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A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!!
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TOPIC: A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!!
Mistress Sianna
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A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 26
I don't have a garden, nor do I hang bird feeders, so I never looked at squirrels as anything other than cute little creatures that sit in the grass, eat their little seeds and nuts, store food for the winter, and occasionally perch themselves on the outside of my window.

Well, today, one welcomed himself inside! Chewing through the screen, the little so-and-so was apparently after a partially eaten PB and J sandwich my three-year old daughter so graciously left on the table before she merrily ran off with her grandmother. My husband packed her up and sent her off, but apparently before he could do away with the sandwich, the squirrel decided to take care of it for him. I was upstairs trouble shooting my printer when he yelled up to me that there was a squirrel in the house!

Of course, I was not very pleased with this news. I came downstairs to see that the squirrel was indeed sitting on my windowsill. ON THE INSIDE!!! Behind him I was able to see that the screen was thoroughly chewed to ribbons! I made some loud noise and pretended to charge forward and he ran back out. The bad thing though was that even after I closed the window, that little runt kept coming back! Apparently he was trying to get in again!!!

I... don't think I like squirrels anymore!
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Priestess Skye
Darth Skye
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 696975
As somebody who has raccoons in her attic and mice in her kitchen (despite multiple attempts to get rid of them) i thoroughly understand.

The raccoons are a pain, we're working on them. the mice come from my neighbour who refuses to clean her house. We're fed up.
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 3
I was watching something on animal plant once about how this squirrel started stalking/attacking this woman. She couldn't be outside for more than a couple of minutes before it would attack her. So she would run into her house and it would jump into and climb up the screen door in an attempt to get at her.

Needless to say, since I saw that years ago I always watch the little buggerd closely when I walk by in case I have to pull out my soccer skills.
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
The squirrels outside my house throw things at you as you get into your car.Acorns, bits of ice, and anything else they can get their hands on. And they torture the wild cats. They are evil. I hate squirrels.
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Twilight Dawn
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
Your story reminds me of my own. Somehow a Mallard Duck had gotten into my house. I didn't know if the duck would bite me or not, so I put tube socks over my arms. I quickly grabbed him, even though it felt like I was using oven mits, and ran with him to the backyard to set him free.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 26
You're quite a brave one Twilight! Don't know if I would have been so bold as to grab the duck, even with tube socks on!

That squirrel pissed me off something awful today, and I'm usually a pretty easygoing person!! It wasn't bad enough that he came in in the first place, but to keep coming back again and again??!! I then discovered that, after I came from upstairs troubleshooting my printer, the little %@#&-er came back again and chewed an even BIGGER hole in the screen! If he starts attacking me when I go outside, its gonna be on like on like Saturday night boxing! I'm not gonna keep taking crap off of no squirrel!

I REFUSE to be bullied by a squirrel!!!
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Last Edit: 2010/04/05 20:23 By Lady Sianna.

Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 18
LOL I always thought squirrels were cute and cuddly. I haven't had a bad experience wih them so to hear this stories is pretty interesting.

Ah and Sianna I love your signature
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.

That's so me!
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Josie Knox
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 1
Squirrels are crazy little creatures. lol When I went to school at Ball State on a nice day I used to sit in the area we called the quad reading, doing homework, or whatever and you could watch the squirrels wait and throw things at people as they walked under a tree. Other students would laugh when someone would tell them about it, that is until it happened to them. I couldn't tell you how many times i was hit in the head with an acorn lol.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 26
Akay wrote:
LOL I always thought squirrels were cute and cuddly. I haven't had a bad experience wih them so to hear this stories is pretty interesting.

Ah and Sianna I love your signature
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.

That's so me!

lol!! I forgot all about that siggy!

I guess what really gets me is that I always thought squirrels were docile and timid creatures. Usually, whenever I saw them, they would run from people, not attack them and try to barge their way into houses to forcibly share PB&J sandwiches!

Here he is! You can't really see the screen on this picture, but believe me when I say that he ate it up pretty good! He's back on the outside BTW, but he was trying to get back in again!

