We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Just now I HAD to fix my rubiks cube because my sister messed it up and all the colors weren't facing the same way, so I decided to ask: What is your OCD tendency? 
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 11
While I'm writing by hand, if there's a page I'm getting rid of, I won't just crumble it up. It has to be shredded in the tiniest pieces I can possibly make them before I can throw it away. Whenever I do it my sister thinks I'm seconds away from turning into a serial killer. XD
Im never going to do that again until next week....
I iz the Master Agreer of Dokuga Island with my O.K. Stamp of Yes!
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 29
I "check" things.
If I locked the door, I need to try to open like three times to make sure it's locked.
If I turned off something, I need to go back a few times to make sure it's off.
I do it for everything. If I don't, I have the unsettling feeling in my stomach, thinking its "on/unlocked/open" etc.
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 29
oh god... I have a ton.
Like Maddie, I check things to make sure they are off/locked/closed like 3 times.
I also like grouping things in like-items: i.e. Books by genre and then alphabatized, Canned items by either legum, fruit, condament, broth, or soup
Labeling: I organize my pantry with all labels facing out, but I also label shelves and cabnet to show what goes there
Making the bed: HAS to have hospital corners and sheets even on boths sides
Folding: I have a very specific way of folding towels and clothes and when the hubs tries to "help" and folds things HIS way, the disunity of things drives me CRAZY
Showering: okay if you didn't think I was weird enough already, you will now. I shower like 3 times a day. No joke. I HATE dirt!
Sanitizing: Everything gets hit with cloroxs, antiseptic wipes, or those anti germ hand gels (non alcohol based for the kiddos)
there are like a million others, but I just dont have the time to write them all, and I doubt people wanna hear them all. lol I'll add more as I think of them.
Also to add to my list:
My closet hangers all hang in same direction and are 2 finger widths appart. Also organized by item type and then color.
Last Edit: 2010/09/12 15:32 By MoxyMikki.
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 18
Yes, I do that lock-unlock thing like Maddie and Moxy! It comes to me as a very natural thing to do.
And oh, my makeup is grouped accordingly to type (i.e. eyeshadow, foundation, mascara, lippies), and within each group, they're arranged by their brands. Within each brand, they are arranged in the order of the color gradient, especially for eyeshadow and lippies!  I also HAVE to wash the makeup brushes twice a week. 
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 5
When using the microwave, I have to complete some task before the timer goes off. Even something as mundane as wash my hands, SOMETHING must be accomplished. Also, the microwave has to be "clear" at all times. Nothing bugs me as much as looking at the microwave for the time, and seeing 1:11 and it's 7pm. RAGE!
I, too, must fold my towels a certain way. If someone tries to help, I appreciate it, but I will re-fold them until they are just the way I like them.
Same goes for my clothing. If someone tries to help me put them away/fold them, I get an uneasy feeling, because I won't know exactly how they are folded, or where they are in the drawer/closet. (I have a very set way of putting things away!)
There's more, but I'm afraid if I listed them all, you would label me as the resident kook! 
I've claimed Kouga's Pretty Blue Eyes in the Dokuga Claim Game!
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 16
Art supplies.
My paper is sorted by lined, unlined, and type. (Notebooks and sketchbooks as well)
Colored pencils are sorted by brand and marked in their original boxes. (Usually held together by liberal amounts of tape)
Markers are sorted by brand (Sharpie and Prisma)
Razors, Scissors, X-Actos, and Carpenter knives are sorted by use.
Tablets, sorted by need.
Paints, brushes and canvas are all in a closet to be pulled out when needed.
And I KNOW when someone has touched my supplies, whether it be the husband or the cats. It is normally the husband, and he always " O.o; " s at me and asks "How did you know?!"
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 29
Terri-tots wrote:
Art supplies.
My paper is sorted by lined, unlined, and type. (Notebooks and sketchbooks as well)
Colored pencils are sorted by brand and marked in their original boxes. (Usually held together by liberal amounts of tape)
Markers are sorted by brand (Sharpie and Prisma)
Razors, Scissors, X-Actos, and Carpenter knives are sorted by use.
Tablets, sorted by need.
Paints, brushes and canvas are all in a closet to be pulled out when needed.
And I KNOW when someone has touched my supplies, whether it be the husband or the cats. It is normally the husband, and he always " O.o; " s at me and asks "How did you know?!"
My sister is a paid/professional artist too. She's a complete and total MESS in EVERYTHING she has and does with the singular exception of her art supplies. She's hands down equally OCD as you seem to be, about her supplies. lol
Also to add to my list:
My closet hangers all hang in same direction and are 2 finger widths appart. Also organized by item type and then color.
