I can certainly appreciate what you are going through. This used to be a huge problem for me too, but I've learned to control it through meditation. It was really the only option I made available to myself. I have an obsessive compulsive personality - it shows itself in benign ways, for example how I color code my closet, organize my kitchen with millions of labels... I'm pretty much Bree Vandeecamp/Hodge from Desperate Housewives - only without the alcoholism. And although I'M NOT suffering from any sort of addiction (other than salt at the moment, but I attribute that to pregnancy

) addiction to substances certainly runs in my family. Thusly, I stay CLEAR of any and all drugs whenever possible - It made going through postpartum depression very trying.
Meditation has saved my life over and over again. If meditation isn't your cup of tea, there are many more calming exercises you can look in to, to help you out. Your medications can only help you so much, and although its good you take them, you had ought to supplement with a more wholistic approach. The meds help you chemically, but there are many more aspects to you than the chemistry that makes you. You are an emotional, spiritual being and you have to help the mind and spirit too.
DO NOT stop taking your meds, unless a DR tells you to. My suggestion is meant to supplement, and will NOT replace the effects of the medications that seem to be helping. When you are having a panic attack try breathing exercises, focus exercises.... there are lots of things you can do to help you calm down when your mind gets away from you. If you are interested in learning meditation please understand that for it to be effective, you must master it. Its not something you can just plop down somewhere and accomplish first try. You have to work for it, just as all worthwhile endeavors. However, if its something you are interested, I can offer you some resources to educate yourself on the practice, to see if it is a good fit for what you need it for.