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some suggestion? and help!!!
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TOPIC: some suggestion? and help!!!
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some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 5
I don't like to wear make up but I have break outs (acne). I was wondering if anyone could suggest any good concealer and foundation. And well to please explain the difference, between concealer and foundation?

I used to wear bobbi brown liquid foundation and benefit cream foundation but both made my face feel like a mask. I know make up is not perfect but i just want it to b a good make up.

I have also a question if anyone has any suggestions for dandruff. I have dandruff. I have seen doctors and they gave me shampoo but it was too harsh. I have used T-gel, t-tree oil, head and shoulders, and selsun blue. I am open to home remedies.

If I could get a response and help that would be really really greatly appreciated!
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 56
Ok, a couple things. I imagine that your doctors spoke with you about watching what you eat. Everything from greasy foods to milk can actually add to the acne. I won't advise you on that except to suggest that if they haven't, you may want to get an opinion about diet to help.

Foundation was always a bain in my life as well. Here what I found that works very well ( Click here) This is a foundation powder. You may have to try a couple to find one that works best with your skin type, just remember, you want a loose powder, something light to dust over the skin, not rub into your skin. A trick I learned when choosing color is to get a shade that matches the skin on the underside of your forearm. Freckles, blemishes, blushes and such can make matching up the base color on your face difficult, the underside of your forearm is often not as tanned or freckled.

Conceler is often heavier then foundation and more likely then not, it's medicated. It's really meant to work in conjunction with your foundation.

This is a well done video on applying foundation and conceler. I don't recommend you buy the costly makeup they are using, but he gives some good tips.

Your dandruff is probably linked to the same problem you are having with your complexion. Your skin is oily and on your head, your hair is trapping that oil against your scalp and drying it out, causing the flaking. After washing your hair, swimming or what not, make sure to blow dry your hair, air drying will just trap the water there more. Also, change your pillow case every couple of days. This is good for your hair and complexion so you are not always laying in the oils and skin flakes that have rubbed off while you were sleeping. I know, gross right? but think about when you lay down, how often to you rub your cheek on the pillow while trying to get comfortable? As for a shampoo, my son has found this shampoo has worked the best. It's a bit expensive, but does very well to get the oils out. Apparently it's a kind recommended for swimmers because it helps to remove the chemicals. We get ours from the hair salon we use and haven't found one that works as well. It may take a couple of weeks for your hair to aclimate, but give it a try. You may also want to get the opinion of a hair stylist you trust... if there is someone who's been styling your hair for a while and they know their business, they may recommend something that might work better for your hair type.

I hope this helps. I've been where you are, and it's no fun. Good luck and let us know how it all works out.
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Last Edit: 2013/04/10 22:13 By KEdakumi. Reason: grrr...links...
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 5
Thank you for replying. My acne isnt severe, my problem is usually blackheads, and when i breakout it may only b 4 pimples that pop up but i swear they are really huge and painful. I tried a powder foundation once but it made me really sweaty. But i ddnt kno about the whole loose powder. I dont mind trying one again though. Yes, ive been told about diet. I try to stay away from greasy and oily food but i dint deny myself a bag of chips once a month lol.

See i ddnt kno food cud affect hair/scalp too. Im always just tild its cuz of weather change. And well i dnt own a blow dryer bcuz i found that it made my scalp itch and flake even more. I used to b able to control it. I wud still have it but it wasnt super flaky as it is now. I just shake my head, its really shameful, and embarrassing. But its like a hail storm everytime i touch my hair. I will look for the shampoo u recommended. Thank u very much for ur help and advice. Means a lot!
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 11
Dandruff is caused by a couple things, dry skin, or overly oily skin with the wrong shampoo, or shampoo build up. Build up can turn into what is more commonly known as cradle cap as it tends to be a problem with small children.
I would recommend that you [u]stop[u]using the stuff to fight it if all that's happening is it gets worse. If you use stuff for dry hair or to fight dandruff, switch to shampoos that are for oily hair. I would also suggest a few other things. Instead of running out and buying new stuff right away, try using conditioner beforeusing the shampoo, and see if that helps.
If your hair is brittle, feels like straw, or seems dull/dry, try using olive oil to help hydrate both hair and scalp. Comb the olive oil through from scalp to ends, and let it sit for about 20 minutes, before washing it out normally. If you are having a lot of problem with dry/brittle/damaged hair, leave the oil in for longer periods of time. I use oil once a week to keep my hair healthy and shiny. You can do this every night as needed. The more virgin the oil the better. Just be sure that it's olive oil, and doesn't have any spices mixed in. lol.
It's pretty common for people to think that they have different hair/scalp type then they actually do, doctors often get it wrong too. I hope this helps.