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 22
Well, I'm a manager for a bank so on the rare occasion that I have to be a teller my money has to all be going the same way but it goes a little further than that. My money is color coded lol. All of the newer US bills that are colored go on the bottom, then the new not colored bills and then finally old bills on top. I absolutely can not count if the money is not going that way. If someone else hands me money to double count for them I have to arrange it the way I like it while I'm counting it.
Then there's my closet....Sweaters, sweat shirts and what not are on one end, again arranged by color, then my work clothes arranged by color and order of how much I like them and how often I wear it. Work pants come next again, most popular pairs first. Then come my jeans, light to dark and finally skirts and shorts all of which are saddly, color coded, separated by length and how often I wear them.
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 16
MoxyMikki wrote:
My sister is a paid/professional artist too. She's a complete and total MESS in EVERYTHING she has and does with the singular exception of her art supplies. She's hands down equally OCD as you seem to be, about her supplies. lol
I like to play this game-- When I finish with deadlines, I organize things around the house and see how long it takes before I mess them up again =D
I am totally not organized when it comes to everything BUT work and art supplies. (For instance, my book shelf of books I read for fun? A total mess. However, my reference books and books I have worked on are all grouped together according to series and number.)
Luckily as messy as everything is around my house, I know exactly where things are when I need them. So... organized chaos?
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 29
Terri-tots wrote:
I like to play this game-- When I finish with deadlines, I organize things around the house and see how long it takes before I mess them up again =D
I am totally not organized when it comes to everything BUT work and art supplies. (For instance, my book shelf of books I read for fun? A total mess. However, my reference books and books I have worked on are all grouped together according to series and number.)
Luckily as messy as everything is around my house, I know exactly where things are when I need them. So... organized chaos?[/quote]
lol you are a character! How funny are you?! I love that - cleaning to see how long it takes to make a mess. That sounds SO much like my sister its not even funny. awwwww you make me miss her!
I think its an artist thing. I always explained to my mom (who went batty over the mess) that she has SO much crative energy that its impossible for her to focus herself on cleaning up one item before she gets into another project or activity (which thusly makes a mess to compound the one not yet finished being cleaned up)
She and I are the complete opposite in many ways - i'm organized to the point of it being a clinical issue. I excelled in academics but couldn't even draw a stick figure if I had tracing paper and something to trace. But she and I mix SO well. Its weird. 
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 12
Oh, good, I'm going to take Moxie's stand on her sister and say I have so much creative energy, it's hard for me to be organized! However, I am OCD about spelling, sentence structure and grammar. It has become more obvious to me since I started reading fanfics. Very sad it is, my home is cluttered as can be, but - DANG! That comma is out of place and they used withering instead of writhing! *bangs head on keyboard*
Oh, and I like things in threes: 3 cookies, 3 rings, three crackers, three cats... or groups of 3, like 9. Love 9. *shakes head cuz it just don't make sense!* And I always have to have water. I keep a little cooler filled with bottled water in my car in case I get thirsty.
Last Edit: 2010/09/12 16:30 By Rowdy.
This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.
I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.
Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!
I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.
Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 29
Rowdys girl wrote:
Oh, good, I'm going to take Moxie's stand on her sister and say I have so much creative energy, it's hard for me to be organized! However, I am OCD about spelling, sentence structure and grammar. It has become more obvious to me since I started reading fanfics. Very sad it is, my home is cluttered as can be, but - DANG! That comma is out of place and they used withering instead of writhing! *bangs head on keyboard*
ROFL well avoid my stories then! My grammar and spelling are HORRID. (Although the amazing ChaoticReverie has agreed to back edit and beta for me! She's even going to help teach me some things!) Its always been my weak spot, but one I'm eager to improve upon.
I completely understand this obsession though because, even though I'm horrible with grammar and spelling, when I see it in someone elses story (or even if a catch a mistake I missed in one of mine) Its like a big red oozing pustulated zit right on someones nose. You can't ignore it and it becomes this obsessive focus.
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
I stack my papers a certain way and in groups at home and at work. Woe to anyone who mixes them up or disturbes their order. I am so anal over it.
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 3
all the eggs in my fridge have to be tilted in the same direction.
if I'm spinning, i then have to spin the opposite direction the same amount of times
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 29
Velvet Sometimes wrote:
all the eggs in my fridge have to be tilted in the same direction.
if I'm spinning, i then have to spin the opposite direction the same amount of times
you win! 
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 11
I'm an obsessive consolidator. I hate having more than one jar/tube/container of any one product at a time, to the extent that, for example, I don't even like having multiples of cosmetics (1 blush, 1 mascara, etc.). So I consolidate things or won't buy new stuff until I run completely out of the old container - even if things are on a "2 for 1" sale.