Don't ask why I felt the need to take his picture.
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 67
Do you think there may be something wrong with that particular squirrel? Why else would he try to get into your house again? I have a bad feeling about that squirrel. You should try contacting someone who knows all about pest control. All in all, it has got to go.
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
Despite the bad rep. you guys are giving them, I still say squirrels are cute. Now rats, rats are gross.
One summer a rat got into our backyard (not into the house, thank god) and it just sitting there, it was like six inches long and had these evil beady eyes (so gross). So my dog spots it and decides it's a chew toy, tossing it up in the air and catching it until it stops trying to run away... (it was hilarious and sickening all at once XP)
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 47
Did you throw the PB&J sandwich outside when you chased out the squirrel? I'd bet that is why it kept trying to get back in. He just wanted the sandwich. Of course, that could have just started a whole new situation where it would have come back every day, expecting more.

I really don't think the squirrel's behavior was all that strange. Squirrels living in areas where there are a lot of people will have a tendency to be more comfortable around people and will show no hesitancy towards begging for food, or demanding it, in this case. It's not all that uncommon.

I used to work in an amusement park where there were a couple of squirrels that would hang around the particular ride where I worked. We used to toss them peanuts and such, and they were so comfortable around us that they would sometimes walk up to us and even put their little forepaws on our shoes, begging for food. It was really quite cute.

Of course, I've also battled with squirrels that liked to dig up my garden (and that mothball trick did not work). I never had any invade my home, but I have had problems some winters when mice would come in the house from the nearby woods. Yes, they can be frustrating and destructive at times, but I don't begrudge animals for just being animals and following their noses to food or looking for a warm place for the winter.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 34
Hun, I am sorry abpou that but let me tell you tat's nothing compared to what we have here. My dad keeps making a garden everyyear carrots and potatoes corn and such. Well there is one squirrel in particular wihtout a tail. This squirrel delights in tormenting my dad with his stealing the garden food. My dad sees him and comes running out wiht tomatoes or rocks to throw at him screaming something along the lines of "You damn rat bastard squirrel get away from my garden!" and thats the nicest thing i've ever heard him say about it. The funny things about this squirrel? As soon as my dad goes back in he comes back and seals more. And the cycle starts again. Its actually quite comedic.
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Sarah C
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 35
My mom used to have a garden every year and it ended up looking like a fort with chicken wire under it to prevent gofers, chicken wire around it, with cinderblocks to at the base to prevent squirrels and bunnies, and bird netting to prevent the squirrels from climing over the chicken wire. She gave up because the critters got inside anyway. They also get our peaches, nectarines, and apples every year. They drive the dog nuts.
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
My mother in law has a couple of squirrels that she feeds peanuts too, and has for a few years, they come right up to her on her back deck and sit and eat them. I don't have a animal problem, my dogs scare them away and the ones that get past the dogs don't get past the two feral cat's that live in the woods, and if they got into my house I know my 6 cats would give em a run for their money.
Rats actually make very good pets, they rarely bite, not like hamsters, and they are actually clean if taken care of properly, my daughter has one named Chi CHI, she carries it everywhere with her.I had to put my foot down sunday and tell her it was not coming with us to the park. Personally I think of rats as food for my two snakes. hehe

Hubby got me two baby goats last week for easter, and as an early bday present, they are cute little buggers.

Now my dog is sitting at the foot of my bed begging for my white chocolate bunny, silly thing , she already at my son's sour jelly beans, my dog loves candy and gum.Sometimes I think she is confused and thinks she is a human.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 26
Despite the bad rep. you guys are giving them, I still say squirrels are cute.

I'm inclined to agree Chaos, but that little bugger really ticked me off! I have to buy a new screen because of him and judging from how motivated he seemed to get in, it may not be the last one I have to replace!

Did you throw the PB&J sandwich outside when you chased out the squirrel? I'd bet that is why it kept trying to get back in. He just wanted the sandwich. Of course, that could have just started a whole new situation where it would have come back every day, expecting more.

I really don't think the squirrel's behavior was all that strange. Squirrels living in areas where there are a lot of people will have a tendency to be more comfortable around people and will show no hesitancy towards begging for food, or demanding it, in this case. It's not all that uncommon.

I threw the sandwich away! I'm thinking that feeding him might be an invitation for trouble! I also agree that he might just be less fearful of humans due to exposure. He lives in my yard and so he sees us coming in and out all the time. I guess I was just awed by the audacity he displayed today.

Oh, and I enjoyed reading all your stories! I think it helps to know that I'm not the only one being picked on by pint-sized critters! Kirai, your story was especially amusing!
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Time Traveler
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 156
I've never personally have had bad experience with squirrels. In my old apartment, I could see from my window the long and low building on the otherside of the street, and I always enjoyed watching how squirrels would run and bounce on that house's roof. It looked so funny!

