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I need a serious pep talk!
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TOPIC: I need a serious pep talk!
Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 25
I haven't done bad so far today. Only instead of eating breakfast I had a soda for breakfast...

You aren't too far off on the weight, Possessed, but the height is about six inches too tall for me XD I'm about 5'1 and weigh anywhere between 110 and 120. It fluctuates depending on the season. In the summer I rarely eat and in the winter I shovel all sorts of things in my mouth.
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Ethereal Siren
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 0
In 2006 I did Weight Watchers online. I managed to loose 49 lbs before I fell off the wagon and I gained most of it back. I have recently started doing the program again on my own (like not paying or going to meetings or anything.) I happen to be using the old program... they have a newer updated better one, but I lost most of the 49lbs on the older one.

Anyway, When I made that casserole the other day, I kinda went back off the program, but now that i see this thread, it has motivated me to get back with it! I think the best bet to keep me from going off plan is to make meal plans for at least dinner, so that a last minute decision doesn't get me off track.

I think Hairann's idea of pairing up is great. At the Weight Watcher's board we called them accountability buddies. Also, I will probably post my weigh-ins and stuff.

I'm 5'9" and 217lbs, so my BMI is 32. I'll decide later what day I will weigh will be either Wednesdays or Thursdays... unless I change it:P

If anyone wants help setting up a set of goals and milestones, I'll be happy to help:)
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 6
You guys, this is really great! I love it! I am so in with this. Sadly..what I need to drop...*breaks into sobs* I think most of you already know........*hiccups* Chocolate. *winces* Last summer I went on a crash diet that formed into a diet that worked really well for me. I had a nutritonist who thought it was the worst thing, and most un-healthy thing, until they took some tests. Turns out I was as healthy as a horse and the diet was working. Now, I do NOT recomend this to anyone. It's unhealthy for more. It just worked for me.

I exercised for about an hour or more a day. Crunches, running, walking, push-ups, wall sits, all that.
I drank A LOT of water and some matabolism boosting drinks. Or this Envigra, which is an energy drink that helps your metabolism and only has 5 calories per can.
And I only ate fruit and vegitbles. I cut everything else out except for once a week I would eat meet and dairy products.
I lost 50 pounds in one summer. Yes, I was that over weight. For some reason this really worked for me and didn't have any bad side effects.


I really think this thread is a good idea. Starting the end of tomorrow I will check back in.

Oh god...this means I have to throw away my full bag of oreos....

oh..I HAVE to cut cold turkey or I never will quit.

And I don't plan on quitting smoking quite yet. *dodges attacks*

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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 1
This is great! I want to join too! I'm all for pairing up if anyone wants to.

I'm not really looking to loose weight, since I'm satisfied with what I had lost previously for now. However, I am disappointed with the muscle tone I no longer have because I don't exercise anymore. So my goal is to tone up before trying to loose any more weight. Really, when I do lose more weight, I don't need the loose skin hanging off me because I didn't work enough on muscle tone. That means I need to actually do some toning everyday until I am back to where I was before embarking on more weight loss. Finding the motivation to do so is harder than I had imagined. My brother says I have no discipline.

Anyways, I have cut out soda from my diet except for days I have a real craving for it, which is very rarely. Chocolate is not as prevalent in my daily consumption as it once was and fast food is only eaten when I'm in a really weird mood. I eat my vegetables more often now and cut back on the carbs. These days, in a meal my veggies serving is always larger than my carbs (before it was the other way around).

I guess I would be one of the younger members here since I'm 23 until next January. I'm short too at 5 and a quarter.
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Miss Kagura
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 51
At GNC, they sell drinks called EAS Myoplex Lite. It sounds disgusting, but the chocolate and vanilla both taste pretty good, and they have way less calories and fat and more protein. Myoplex is also full of vitamins, so instead of just replacing the space a meal would in your stomach, you actually get something that provides a reasonable amount of nutrition.

The chocolate ones are addictive.
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 10
Today I drank about half the Mt Dew I normally drink. I still went to the connvenience store (7-11) and bought some I just didn't drink it......I wanted to though!!

hikari hime you are 5'1½" just to let you know:)
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Last Edit: 2008/09/24 05:57 By wawa. Reason: typo
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 54
I didn't do too bad myself yesterday. Only smoked three cigs from the time I woke up until hubby got home from work. Kept it at the 1/3 every hour, though I did screw up once and go for one 20 minutes early. And since hubby only put two in the fridge instead of the three I asked for, only had two sodas hehe.
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 1
Hey all! Its probably a silly question, but for those of you who love soda, have you tried switching to diet? I am a big fan of soda and sweet tea, but I tend to drink it a lot. Giving it up was out of the question, so I decided to try to switch. I always hated diet, but Coke Zero and Diet Mountain Dew are not bad and now I even like them. I even buy diet sweet tea. Flavored water is also good if you are looking for something sweet. All these drinks have 0 calories and 0 carbs. I lost at least 10 lbs by switching to these drinks.
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Ethereal Siren
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 0
I had a good day today. I tracked all my food, and I actually met most of the daily nutritional requirements. I got in a little of everything like fruits and veggies and even some activity, but not the full daily requirement.

This is what I ate today:

1 1/2 cup Honey Bunches of Oats cereal
1/2 cup 1% milk

6" Subway roast beef sadnwich
about 20 ounces of Dr Pepper
1 bag of Baked lays potato chips
100 Caolrie snack pack

Lean Cuisine Panini
16 oz of soda (spread out... I really need to make some tea)
Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich

Skinny Cow...

got some exercise, took a vitamin, drank some water... Yes, a good day. I think I could cut back on the soda... I had a lot more than usual today.
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 54
I'd tried switching to diet but it makes me sick to my stomach. And I prefer sugar-free tea so hard to get some at times. What I need to do is find my old or a buy a new tea picture and start making some sun tea.

And even with as bad as my dad was yesterday. I think I only messed up with one extra smoke, still only had 2 sodas.
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 16
Well, I certainly went AWOL on this thread! And everything else in my life! Let's see, I have done the elliptical everyday this week and have had one beer every night. Today I totally caved into the pressure and devoured a Hershey Bar while waiting for a prescription at the pharmacy.

Just so everyone knows, it is AWESOME to see that I have company in this! I need to stay committed!

I would chew off my right arm for a Dr Pepper RIGHT NOW.
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Ethereal Siren
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 0
I weighed myself this morning and I lost 1.4 lbs since last week! My new weight is 215.6. I'm hopping that I will have a bigger loss on my next weigh-in. I've worked out a few kinks in my plan and I think I'll be able to have good choices available when I want to snack. I need to go stock up on some must have diet savers like crystal light and 100 calorie packs. I'll have to get Lean Cuisines and stuff like that until I get some recipes worked out and calculated, which is much harder without having access to the weight watcher's online tools...

My tip for the day to everyone is to check your portion sizes. A scale is the best way to measure things like cereal and chips and lots of other things too. Be careful when you have something like a can of soup. It is likely that the one can has 2 or 3 servings in it. I know not everyone is going to bother with weighing a serving of chips every time like I do, but it's best to do it at least once so you know what it looks like.

Now I'm off to go get my breakfast packed to take with me in the morning... yeah I know most people pack lunches, but I have my reasons and they are uninteresting.

Before I go I want to congratulate everyone who has made positive changes in their diets and habits. You guys rock!
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 54
Gratz on losing 1.4 lbs. I really gotta remember to buy a scale so I can keep track of mine.
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:I need a serious pep talk! 16 Years ago Karma: 0
Hey, how's everyone doing on the self- improvement plans? I lost 2 lbs....
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