I'm using a borrowed computer, so please bear with me. My new machine probably won't be done until Wednesday, at which time I will have to spend mass quantities of hours trying to recover all my data and reinstall all my programs. *sigh* To put it mildly, the hubby isn't happy at the expense, the family isn't happy about the time put in, and I know you guys are wondering what the heck is going on w/the donations, right?
Here is the latest information on our fundraising efforts:
As of 3:00pm EST on 1/16/11 we had:
1695.81 - gross donations
-250.00 - pending donation
1445.81 - subtotal
- 2.85 - PayPal fees
1442.96 - net available
Our supporters are AMAZING, aren't they?! Unfortunately, though, we will still need to raise funds about twice a year, since the net amount available will only cover about 6 months of hosting fees with our current host company, at our current level.
Current hosting fee: $234.00/month - NO discount for prepayment
We have a dedicated server with 500GB of hard drive space, and a backup hard drive with 120GB of space. Our backup hard drive is at capacity, and our primary hard drive has about 250GB of data on it. We also have 8MB of RAM. That's what keeps the site running as well as it does and loading as fast as it does. We really cannot afford (performance-wise) to downgrade any of the options that we currently have. We are kinda on the LARGE size, I guess.
The main problem with trying to find hosting at less cost, however, is the fact that Miss K is the SOLE site owner. SHE would have to authorize migrating the site to another host. I have been informed of this by a couple of companies I've contacted already. Whether they're stringing me along because they don't want the hassle, I don't know. I will continue to talk to hosting companies, though, to see what can be accomplished.
To recap, we have had an incredible response from both our members AND the fandom at large. Yes, we have had many non-members contribute as well!! The response has been INTERNATIONAL and overwhelming. I haven't checked the account today, but I believe that, by the 19th, we will be able to prepay the hosting for 6 months with no trouble. That will give us some breathing room to build the balance back up over the next six months. Hopefully, by that time, we will have other options both for fund raising and for hosting. That will be an ongoing process to investigate and assess.
Thank you all for your patience while I've been offline. I am still aiming to acknowledge donations within 24 hours of receipt, but that is going slower than anticipated.

Sorry! My own problems notwithstanding, however...

PS - I sooooooooo hate Internet Explorer!!!!!