new material for a story of mine, I cannot start out by trying to type it on computer. I don't know why but when I try to start out any of the chapters of my stories on the computer they just suck. I could try to retype again and again but I am just not satisfied and it just ends up sounding not good to me. And then I end up getting a headache because I'm trying so hard and have been staring at the computer for way too long.

So what do I do? I manually write in a notebook. For some reason, the words that I use to describe the scene and the actions and words I use with the characters comes out 10 times better. I still have to revise and reword things of course but it's definitely better than anything that I write when I type it on computer. Is that just weird??

Another quirk is when I am brainstorming for my story I have to listen to music. I will just walk around aimlessly while listening to my Ipod and the ideas usually just come to me. Whatever comes to me I usually write down in a notebook somewhere and when I am satisfied I start outlining scenes and their purpose.

Anyway, there are some of mine. How about you guys?
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
I drive, i suck at driving but for some reason when i drive i get like millions of ideas. but don't write the ideas down while driving.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 34
I listen to heavy metal, rock (hard and soft) while I write love and sex scenes. I have no idea why but when i do they usually turn out much better than when i don't.
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Last Edit: 2008/11/11 23:04 By Kirai.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 26
I go back to my childhood by using my imagination.

My most difficult scenes to write are love-sex scenes, and battle scenes. It makes things a lot easier for me to sit back and use my imagination to think of what would happen and how it would happen. Once I have my ideas, it's usually pretty easy for me to describe them in such a way that I can build a mental picture for the readers as well.
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 25
You can tell when I'm about to write when I zone out staring at the screen and when I start smoking more.
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Last Edit: 2008/11/12 01:33 By MomoDesu.
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LC Rose
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 39
Nobody wrote:
I drive, i suck at driving but for some reason when i drive i get like millions of ideas. but don't write the ideas down while driving.

That would be scary if you did write while driving. Scary and impressive.

When I write, I have a music set that I listen to entitled "Sesshoumaru' Music"--not that I think he would listen to any of it. There's a mixture there and when I want to write a particular scene, I listen to certain songs over and over and over again while I write it.

I also, when getting frustrated writing something, go and read fics that either along the same lines or, more than likely, complete opposites of what I'm writing to take my mind off my own project. Everything comes out better when I'm not so focused on it.

If I am having trouble writing a certain character in a scene, I go and watch the anime and reacquaint myself with their character.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
I manually write down my stories in a notebook. I love paper (I am never without it...) and I can scribble or draw in the margins. It is portable and I can take it with me anywhere without attracting attention.

Anything or nothing can trigger a story. It can happen anytime, anywhere, hence the ever-present paper.

I couldn't tell you where the stories come from... My mind tends to wander down overgrown paths so I'm just happy when it comes back and I can jot down the main points for further polish later.

When I am refining an idea, the words literally fall out of my pencil until they don't anymore. It is not necessary, but I like complete silence when this is happening, so I tend to write late night/early morning.
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~Wick3d Ang3l~
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
I usually spend at least a few days just thinking and jotting down ideas before I officially start a story. Surprisingly enough most of my ideas come from dreams I've had or are based partially on things that have happened in my life. I think of a dream I had then expand on it until it blossoms into a story in my head. Once that happens I sit and listen to music while I type, the story just kind of writes itself. Sometimes I only write a paragraph or two, sometimes I can sit and write a whole chapter in one sitting.
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Soon-to-be Mrs. Mistress Incomprehensible
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 92
Every story i have written here has been done by hand-all of it. I do a basic edit when i key it in but all the work is done by pen on paper, usually while I'm at work. I have the TV on but usually on mute (I read captions anyway otherwise i would prolly fall asleep considering how boring 3rd shift is).

My quirk: I can't read anything if I'm working on something. If i do that i end up incorportating what i read into my work unconciously.

To think I generally sprawl out in bed with a nice, cool eyepillow over my eyes and let my brain go. Considering how ADD I can be that is all that is needed LMAO.

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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Nisou Tenshi
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
Nobody wrote:
I drive, i suck at driving but for some reason when i drive i get like millions of ideas. but don't write the ideas down while driving.

I'm sure you're better at driving than I'll ever be. Seriously, I feel sorry for the people who have to deal with me when I'm on the road.

Yeah, I definitely don't think that writing the ideas down while driving would not be the wisest thing to do. Then again I've heard of people doing more dangerous things while driving like texting or applying make-up. Really why would you want to apply make-up while driving??
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 34
Another odd thing i do is when i'm writing a really good thing or just typing something like now, I pull the collar of my shirt over my nose. I don't know why but it's relaxing.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
A yellow legal pad and a blue pen. Something about those two things together channels thoughts and ideas. I work in a call center and when it's slow I sometimes jot things down and play with ideas. There are some days where I write a lot and other days when I stare at my notes or at the screen in frustration (like today). Oh! I doodle and draw, too because sometimes it's the only way to get past a block in my writing.

