Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 23
Yes, as the title mentions, I was wondering if anyone will be getting photos of their furry companions with Santa this year?
I will be taking Miyavi to Petco to get her photo taken with Santa, my little sister is doing the same with her puppy(who is a shih-tzu). I'll be dressing Miyavi up as a 'reindeer' for her photo. Because it was the only thing I thought I would be able to get her stay in, since she doesn't like wearing outfits(and I don't want to force her).
I got her a collar already, and will be getting her antlers on the day of the photo. Here is a picture of her wearing her 'collar' that will go with her outfit.
It was taken with my phone camera, so it isn't that good. I couldn't find my actual camera and then when I did Miyavi was in a 'brat' mood and wouldn't sit still
But anyways, as I mentioned the place that I will be taking Miyavi to get her photo taken is Petco, the one near my home is doing the Santa photos on December 1-5th, and it is about 9.00(it's the same price everywhere)
I think Petsmart might be doing it too, but I don't go there, so I'm not sure.
Here is some information on it(for petco) : about.petco.com/2008/12/naughty-or-nice-pets-invited-to-petco-for-photos-with-santa-nationwide-event-to-benefit-animals-in-need/
It lists the date(s), but as I mentioned before, my store is doing it at a different day/time then the date mentioned on the site. So if your are interested, just go to your store and I'm sure they will tell you the correct time for that store.
I'm excited about this! ^^ Since I don't have children, my furry companions are the only way I can get cute Christmas Santa photos heh.
If you are getting photos of your furry companions taken with Santa this year, post them here as soon as you get them!
OR if you have already done this(in previous years), and don't mind, please share your photos!
I would ask for photos of yourself, friends or children too. But, I believe photos of your children or friends children are not allowed on this site for privacy reasons(I'm not 100 percent sure though) So if you have pet photos with Santa, please share! I'd love to see them!
Last Edit: 2010/11/13 01:25 By PRVN.
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
This will be Sherlock's first Christmas, well technically Yule since that's what I celebrate hehe, but I hadn't really thought about that. I will have to check to see if one of the local pet stores is doing something like this, since even if I could take him to a normal store, he wouldn't be able to handle all of the people and strange smells. If I do get some pictures taken with him, I'll be sure to post them  .
I just realized something, since he was born around January of last year, this is officially his first Christmas. I so have to get a 'baby's first x-mas' ornament for him.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 279
You are right... no photos of minor human children on the site for privacy concerns...

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 23
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
You are right... no photos of minor human children on the site for privacy concerns...

No worries  It makes sense, and makes me respect this site more, because not only are they protecting their members but also others(children). Which is a good thing(to me) I just wasn't completely sure about the rule for that, thanks for clearing it up!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 23
Hairann wrote:
I just realized something, since he was born around January of last year, this is officially his first Christmas. I so have to get a 'baby's first x-mas' ornament for him.
aww that's a cute idea! I may have to steal(copy) that idea from you
If you get his photo taken with Santa(or any other holiday photos) I look forward to seeing them :3
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
I am happy to share the idea with you  so need to steal hehe. I will add pics as soon as I can, and forgot to mention in earlier post...Miyavi looks so adorable  .
It's not very big, but you can actually see Sherlock in my new icon  . The cat is Sandra, one of my SIL's that we're watching for a month.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 23
hehe alrighty, so I thought about this last night, instead of 'Babies first x-mas' we could make one that says 'Puppies first x-mas' that would be a fun arts and craft project
I was thinking that might be him! Sherlock is such an adorable name, He's adorable too so it fits! Is he curious and likes to check everything out? What kind of breed(or breeds) is he?
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
Oh most certainly, he never stops putting his nose in places, including the poor cats lol. I'm not sure on his breed, only know that he is a medium rabbit.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 23
I had such an undercover blond moment.
Hairann, I totally thought that Sherlock was a puppy not a rabbit.  I thought he was the one on top on your photo and the cat was on the bottom! hehe ^^; My eye sight is terrible.
But D'aww rabbit holiday photos will be very adorable! I can't wait to see them!!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
Oh sorry, keep forgetting no everyone knows who/what he is lol. Yeah he's on the bottom of the picture and is a rabbit hehe.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 23
hehe no worries! Still, he is very adorable!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
Hehe I'd tell him you said that, but with the way he looks at me sometimes, I'm pretty sure he's already well aware of that lol.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 3
Sadly, I don't have the picture where I live now, but several years ago, we (my mother, my sister and I) took our Rottweiler, Tequila, to the local pet store to get his picture made with Santa.
Tequila was the sweetest, most well-behaved dog I have ever had the privilege of knowing, but because he was a Rottweiler, people were terrified of him, since that particular breed (along with others) has a nasty reputation.
We put a reindeer antler headband on him and had him sit next to Santa, but Santa refused to take the picture or be near Tequila unless one of us was also in the photo, holding the leash and controlling the dog (not that he needed it; he behaved perfectly). So we have this photo of my sister, sitting next to an incredibly nervous-looking Santa, with Tequila sitting on the floor in front of the both of them, his head tilted to the side in that confused expression and his tongue lolling.
I love that picture. xD I wish I had it to show.
Yoruzuki claims the position of Master Visual Kei Bassist, with the tool of Noiz-kun the Bass Guitar of Pure Awesome.
Takumi ni hito toshite gisou shite iru.
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
My sister had a Rott way back when, even got a picture of us-her, our youngest brother and me, plus Rageous, short for Outrageous lol-with the Easter Bunny one year. I'll see if she has it on a computer and can send it to show ya. And yeah, poor Rotts get bad reps, it's the same with Bulldogs. A few bad apples and everyone thinks they are all like that.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 23
Aw,i love rottwielers(sp), I have never met one that was vicious. From experince, the breed itself are just like giant teddy bears.
Its the same with pit bulls. These dogs are one of the sweetest around, very eager to please too(which is what people take advantage of) there are a lot of dogs that get a bad rep, and for no reason, it isnt there fault.
Like I told an old coworker of mine,who was trying to tell me pitbulls were born vicious.
There are never bad dogs,only bad owners.
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
I'm so behind in posting this lol, just finally got around to cleaning off camera and remembered I forgot to post this picture hehe. We weren't able to get one done at a pet store, none of the three around here were doing them  , so we used the timer on my camera.
Hubby (Santa), me (Reindeer) and Sherlock (the rabbit).
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Pet photo(s) with Santa? 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 23
Awww such a cute family Christmas photo! <3 thanks for sharing!
Last Edit: 2011/01/25 01:57 By PRVN.
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