Well that Quotes gotta be a Buffy Quote! It just sounds like it. I have the series on DVD, and I'm going to sit back a watch it all in honor of you!
Now on to the topic at hand. First of all I'd like to thank you for sharing. I understand that ones health, family background, and hope for children, is a very personal issue. By sharing it I hope is therapudic, and hopefully us Dokuga crew can be a support system for you.
First let me assure you that the field of Opthamology is advancing by leaps and bounds. In 15 years, there may not even be any issue to worry about because they will be able to fix you right up. Meanwhile there are preventative measures you can take, some as simple as remembering your sunglasses! Be your own advocate and do lots and lots of research, and ask questions no matter how common or mundaine they may seem to you.
And before I can get to the second part, I'd like to share a piece of my own story, which has been both a painful and scarey Journey. My situation is rather similure to yours. 4 years ago at the age of 22 I started having massive ear aches, difficulty balancing, and diffuculty hearing. I grew up with tinnitus, which is ringing in the ears, a condition that you can both get from damage to the ears or genetically. (Ever leave a loud concert and have that ringing in your ears for a few hours? Its like that only the ringing is louder and 24/7. Its been suggested that Van Gough had tinnitus which is why he cut off his ear - to show a physical representation of his suffering. Hemmingway was also reported to having it, which is why he said she was often in such a foul mood) Anyways after thousands of dolloars of tests, a specialist finally told me that at the ripe age of 22, I was going deaf and it was irreversable. My first thought was about the kids I wanted to have... would I ever be able to hear them laugh? hear them call me mommy? hear them tell me they love me? and did i want to bring kids into the wrold that may have to suffer the same condition? my heart broke. In an instant i felt the entire life i had been trying to build for myself, crumble around me.
Four years later and I'm still loosing my hearing. I've been learning ASL and trying to get myself prepaired for the day when I'll no longer be able to hear. But after 4 years, I'm okay with it. I'm saying a big F-you to the universe and being determined to live the life I wanted for myself - I'm just going about it differently. I have one daughter who is almost two and a half and a son on the way. We are prepaired and armed with how we will raise them should hearing loss be an issue - and they will see their mother living life full and in bliss, with INDIFFERENCE to her lack of hearing. It wont be a handicapt to my children, should they inheret this, it will simply be their way of life.
First let me say to NOT give up on the hope of having children. If its something you guys really want, then you shouldn't be deprived of that joy. There is nothing in the world like it. However, i respect your desire not to want to pass on such a condition, but you can adopt too, if you arn't opposed to it (as the child of an adoptee, i'm very proadoption!) My wonderful husband had hangups about adoption, wanting to pass on his own genes, which is why we didn't opt for that choice. Now that we've had our own kids, he realizes that he would have been just as in love with a child we adopted, but he didn't know that then, and I wanted to respect that and not push an issue that I had no right pushing. That may be the situation for you or your hubs, in your case and that isn't something to be ashaimed of, in fact its perfectly normal and biologically healthy. (The instinct of genetic survival is a strong one)
Anyways, dont let this change anything for you, other than perhaps getting yourself ready, should worst come to worst.
Again thank you for sharing your story. Its important that there are people willing to share these things to remind us to be thankful for our blessings. It was brave of you to share, and you inspired me to share my story too, which I hope makes you feel less alone.
Hey with your ears and my eyes we have all of our 5 senses!