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Crazy things our pets do
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TOPIC: Crazy things our pets do
Shikon Miko
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Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 31
When I do my exercises, my dog gets worried. Especially when I do crunches. He thinks I can't get up. So, low and behold, he puts his head under my back and tries to help me up. Finally, i move him away, and then he tries something new. I'm guessing then that he thinks I am broken, because his next step is to lay right on top of me. He smiles and looks at my face, as if to say: "Did I do good?"

What crazy things do your pets do?
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Last Edit: 2011/05/13 16:52 By Smittee.
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 39
My dog does what we like to call The Kangaroo Dance. If he's even just a little excited all you have to do is say "oh my god," and he goes up on his hind legs and proceeds to bounce-walk around the room for while. And this dog is about the height of a ten year old child when he rears up like that O_o
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 56
Our one cat decided to adopt her toy mouse. She carries it around the house, lays down with it and 'talks' to it. She's worn it out and I tried to get her a new one, but she just ignores it and goes back to her favorite little toy. The meowing she does when carrying it around is cute... unless it's 3 in the morning, then you realize how loud she is. We've actually had to hide her toy on the fridge when she gets into one of her moods.
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
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Last Edit: 2020/08/06 01:37 By Coastin.
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2
wow, Smittee, that's actually kinda cute.

My Husbands cat actually did something creepy but cute about 5 minutes ago. I'm sitting on my bed and I hear the door creak, she likes to join me on the bed when the door is cracked, so I thought that was what she was doing, so I turn around to find that she is actually staring at me through a crack in the door with her head to the side and a look like she is plotting....which actually means something with this cat.

As for my cat, he likes to climb my legs when I'm in the kitchen, and nuzzle my hips. He has nearly knocked me over a few times from head-butting the back of my knees when he wants to be picked up.
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R.M. Avalon
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 10
I have a sun conure (small yellow and green parrot) who spends about 50% of her time hanging upside down from the top of her cage. @_@ It's the strangest thing.
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
my little toy poodle AJ is nothing but a werido, every night he goes to bed with me and every night its the same thing. He jmps on the bed then off then on again then off untill i get on it then he digs to get under the blankets and lays belly up waiting for me to scratch him then finally goes to sleep. He is super spoiled lol.
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 3
I have three dogs. My miniature schnauzer can on his hind legs, and if you have a treat he will go in circles like a ballerina. He just needs a little tutu.

The peek-a-poo, when he gets really excited, he get on his hind legs and starts to move his paws like his clapping. He looks like a little show pony.

Then our newest addition is a lasha apso and he twitchs. Everyday, all the time. He surviced distemper before we adobted him. But its funny cuz you put on music and he looks like his dancing.
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
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Last Edit: 2020/08/06 01:36 By Coastin.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 23
My dog is super friendly with other dogs, she never barks at them or shows any "aggression" however lately she has begun barking when she sees another dog,her own reflection, It's kind of amusing and at the same time kind of sad. -laughs- the other day she was in the kitchen and I heard her barking(a 'stay away' or 'get away' bark.) I went into the kitchen and she was hiding underneath the table barking into the kitchen(where the appliances and cabinets are.) Her hair was up on her back and her tail was all "poofed" out. So I went into it trying to find out what she was barking at and she was hiding behind me still barking so I noticed where her attention was. Which was the refrigerator that reflects objects on it. She saw her reflection and got spooked. She does this at night sometimes too when she sees her reflection in my dresser.

She also has a squeaky toy that I'm really regretting buying her. When she is up in the morning and wants food/to be taken outside-If I'm still sleeping(I sleep on my stomach) she will put the toy on my back/neck and squeak it multiple times until I wake up. She's such a brat XD
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Aurora Antheia Raine
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 24
My toy poodle, Pepper, is a scaredy-cat. lol. He'll see his reflection on the glass of our patio door and he'll whine and run away. If he sees our neighbor's cat, he'll run away too. Once, a friend of mine pet-sat him and her cat actually scared him into a corner, whining and trembling in fear.

Sometimes when he's running, he'll suddenly start hopping around like a bunny. It's really the cutest thing ever. He loves his frisbee, but he's real picky about who can play it with him. He'll run up to you with the frisbee in his mouth and slap it on the couch, then paw at your knee. If the person he wants to play with picks it up, he'll be a happy camper and start chasing it around the house. If the person he doesn't want to play with tries to pick it up, he'll slap his paw on top of the frisbee so you can't get it and flash his canines at you.

