I am hosting a live journal prompt site called Inuyasha's Unsung Heros which does weekly drabbles for between 100-300 words. Also we currently have a Halloween Challenge going which is due by the 31st of October. All pairings/ratings/genres are welcome, though there is one major difference from most prompt sites. Your work must be in the point of view of a minor character.
Examples: Souta, Jaken, Rin or Buyo all work. Kagome, Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru do not. There are complete lists on the site itself.
Award banners are offered for first through third places, depending on the number of drabbles we get, as well as personalized participation banners for any of our challenges. Everyone is welcome to join and I hope to see you there.
If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a post here or send me a message

Unsung Heros