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Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel
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TOPIC: Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really F 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
Nice to have you, twiknham, thanks for the three cents! Forum is very amusing, at times, and can help blow off steam...
'Then' is used for things that happen next, 'than' is a comparison word. Hope that helps...
Now I've put in my two cents.

My grammar button actually does things wrong, and there is an auto correct for spelling that spells words wrong too!
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Last Edit: 2008/09/08 14:18 By .
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Lady Scheherazadea
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really F 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 6
Aside from the ones I've already mentioned, Hairann has pretty much covered the whole spectrum of my pet peeves. I can't believe someone used "Kikyho"! I almost died with that. At first I was like, "she spelled that wrong, it's Kikyo," then I got it, I know I'm slow. Lol, but WOW!
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Last Edit: 2008/09/08 14:26 By .
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 26
Danyealle. You made some very interesting points.

As each of us write our stories, we won't be able to please 100% of our readers. We all have our little rants about things we do, or don't like.

Personally, I write my stories with the idea in mind that I am offering you to come on a journey with me. I am in the driver's seat, and you can either come along for the ride, or you can get off. (no pun intended )

I've had a lot of fun posting my goofy little comments on this thread, but really, I think it's important not to become overly concerned with the little nitpicks that people might have.

Bashing, lemons, claws, or what ever. We all have our different likes, distastes, and beliefs. I say live and let live. That is whole point of fanfiction. To create a story as you see fit. None of us have to read anything that we don't like.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really F 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
Ah, the joy of bluetooth keyboards and mice. Excuse any horrible misspellings, I'm tempting fate by playing at the 35ft outer limit for their range.

That does help, Thx!

Talk about messed up... Me mum is an English lit teach who started reading my fics about two months ago. Every Monday night I get the "you need to fix..." phonecall after she's read my update. Of course, that's followed by the "so why does..." questions because she doesn't read mange or watch anime. Guess that's love.

I don't know who said it was hard to bash after reading the manga, but I have to completely agree with that. I really disliked Naraku (as I should) until I understood his tortured "relationship" with Kikyou and the jewel. Then poor Kikyou who really only wanted to remain dead but let her anger and resentment fuel her existence solely so she could help bring an end to the beast. How can I hate characters that are already self-tortured?

I think someone needs to write a hate-fic on Totousai. He's so cute. It would take real talent to do that. Or better yet, his cow. I killed the poor thing in my fic, so it'd have to be posthumously. That's even worse.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really F 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
I agree, Lady S. Everyone has their own style, but the purpose of this thread was to post pet peeves. Just whatever is your personal tic. It does not discount the time or effort an author has put into a fic. Different strokes and all. I would hate to think a person would continue to read something they don't care for. I had someone rate a fic as low as you can go, just because it was angst. Hello! It says angst in the summary... Don't read it if it upsets you.
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Last Edit: 2008/09/08 14:59 By .
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 92
I would hate to think a person would continue to read something they don't care for. I had someone rate a fic as low as you can go, just because it was angst. Hello! It says angst in the summary... Don't read it if it upsets you.

Unfortunatly they do do that and a lot! I guess the feeling is that if it is their squick no one should like it, post it or read it. Those low rankings are a form of censorship.

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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
Lady Sianna wrote:

I've had a lot of fun posting my goofy little comments on this thread, but really, I think it's important not to become overly concerned with the little nitpicks that people might have.

Bashing, lemons, claws, or what ever. We all have our different likes, distastes, and beliefs. I say live and let live. That is whole point of fanfiction. To create a story as you see fit. None of us have to read anything that we don't like.


I think it's really important that I say that I didn't originally post the thread to pick on anyone in general, but to have a place to rant about our random tics about fanfiction. I will still read stories that contain some of the things mention, and may skip over others. As Lady Sianna noted, it is impossible to have a 100% positive response on anything, let alone a piece of writing.

It's nice to be able to get out the peeves though!
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Beat Cop
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: -666
I'm getting depressed about writing now. I would be lying if I said I wrote only for myself. I write a great deal for everyone who takes the time to read my work, no matter who they are. Writing is my future, but my fanfic is not my passion. It's a tool for me to learn how to write better. Everyone's input is important, because it's a much harder road to travel without some sort of company.

What is so daunting is the fact that what I type for 12-15 hours a week content-wise is meant to please and enrapture my readers. There are so many complaints though. I understand this thread is for ranting, but after almost 100 comments. Good grief...

It's impossible to have everyone enjoy every aspect of my story, but I'd like to think I have a shot.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 26
Don't be depressed LadyBattousai. I for one think you are doing an excellent job. And I'm sure that many, many readers will agree with me.

Again, in putting a part of ourselves out there for all to see, someone, for some reason is going to have a complaint. No one can please everyone. I am learning that the best way to go about this is to simply do what you want to do. Some will like it and some will not.

As for me, I will appreciate the ones who do like it, and ignore the ones who don't!
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
ladybattousai wrote:
I'm getting depressed about writing now. I would be lying if I said I wrote only for myself. I write a great deal for everyone who takes the time to read my work, no matter who they are. Writing is my future, but my fanfic is not my passion. It's a tool for me to learn how to write better. Everyone's input is important, because it's a much harder road to travel without some sort of company.

