First off this is
not a rant about the weather, please do not try to turn it into such...There now that my backside is fully covered...
Where did all the snow go? I do the shoveling for our condo building, which as tiring as it is it is worth it since I get paid $15/hour for it and 10-20 minute shovels 2-3 times a day every time it snows in a city like Montreal adds up fast. And I realize I do a more thorough job than most around here as I can tell by the fact that every time my hubby comes home after work when it's snowed the first thing he says when he walks in the door is how our walkway looks the best. Huge ego boost

Now our walkway/stairs/emergency exit/sidewalk, yes I actually shovel the sidewalk unlike everyone else around here who waits for the city to do it maybe once a day, isn't that big, but yesterday it got to the point that the piles, where I shovel the snow onto around the edge, has gotten so high that I actually had to climb into the middle of our yard, which the snow came up to my waist when I sunk part way in, and shovel the snow from the edges into the middle of the yard.
Okies so long story short...the snow in our yard is up to chest when I stand on the sidewalk next to it, and it is mostly even now. Yet nearly every other yard on my street and those I pass, their snow is barely up to my knees...Where did all of their snow go? Cause I would love to put mine there too. Especially now that I have to use my shovel as a walking aid just to get from our walkway to the emergency exit stairs to shovel them.
So if you know their trick, please let me know