I usually listen to music that isn't too distracting - classical or soft rock. I really like drinking coffee or orange juice while writing.

I also write really well on evenings when my husband isn't home. Tehe.
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Last Edit: 2008/11/12 22:35 By gradualwisd0m.
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Nisou Tenshi
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
prettykirai08 wrote:
Another odd thing i do is when i'm writing a really good thing or just typing something like now, I pull the collar of my shirt over my nose. I don't know why but it's relaxing.

You know when you posted this I automatically tried to put the collar of the my shirt over my nose. You want to know what happened? Well . . . apparently I don't have much of a nose because every time I tried it would slide off 2 seconds later. It may not have relaxed me but it sure did give me a laugh.


gradualwisd0m wrote:
I also write really well on evenings when my husband isn't home. Tehe.

Yes, husbands can be so distracting can't they?
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Last Edit: 2008/11/12 22:58 By Nisou Tenshi.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
I don't know if they are quirks, but I actually meditate a bit before I sit down to write in earnest and do a bit of stretching. The phone goes off and I light my favourite scented candle and turn on quiet music.

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Nisou Tenshi
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
I just thought of something else that I do that's a bit weird. Sometimes when I am having writer's block or I am just being my over perfectionist self and can't get myself to like what I have written, I will go to my computer, open up word, close my eyes, and just begin typing. Whatever sentence crosses my mind I immediately type. I've written some of my best stuff(or at least in my opinion) by doing that.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 11
Makes sense. Entire phrases come to one that way.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 42
I always write better when it's dark out (Im nocturnal for the most part) and I have to write with my laptop actually on my lap. If I have it sitting on a desk while Im writing it all sounds weird when I reread it later. I also like to have my cat and/or dog around. They have a calming affect that makes it easier to focus.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 6
I seem to find it easier to come up with ideas when I've just gone to bed. I'm all comfy, and my mind wanders. Then, when I'm thinking about something silly, like grapefruit or how much I like sweet tea, an idea just pops up. I also have pretty vivid dreams, and have been writing those down for years. I'm getting a lot of great ideas out of those.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 31
I find it easier to let my imagination free when I'm either listening to music....or my professor. Sometimes, when I'm taking class notes, I start writting something else entirely. I've learned that if I think too much on a story--it usually leaves me more clueless, so, I just let it come when it wants to.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
fallendoll wrote:
I seem to find it easier to come up with ideas when I've just gone to bed. I'm all comfy, and my mind wanders. Then, when I'm thinking about something silly, like grapefruit or how much I like sweet tea, an idea just pops up.

I find myself doing this, too.

There are also times when I feel like doing a lot of keystrokes.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 13
ElegantPaws wrote:
I don't know if they are quirks, but I actually meditate a bit before I sit down to write in earnest and do a bit of stretching. The phone goes off and I light my favourite scented candle and turn on quiet music.


Sounds like you are trying to seduce your writing Ep.

I tend to walk about aimlessly around the house when I try to write. If I think of something I have to rush back and write it on a pad of paper.
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Last Edit: 2008/11/15 13:22 By Yuzuki.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 26
I guess this applies to this thread.

For some reason I have the most difficut time writing like the first page and a half of a chapter. I tend to write a few lines, and then I loose focus, and do something else. Then I'll think about what I want to write, and go back again.

I am in fact doing it right now! I'm in the middle of working on a story. Tee, hee!!!
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 5
To brainstorm, I tell everyone I'm going to sleep, lock myself in my room, and lay in the dark staring at the ceiling (or where I guess the ceiling is). When I write, I usually have to be eating something crunchy, but I also write during my calculus class.
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
I usually have a notebook with me at all times. I have to buy extra large purses just so I can carry one. That's because I never know when it'll hit me. other than that I usually write just before bed and wake up and read what I wrote. I usually get one burst of wow-inspiration only once a month. Boo for that...
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Re:Odd Writing Habits 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 5
Danyealle wrote:
I can't read anything if I'm working on something. If i do that i end up incorportating what i read into my work unconciously.

Same here, especially if I'm writing a multichapter fic. I'm very paranoid about unconsciously plagiarizing :-/

I have a strange little system for writing; most of my ideas are tinkered with in my writing notebook, but I absolutely can't write in longhand anymore. I don't sit down to work on a piece until the idea is pretty clear in my mind - I can't do something like NaNo where you write freely without editing, LOL. My first typed draft is generally close to the finished product.

I like to let a piece rest before I do a final edit & post, though it can be difficult sometimes

I'm also a nocturnal writer, and music plays a very heavy role in my overall creative process. I used a mix when writing Four Seasons, but generally, I choose a specific album or song, depending on the content of the piece or the mood I'm in I've found DMB best for love/sex scenes and Rage Against the Machine best for battle scenes. LOL.

I also use my LJ extensively for meta-writing and as a place to compile research. I've found it to be very helpful in organizing my thoughts.
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