As for acne, stress, genetics, pollution and hormones are bigger causes than diet. Make up can not only cause more problems, even if you start to get your skin clear, ir you use the make up you did when you had a break out, the bacteria is still alive and well. Every time you apply it, you're spreading the germs across your skin that cause the infection.
I would recommend ditching the make up all together for a while. Buy new make up after you get the break outs to stop. It's the same with eye infections. You have to throw away all of your eye make up if you get a stye or pink eye, or any eye infection, because the bacteria can easily live in the make up.
Try finding stress relievers to help. Keep your hands off your face, and try to at least rinse your face half way through the day with warm water to help remove dirt and oil from your skin along with pollutants from the air, such as smoke, dirt, dust, and perfumes. Wash your hands before and after you touch your face, especially any of the problem areas. If you open a pimple, zit or black head, use a little be sure to wash your face immediately afterwards with face wash so you don't accidentally spread the bacteria. Don't squeeze either, that causes damage that can result in scars. Gently scrub with a cloth, or scrap carefully with a nail to help open the area. Use warm water to wash your face as it helps open pours to free dirt and oil. Warm water will reduce black heads better than washing with cold water.

If you insist on make up, keep it light and airy. Also wash the brushes in hot water with your face wash after you use them. It will help kill off any bacteria that they picked up from your skin. And remember we all suffer from acne at some point. Even the 'popular, perfect people' and movie stars. It's just part of the human condition, try not to worry about it, that only makes it worse.

Hope this helped!
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Ah~Un is Awesome! I loves them! *nods head*
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 11
I forgot 1 thing, Moisturize after you wash. If your skin feels tight or dry after you wash then that can contribute to break outs too. Your moisturizer should not feel heavy or oily once you put it on. It took me forever to find something that worked. If you apply it and it's still heavy, or oily, rinse with cold water to remove the excess. That should keep you from having more problems from the wrong moisturizer.
Good Luck!
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Ah~Un is Awesome! I loves them! *nods head*
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 5
Yeah, my hair used to be nice and soft. It used to not be dry and then ny scalp got bad. Now when I put the olive oil, does my hair have to be wet and does the oil have to be warmed up? Ive heard that some ppl warm it up? I usually dont wear make up and i do try my best to take care of my skin. I use philosophy face wash and i moisturize. But i dnt specifically use a face cream. I just use a lotion from target.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 216
my 2 cents!

All the points made above are all valid and very good, things I use to help myself out:

Over the counter:
Johnson and Johnson's Clean and Clear product line;

Advantage Acne Control
I also use:
Oil of Olay Blackhead Cleaning Scrub (nightly)

Blackheads are a build up of pretty much dead skin cells, and all the muck that touches your face without you knowing it. The 'black' part of it is the part of it that is exposed to air. Products to look for to help will have benzoyl peroxide 10% in them to treat existing acne, and salicylic acid 2% to clear us marks, reddening, and prevent from getting more.

As you've been told diet does effect your skin a great deal, so does environment. One thing i didnt see anyone say was water intake. DRINK MORE WATER! it will never hurt you to have more and will help with pretty much anything that has to do with your skin.

As for your scalp, there could be a number of things going on there. Wrong products being used, your hormones simply changing, this is natural and all of us go through it. Air drying usually does help to dry your scalp out, which does cause dandruff, BUT there could be a more medical issue going on then you know. If you've had jock itch or a yeast infection, it can lead to ringworms of the scalp, which can seem like just BAD dandruff, it could also be something like eczema on your scalp. This is not meant to scare you! but it could be the possibilities, either way, medical treatment would be needed for those last two.

As for my hair, it tends to dry up and sometimes flake b/c there's just no moisture on the scalp, an easy way to fix this is to add LIGHT moisturizers like VO5, olive oil, or Almond Oil to name a few. These will give your scalp moisture without making your hair feel heavy or greezy.

Without knowing what type of hair you have, or what products your using there's no real way any of us could give solid help there, but we can give you ideas!

And for make up, from that pic i see your a very pretty girl! No need to use it from here, but if you want make up tips youtube has a SLEW of folks that have make up channels on how to apply and make this look.

If i had to give you 2 pearls of wisdom as to help over all, I'd say stop using everything your using now and give your body time to settle, then start over trying something else in a few weeks. and drink water!