I'll consolidate even if the products aren't exactly the same - like I'll put vanilla lip balm into the half-used container of mint lip balm.
Whenever I see my parent's fridge it makes me SO twitchy because they'll have like 4 flavors of jam open at one time.
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Minister of Silly Walks
Posts: 739
Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 25
I'm a bit OCD on a few things.
My laundry has to be folded in a certain way or I have the urge to fix it, which usually leads me to folding and refolding entire drawers of shirts and pants.
Before leaving the house, I have to check and recheck locks or else I will make myself physically sick with worry. This springs from being robbed multiple times.
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 8
My OCD's:
-Door is closed if I'm in room.
-Bathroom door is always locked if in use.
-If I have a white bored, there are NO spare marks.
-I never waste paper. I have nice little drawer full of half used notebooks.
-You know how if there are two switches to the same light and one is off and the other on when it's on or off, if the light's off the switch nearest to me must be off and vice versa. XP
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 34
I couldn't think of mine so i asked one of my sisters. Her OCD is when others have messy rooms and stuff and she HAS to clean it and organize it. But she can't do it with herself.
Mine...i still can't think of it. Yet. I shall keep thinking.
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 8
Oh my goodness I have many! Some are very common like everyone else on here though. lol
-I like Moxy and everyone else has to check the door/locks three times and check the lights as well.
- When I go out to dinner I have to have three napkins (everything is in threes!)
- All my counters are organized according to height. From left to right, smallest to tallest.
- My door has to be 2 inches open when I go to sleep or else I won't be able to. (My grandpa was the same way.  )
- My clothes are colored coordinated from white to color to dark.
- I have to have three things of chap stick in my purse at all times.
- I check my car locks twice before I go inside.
- When I'm at dinner my drink has to be on my left side not my right. (Then again I am left handed.  )
- At work all my money has to be facing the same direction which is left.
That's about it I think! I'm pretty sure I've got more I just don't realize it. lol 
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I Claimed Miroku\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Earrings in the Claim Game Thread. There mine, all mine! Bwaahhh!!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 29
Janey-jane wrote:
I'm an obsessive consolidator. I hate having more than one jar/tube/container of any one product at a time, to the extent that, for example, I don't even like having multiples of cosmetics (1 blush, 1 mascara, etc.). So I consolidate things or won't buy new stuff until I run completely out of the old container - even if things are on a "2 for 1" sale.
I'll consolidate even if the products aren't exactly the same - like I'll put vanilla lip balm into the half-used container of mint lip balm.
Whenever I see my parent's fridge it makes me SO twitchy because they'll have like 4 flavors of jam open at one time.
I never thought of it before, as an OCD thing, but I guess it makes perfect sense that it kinda is. I'm exactly the same way. Although I jump at 2 for 1 sales, my issue is having 2 like items open at the same time. Like 2 or more flavors of jam in the fridge would also drive me batty. My hubs has to use girly scented shampoo because I cant stand to have 2 bottles (even if its a his and hers) open at the same time!
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Posts: 237
Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 10
Well, I check my door often to make sure it's locked but I only do it once, not multiple times so I'm not sure if that counts.
I'm not dirty, but I'm not the most organized person so I tend to get to it when it starts to look 'too messy' to be acceptable. Probably not either.
I get OCD about files on my computer though. If I save a picture or video I have to have it in a particular place.
Example: I save a Sesshy/Kag fanart.
I gotta put it in Pictures>Anime>Fanart>SesshyxKag
Yes I have it down to that exact. I'd say thats my only real OCD thing though...most of the time I'm too lazy 
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 34
I finally thought of something i am OCD about.
All my books have to be in order. separated by author then separated by date of release. Some of them have to be separated by order i read them in. And then there are some that have to be beside others because they have the same theme. I just don't alphabetize...yet
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Re:We All Have Them...What is YOUR OCD? 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 23
I don't think mine are really OCD or just odd habits but..
I also do the checking the door multiple times when I leave to make sure it is closed completely. I put different amount of weight on it too. However, I only started doing this after I first got my male ferret Jiraiya and though my door is always closed somehow While I was at work, my dad's dog had opened the door and almost got Jiraiya(He was huddled in the back of his cage) but the front of his cage was pretty much ripped open and destroyed and she continued to try and get him. That's why I double check it.
I always pace when I listen to music, I have to be moving or the scenery around me has to be moving, otherwise I feel really unsettled and uncomfortable.
When I am in the car listening to music the volume cannot be an odd number. It has to be on something even.
I also have to wash dishes with a sponge, I can't use towels at all. It makes me feel like they have not been cleaned, so if I don't have a sponge I pretty much won't do dishes until I can get one.
That's all I can think of..
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