hmm weird.. 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 23
So for the past year I have been having problems with my teeth(pain, some chipping..etc.N' yes, I do take care of my teeth and don't eat much junk food because it makes me sick anyways)
I don't have any insurance so I can't go to the dentist to get help. So I have just kind of had to deal with it and hope that the pain will go away soon(one time it was so bad, because I had pain in both sides of my mouth that I was pretty much just living on soup and pain killers for two months because I couldn't eat anything solid/or get sleep because of the pain)Anyways, this morning one of my teeth started hurting again so I was like ' ah crap, again' I ate soft stuff so I wouldn't irritate it and then just a few hours ago it started hurting really bad.
So I started chewing some gum that helps teeth(by making them stronger-it has helped relieve the pain before too) anywho after chewing the gum for a few moments I felt something come from my tooth that had been bothering me. I pulled it out and it was a tiny ball, that was made out of some sort of rubber? I guess would be the best way to describe it. I threw it away and then kept doing what I was doing previously, then I felt it again and found another small piece of the rubber stuff. Threw that away and then a few moments afterwords I felt something big leave my tooth/gum and it was a big ball of the rubber stuff.
I have no clue what this stuff is. But now, I'm kind of curious to why it was in my tooth/gum. But after it came out the pain was gone so quickly it surprised me. The best way i can describe what the ball was is, if anyone here has ever used that rubber glue and then rubbed it and small ball will form. That was basically what the ball looked and felt like. It's strange though, has anyone ever experienced this before or know what it is?
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Re:hmm weird.. 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 47
I've never had any problem like that before and could only guess about what it might be.
Whenever you felt this pain before, did your face ever get swollen, or did you notice any swelling on your gums? If so, you might have an abscess and the stuff coming from your tooth might have been pus (sorry if I'm grossing anyone out). Typically the removal of all of that pressure helps make the tooth feel better, maybe something in the gum you were chewing . . . solidified it.
Again, that is just a guess. But really, if you have been having problems for such a long time, you should go to a dentist, even if you don't have insurance. I don't want to sound like I'm lecturing or anything, but dental health is not something to ignore as it can be directly related to a number of other serious health issues.
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Re:hmm weird.. 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 23
Yeah, I noticed both actually(swelling in my face and gums)I know I should probably go to a dentist for it, but aside from not having insurance, I also don't have a job and am having trouble finding one where I live.My father doesn't have a job at the moment either(He had heart surgery two months ago, and can't work because he is still recovering) So money is really tight now, and I don't know how much going to the dentist will cost.
I don't think you are lecturing, just be truthful. I know it would be best to go to the dentist(because as you mentioned, it probably goes with my other health problems I have been having) But it's just the money issue right now- that makes it hard to do that.
Also thank you for taking the time to reply 
Last Edit: 2010/05/19 02:11 By PRVN.
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Re:hmm weird.. 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: -666
There are dental programs for those with low incomes, especially if you're unemployed.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:hmm weird.. 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 23
really? I didn't know that, I'll have to look into that. thanks for letting me know 
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Re:hmm weird.. 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 47
If you live in the US, here's a link to a listing of all of the state dental association websites
Each state has different organizations that can either provide free dental care or offer it at reduced rates.
I tagged . . . err, claimed Sesshoumaru's cute, elfin ears in the Dokuga Claiming Game
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Re:hmm weird.. 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 78
Every area is different, but if I were you, I'd start by looking up my public health dept. But that could very well be a dead end, and I wouldn't stop there by any means. A lot of times people who work for places like that won't go out of their way to help you find assistance, because they are just clock-punchers, and don't really care about people. Most communities have an array of charitable organizations that help people who don't have a lot of money in a lot of different ways: paying utility bills when you are in crisis, food banks, etc. Ask the workers at these organizations if there are any local free or low-cost health clinics or dental clinics you can make use of. If you are persistent enough, you will discover that there is a whole chain of resources that help people who need it. Because of the job market and the economy, people need help who never did in the past, so they are not in the loop when it comes to availing themselves of the help that is out there, and they end up incurring expenses that they wouldn't have to, if they were in the know about these resources. Even if a charitable organization seems to be affiliated with some church group, they serve all people who need help. So don't avoid making contact with your local Salvation Army, or a group associated with the Catholic Church or something. You might not strike paydirt on your first or second or even third try, but keep asking, and eventually you will find someone who is enough of a human being to lead you to someone who can help with your problem...
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Re:hmm weird.. 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 78
But whatever you do, don't just go to a full-price dentist or doctor until you know FOR SURE you can't get help free or at a reduced rate. I know that people just call a dentist, and incur a huge bill, and end up being harassed by bill collectors when THERE IS NO REASON TO, other than reluctance to look for help, or simply not knowing that help is out there. You don't want to incur debt unless you absolutely have to. Once again, be persistent when looking for help, and if someone tells you no, don't take their word for it, go on to the next possibility. I know you are young, and going through life with bad teeth, and particularly chronic pain, is a very bad thing. Even if you are a rugged individualist, you will find that there is nothing to be ashamed of in taking advantage of something that is out there to help. With the economy the way it is, most of us are in the same boat! So chin up, maybe this strange event is a GOOD thing, because it will lead you to take action on something that needs to be taken care of NOW.
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Re:hmm weird.. 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 23
Thank you to both of you  I'm going to look into it tomorrow. Thank you all for telling me about this, I will try and get some help and I feel very relieved now, by just knowing of the places and that there is a way to get help(even with my current financial situation).
Part of the reason why I didn't want to go to the dentist, is because I thought I would end up in major debt if I did go and seek help(Which wouldn't be good thing right now-not that it ever is).
I have had debt collectors after me before, for a problem that I had with my old bank account. I got that taken care of before it actually affected my credit. But still it was rather painful to deal with the debt collectors because, while i know they were just doing their job, they weren't trying to be helpful or understanding at all and just kept pushing and pushing(Which was hard cause I was jobless-so I couldn't really work anything out with them) but thankfully I was able to get the money and just pay the debt off all in one go, instead of doing monthly payments.
Thanks again to everyone who has offered advice for this  I really appreciate it!
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