What is so daunting is the fact that what I type for 12-15 hours a week content-wise is meant to please and enrapture my readers. There are so many complaints though. I understand this thread is for ranting, but after almost 100 comments. Good grief...

It's impossible to have everyone enjoy every aspect of my story, but I'd like to think I have a shot.

In the grand scheme of things, the average reader is NOT a writer, and often doesn't know exactly what writing entails. I certainly don't. I have never even attempted to write a fanfic because I understand that while I can write a damn good essay, I have never excelled at writing stories. (Plus, I quite fancy run-on sentences... it's my vice.)

I wouldn't know the first thing about plot or character development. I think it's impressive that fanfiction writers are taking characters that they did not create, which they don't have a handbook to guide them about, and write entire stories around them. Yeah, sometimes people go way OOC, but many writers stay pretty true to character and it never fails to impress me as a reader.

What's good to know about this thread is, the majority of the pet peeves people have mentioned were small things in general (except the OOC complaints). Misuse of words, grammar issues, text speak in stories, and general ridiculousness. I can't recall if I have read any of your stories yet or not, but I'm going to find some and take a look, and I'll leave you honest reviews.

EDIT: GOOD LORD, WOMAN! You're writing Seven Feudal Fairy Tales?! I didn't realize it was you! I <3 that story! I don't know if I have left any reviews for it yet though because I haven't been able to catch up on it. Shame on me!

Don't get depressed Maybe we should start a sister thread about stuff we love about fanfiction!
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Last Edit: 2008/09/08 17:05 By HeartSpasm.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: -666
What's good to know about this thread is, the majority of the pet peeves people have mentioned were small things in general (except the OOC complaints). Misuse of words, grammar issues, text speak in stories, and general ridiculousness.

There are a lot of pet peeves and not all of them the obvious grammatical ones. Just the complaints regarding lemons makes me wonder if I should even consider one.

I suppose the real question I have is "What does everyone hope to get from fanfiction?" Everyone writes for different reasons and everyone reads it for different reasons. So regale me. "What do you hope to get from a story?"
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
ladybattousai wrote:
"What do you hope to get from a story?"

When I read and really enjoy a fanfiction, it's because I have been entertained. To me, being entertained includes (but is not limited to): an intelligent and clearly well thought out storyline, inventive plot twists, keeping characters as close to canon as possible - with exceptions for reasonable character growth and adaptations to situations (but reasonable is the key!), and romance is always a bonus, whether it be the main focus or a subtle hint.

And more specifically for your story:
I really love when characters are challenged in ways that would otherwise make them very uncomfortable while keeping them as in character as possible. "Seven Feudal Fairy Tales" does this brilliantly because Kagome and Sesshoumaru are forced to work together. For Kagome, that's not so difficult. She has that nature to try to make the best of every situation, but it's much more difficult for her because she's aware that Sesshoumaru is a bit more prickly than the average ally. She has to be very careful in what she says or does when quite often she just speaks her mind. But for Sesshoumaru, he's entitled, arrogant, stubborn(!), and has generally never needed to rely on anyone else for help or assistance. Seeing him forced to adapt to his situation was intriguing for me. Though I suppose I could have said that in a review! Sorry! And the best part of your story, to me, is that they seem to be forming a very precarious friendship. I'm really looking forward to following it because you've done it so true to their characters.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 92
Adding my nickle to the OCC complaints...

This is giving me a good laugh acutally. For all the complaints here about hating OCC let me tell you this... My current story Evolution of a Taiyoukai is garnering the biggest amount of hits for any story I've done and has outstripped everything but ...From the Ashes the Phoenix Rises in download counts (but it's seriously looking like it's going to surpass that one quite soon). It is getting hundreds of hits a day (the lemon scene was the record at over 500 in 24 hours on one site) and Sesshomaru is about as out of character as you can get. It seems the cuter, sweeter and more fluffy I make him the higher the hit count goes.

So for all the complaints about OCC... it appears they complain but that does NOTHING to diminish the amount of readership of the stories or the scores of them.

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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
Danyealle Myst wrote:
Adding my nickle to the OCC complaints...

This is giving me a good laugh acutally. For all the complaints here about hating OCC let me tell you this... My current story Evolution of a Taiyoukai is garnering the biggest amount of hits for any story I've done and has outstripped everything but ...From the Ashes the Phoenix Rises in download counts (but it's seriously looking like it's going to surpass that one quite soon). It is getting hundreds of hits a day (the lemon scene was the record at over 500 in 24 hours on one site) and Sesshomaru is about as out of character as you can get. It seems the cuter, sweeter and more fluffy I make him the higher the hit count goes.

So for all the complaints about OCC... it appears they complain but that does NOTHING to diminish the amount of readership of the stories or the scores of them.


