I give thanks that we have so many TREMENDOUS people here on Dokuga. It truly is a tribute to the vision that Miss Kagura had when she came up with this idea.
I give thanks to Miss Kagura for working her fanny off to start the site and continue with improvements!
I give thanks for my co-Administrators and Moderators who all work hard together to keep things running as smooth as possible.
I give thanks to all the authors, and others that I must contact, who accept my warnings graciously and respond kindly - you have no idea how much it means to me to have you all working with us to improve the site!!
I give thanks that, as an INTERNATIONAL site, we have so many AMAZING authors and artists who take the time to share their labors with us all.
Most of all, I give thanks that this, my little corner of the 'net world, is still active, growing, evolving, and improving with each story, fan art, and new member added. I defy anyone to find a more cohesive bunch dedicated to a single, non-canon, pairing in all the fan fiction world!!!