He's also known for barking at foreign sounds while walking backwards, which he then ends up backing himself into a corner.
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
My cat Fenix is my independent sweetheart .

He has this habit of his to seemingly disappear into thin air for all from a couple of days, to a couple of weeks, to a couple of months, and just valse to the door and get inside like he never was gone.
And then greet us normally, check out everything in the house,
re-establish his scent and greet the rest of the cats, and cuddle a lot....

He is quite reserved when cuddling otherwise, doesn´t like it when someone holds him and such for too long, he likes to be able to do what he wishes to do, when he wants to. Like cuddle up besides you and be able to leave when he thinks it is enough.

Oh and he has this habbit, he loves fluffy things, he finds them and presses his front paws into them and purrs so loud you can hear it from another room! He is so quiet otherwise when cuddling that it´s like comparing a lion roar to a mouse squeak.. And boy do he look relaxed, like undergoing a spa treatment ^^ .

I bought a big black skin rag (from a sheep) and you could really hear it when he was there, his purring and the movements (groaning from the basket it was placed inside).

Another of the cats, Shiro, thinks he is a dog. My sister who owns him, taught him to play dead, roll over, left and right paw, sit and lay down, wait for a commando to eat, and all sorts of stuff. Oh and he walked foot for 3 days, after the time she taught walk foot to him. The worst mistake of her life, she said.

And he loves pink stuff, it doesn´t matter what it is, he wants it, finds it, and chews on it.

One time we found the whole lawn full of garn (I hope it is the same word in English, you know the things you use when knitting and things)...

Shiro had found several bags up in the barn with garn, and dragged it out and down the stairs of the barn outside on the lawn and had the time of his life.

Mom wasn´t too happy though .
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Number Q
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 1
My dog pees on my left foot. Repeatedly .
Apparently, it's up for grabs, and he wants it.
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
My 9 year old dog has learned to "smile" whenever my first son come back home from school or whatever.

She actually waits for him, next to the garden gate, licks him all over and then just grins, lifting her upper lips and showing proudly her fangs. At first I thought she was mad or something, but I noticed she was wagging her tail and looking happy.

Although, since she is a huge mixed breed dog, all black with long thick fur and bright yellow eyes, it's a bit scary when she smiles...

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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 4
I have two boxers, both of which are convinced they are lap dogs (not so unusual). One of them only has three legs (Uno), and when you scratch his neck or head, he leans so far over he falls down, then proceeds to twitch his leg nubbin as if he is doing his own scratching.

The other boxer (Tyson) has been trained since he was a puppy so he picks things up super fast (read: too fast). My dad was over once evening and in that time retaught Tyson his speak command. Instead of saying speak and getting a bark, he asks him "Who farted?" and he will growl, bark, squeek, and make a series of other noises. It is embarrassing, but hilarious.
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Kagome Yuki Niwa
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 38
I have a terrier weenie dog mix and so in short, he has a long body and long legs. He's black with white chest furr and paws with random brown mixings. His name is Asher and ohemgee he is my baby!!!

My dog sleeps with me in my room and so when I'm ready to go to bed, I'll tell him, "Get your baby [or babies]!" and he'll run around the house and find his stuffed animals [he has a dog that looks like him, a Tiger, a Winnie the Poo, a bear, and some random duck thing]. When this first began happening, he had five. SO he would run, get one, bring it to my bed, drop it, run, find another, being it to my bed, drop it, until all of them are in bed. Then he'll wait by the bed until I tell him, "Bed time!" and then he'll jump in and adjust his babies until they're all nice and neat around him.

He'll choose one of the five to keep close in his paws for him to nibble on and because he was weaned too early, he won't destroy the babies but keep them firmly in his mouth. It is SO cute!

Also, when I let him outside in the front, he'll run around in the cul-de-sac and when I call him in, he runs so fast and his body is either too long for his legs or his legs are too long for hus body but he's hind legs kind of wrap around so that he runs kind of sideways.

I love his much as I love my brother and I DOTE ON that little guy [he's six]

If it were the end of the world and there was no food and it was just me, my brother, and my dog we'd STARVE because I couldn't feed my dog to my brother. THAT is true love!
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Re:Crazy things our pets do 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 7
I have a really cute Japanese Spitz, however she really likes to bounce on my visitors at the door... Also, apparently she classified my computer as dangerous and whenever I use it, she suddenly ignores me and stalks off. Only to return a minute later to 'rescue' me from the evil shiny thing.
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