So true! I have been following that story relentlessly and reviewing after every chapter! I really have enjoyed it because the plot interested me. I think Sesshoumaru is OOC but he does still retain a lot of his original character points. To explain it better, I feel like he's Sesshoumaru on fluffy pills. I did read a story (about 4 paragraphs of it) the other day that had him so bizarrely out of character that it was like some dude from Gossip Girl wearing a Sesshoumaru suit. It actually freaked me out a bit. THAT is the kind of OOC that I can't handle.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: -666
When I read and really enjoy a fanfiction, it's because I have been entertained. To me, being entertained includes (but is not limited to): an intelligent and clearly well thought out storyline, inventive plot twists, keeping characters as close to canon as possible - with exceptions for reasonable character growth and adaptations to situations (but reasonable is the key!), and romance is always a bonus, whether it be the main focus or a subtle hint.

Thank you for your opinion and words. Crackfics and guilty pleasures aside, I think most people want exactly what you've said. And I'm glad my fic seems to fall into what really makes a good story for you.

I feel less disheartened now, but I think there are quite a few conflicting peeves. After all, how do OOC stories and lemonfics get so much disapproval here and so much approval through reviews and votes?
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 10
ladybattousai wrote:

There are a lot of pet peeves and not all of them the obvious grammatical ones. Just the complaints regarding lemons makes me wonder if I should even consider one.

I suppose the real question I have is "What does everyone hope to get from fanfiction?" Everyone writes for different reasons and everyone reads it for different reasons. So regale me. "What do you hope to get from a story?"

I hate to say this, but I honestly think that "Seven Fedual Fairtales" would fall under the group a lemon is disruptive to the flow.

I am going to go shoot myself in the foot now, because I love your writing and I love lemons.

I think for you, a lemon would be an interesting way to delve into a different type of discription and if you ever do one, I will greedily read it.

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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
You are very welcome!

I think in my case, when I read a story that contains something that causes me to stop reading, I just stop. I don't write a bad review because lets be honest, these pet peeves are generally nit-picking things which we don't have reasons for other than personal opinion, and everyone has a different opinion! I think writers have a tough enough time putting themselves out there that they don't need people doing that to them.

I think even if I were to read a story that had a lemon in it that I did not like, I would still continue reading it if the plot and characters were interesting to me. Lemons are like a bonus to me (unless it's a PWP, then it's just sex anyway). The story is what I like and what I love to follow, but that's not true for everyone. Some people really enjoy the lemon parts and will read them regardless. Also, there are times when I can overlook some OOCness (like in "Evolution of a Taiyoukai", for instance), because the story still interests me.

If the plot is excellent and the writing is good, I will probably still read it. A lot of the stories with the really bad OOC stuff and horrible lemons are so badly written in the first place that they're really difficult to follow. They have no flow or have such terrible grammar that it actually starts exhausting me to continue reading!
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 26
Ladybattousai. Don't get all flustered about what people are saying on this thread. Your are doing an excellent job! And, just know, that if you complete this entire story, without as single lemon, I will personally throttle you.

After 40 chapter without so much as a kiss, and you're considering not doing a lemon?!!! Do you not realize that I will perish without the wonderful lip puckering, eye watering citrus?! If you don't do it for any one else, do it for me! I beg of you!!!!

Again, I'm such a perv! Forgive me!
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Beat Cop
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: -666
Lady Sianna

Technically they have slept together, so you should be happy

All the same if it can be worked in without utterly destroying the flow, I will do my best to do it. If not, I'll do a PWP just for you.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
ladybattousai wrote:
Lady Sianna

Technically they have slept together, so you should be happy

All the same if it can be worked in without utterly destroying the flow, I will do my best to do it. If not, I'll do a PWP just for you.

LOL are you taking orders?!
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 26
LOL! That'd be great Ladybattousai! Really though, I was just joking. While I really would like to see a lemon in your story, I feel like there is a lot going on already, and I am well entertained.

As far as the sleeping together part, I already thought about that. And it dosen't count, and you know it!

I say, don't deviate from what ever your original plan was. What ever you choose to do, know that I will still be reading and enjoying!
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Last Edit: 2008/09/08 19:03 By Lady Sianna.

Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: -666
LOL are you taking orders?!

I better watch what I say around here... I might as well ask now that I'm curious. Do you have something in mind, Hearspasm? *I feel regret coming on*
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
ladybattousai wrote:
LOL are you taking orders?!

I better watch what I say around here... I might as well ask now that I'm curious. Do you have something in mind, Hearspasm? *I feel regret coming on*

Hahaha! No no, I was only kidding! Perhaps someday I shall think of one and hold you down kicking and screaming!
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Beat Cop
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: -666
Hahaha! No no, I was only kidding! Perhaps someday I shall think of one and hold you down kicking and screaming!

Both you and Lady Sianna say you're joking, but I have a funny feeling that I should watch my back for a plot to pop my "lemon" cherry so to speak
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
ladybattousai wrote:
Hahaha! No no, I was only kidding! Perhaps someday I shall think of one and hold you down kicking and screaming!

Both you and Lady Sianna say you're joking, but I have a funny feeling that I should watch my back for a plot to pop my "lemon" cherry so to speak

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