I hope this helped!
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 11
You don't have to warm up the oil to use it, it's personal preference. You can have wet or dry. I always do it dry so that I can tell easier if I missed anywhere. If the oil is cold or uncomfortable you can warm it up. Warming it will make it runnier though. Either way be sure you don't wear anything that can get ruined when you do it, and don't let it drip on things like beds, couches, carpets, lol.

There is a product that you can look for. It's called silk. It's a hair oil. It's a little harder to find sometimes, but it's like V05 but it's made especially for extra dry or coarse hair types. I don't want anyone to take this wrong, but it's used by black people. My half black cousins told me about it because my daughter's hair was so brittle that it literally would just break off from brushing it when she was little. It's really amazing stuff and you don't have to wash it out like olive oil.

It comes in a small thin bottle with a dark pink cap if I remember right. I'm not sure if you can find it at Wal-mart or not. It's worth every penny.

As for face stuff, as long as it's a facial lotion and it doesn't feel heavy or like your skin is still tight after you use it then it's fine.

R0o made a great point, drinking plenty of water is important. If you do go back to a doctor about the dandruff, see a dermatologist not just a regular physician about it. Remember that even though it's covered in hair, it's still skin. You could also ask about see an endocrinologist to get your hormone levels checked to be sure that there is not a problem there. If you were having problems with dry skin, and hair loss it would indicate a thyroid imbalance. I would recommend that you see a dermatologist first and exhaust all possibilities before going to the endocrinologist. They are always overbooked for months and hard to get in with.

Also try not to scratch at your scalp for any reason. That could be causing damage that results in dandruff.

Hope things get better for you!
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Ah~Un is Awesome! I loves them! *nods head*
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 5
Well i usually only eat as healthy as possible and drink water. Not gnna lie i do indulge every once in awhile. But i do breakout when i am slightly stressed. And well at the moment doctors are too expensive cuz i just had surgery. So if tgings are from wal mart or drugstores are right up my alley lol. These are all really great ideas and suggestions that are very much appreciated. And well that picture is fairly old recently my face and back are just out of wack. Thank you starfyre, sugaroo, and kedakumi for responding.
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 11
I gave you the wrong name for that oil that my cousins told me to use on my daughter's hair. It's T.B.C. not silk. Silk is what my mom uses and I think is only at salons. TBC is the one you should look at. It's really amazing. My daughter loves to color her hair and when it starts having problems or feeling dry we use TBC to get it right back. She was six before her hair reached her shoulders, and we never gave her a hair cut until she was seven. That's just how brittle and fine her hair was. The tbc really helped that. I'm not sure about it's cost though.
There's some acne treatment that's carried at Walgreens, it's Walgreens brand but I can't remember the name for the life of me. If you can find that, it works like a charm to get rid of pimples and zits in a day or two. I just wish I could remember more, sorry.

I'm glad that we could help though!
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Ah~Un is Awesome! I loves them! *nods head*
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 10

Here's my two cents. I agree that if your face is currently breaking out with what you use, you should probably throw it away and start from scratch. It's also a really good idea to stop using anything for a few weeks and only clean and moisturize your skin to give it a chance to clear up before you re-start using any make-up. I am not an expert, I can only tell you what my mother did for me and what I suggested to a friend of mine for her daughter(which happened to work). When my skin was breaking out all the time, my mother had me stop using make-up and took me to the Clinique counter when I was in my early twenties and got me started with their regimen. For two weeks, all I did was wash with their soap, use the toner and moisturize morning and night. When my skin cleared up about two weeks later we got some help and changed the way I used makeup.

I stopped using foundation altogether and switched from an oil-based to a water-based concealer. The cosmetics industry hypes the use of foundation, but it's not always necessary. If you moisturize your face, you can use just a concealer in some cases and it will also produce a good result. The other thing was I was using a lot of makeup. Your photo shows me a very pretty girl, so I can't imagine your needing to use a lot of makeup. Just use it to accentuate the positive and play up your good points. I make sure to remove my makeup every night before I go to sleep. I moisturize and drink lots of water. Also, watch your junk food intake. Everything in moderation, as my grandmother says. Hope this helps. I suggested the same thing to my friend Nancy for her daughter who was having terrible breakouts. This cleared her up too.
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Norma Rogers
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Re:some suggestion? and help!!! 11 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
Applying make up over acne increase it more. To lessen it try some acne lotion or creams.
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