So far I called the dog warden, and left a message of the general area I saw them in. Between _____ town and st route ____ near a cow farm. My brother works for the humane society, he said to call the dog warden so they can be on the look out since huskies are expensive dogs and the owners are gonna be looking for them. And it is best to keep them in the area they were found in, so it is easier to find their owners. They are excape artists and it is best not to take them 30 mins away from where they could live. It has been almost an hour & 1/2 and it would be longer if we went back for them.
There were several cars we passed on the road heading that way so others would have seen the dogs if they stayed there. In the end, I figured they were picked up by now. Plus, I have no yard, nothing for dogs and no one I know to take care of them until we could find their owners. I can't keep them in the house, I have a cat. There would be a fight. I work 12 hours tomorrow, so I would be leaving them alone.
Im a hopeless romantic and was imagining the dogs jumping into our car and living happily ever after with us and the cat, like it was all meant to be.
But I'm not sure now. With strange dogs, who might turn bity when started by something in close quarters. My luck I get chewed on because we hit an icey patch on the road.
Thanks for the advice friends. Much appreciated.