But I do remember a story I found hilarious, I forgot from whom I heard it... Anyway, it happened in some kind of a retirement home or something, a place where they house old people. There was a tree right behind the window, and the old ladies spotted a squirrel in that tree. So naturally they started to coo and all, oh how cute little squirrel there and so forth... The squirrel made its way up the tree until it reached a bird's nest and started to feast on the unguarded eggs laid there.

The cooing stopped pretty much right after that, and all of a sudden the squirrel wasn't cute anymore.
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 4
Back in the day, I went to an all girls school and wore the cute lil skirt and kneesock uniform. My family had fed the squirrels in our yard to the point that they would climb my kneesocks to beg for food. It was always a good way to get the blood pumping in the morning, running around screaming with a squirrel clinging to my legs.

The skirts were a blessing! The one time I made the mistake of wearing a pair of loose shorts and sitting still in the yard reading, a hentai squirrell crawled INTO MY SHORTS!!! and refused to come out. Again, running around screaming with a squirrel in my shorts got the blood pumping. Stripping out of my shorts and running through the yard to my house in my panties might have gotten the neighbors' blood pumping!

Sianna, squirrels should be listed in the dictionary under the word "audacious"!
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Shikon Miko
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 31
I've always liked squirrels. They even do nice things for me. One time, when I was outside the Movie Gallery, I was walking around till I came to a tree. There was a squirrel sitting on a branch. I stood there and spoke to it a while. It stood there and looked at me. So, I guessed it was listening. A bird came in the tree, on a branch nearby the squirrel. I told it I would love it forever, if it would attack the bird. To much of my amazement, he ran right over and started scratching and chewing at the bird. I think that bird never returned.

So, I told the squirrel how proud I was of him, and that I will love him forever. Though, I never saw him again after that. Mostly because I stopped going to that Movie Gallery. Still love him though. Best. Squirrel. Ever.
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Twilight Dawn
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
Yesterday, I have my own experience with the screen door and an infamous brown squirrel. Its all my boyfriends fault. He likes to feed the squirrels bread and has even trained them to come to the door whenever he whistles. One of the squirrels decided that he wanted some bread and climbed up the railing to latch himself on my screen, and now I have tiny holes where his claws had been.
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 3
I had a squirrel chew through the screen in my dorm room two years ago. While I never saw the thing, I know for a fact the stupid little bugger kept stealing my chap stick. I would find them below the window looking all chewed on. It was such a pain because the college took 3 months to fix the screen and the dorm had no AC so we had to keep the window open. They never messed with anything but the chap stick, but I swore I would be eating squirrel meat if I ever caught the thing.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 26
It's still after meeeeeee!!!!!

Just a few minutes ago I had the door open to get some fresh air and the squirrel jumped on the screen door!!

I scared...

P.S, and Phantomlogic, your story is hilarious!!
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Lady ky
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
looks like a eastern gray squirrel, mean little sob. they like to build nests in attacks or walls, so if you can scare it away for good that would be smart. try hanging a fake hawk outside your doors its one of it natural predator. if that doesn't work you need call the local pest control so they can put it down. I know that doesn't sound nice but its been classified as a pest and that's what needs to be done.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 216
Chaos wrote:
I was watching something on animal plant once about how this squirrel started stalking/attacking this woman. She couldn't be outside for more than a couple of minutes before it would attack her. So she would run into her house and it would jump into and climb up the screen door in an attempt to get at her.

Needless to say, since I saw that years ago I always watch the little buggerd closely when I walk by in case I have to pull out my soccer skills.
@_@ this is awesome. sorry but it is!

Teana wrote:
The squirrels outside my house throw things at you as you get into your car.Acorns, bits of ice, and anything else they can get their hands on. And they torture the wild cats. They are evil. I hate squirrels. this is hilarious as well. sorry you have a super secret stalker Sqirrel though =x

as for the rest of it, i know its supposed to be serious but i cant help but laugh =x

*protects Sianna* :3 maybe you should draw a Sesshomaru in full form and the squirrel will get scared?
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Re:A %$#@-ing Squirrel Got In My House!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 67
Mistress Sianna wrote:
Akay wrote:
LOL I always thought squirrels were cute and cuddly. I haven't had a bad experience wih them so to hear this stories is pretty interesting.

Ah and Sianna I love your signature
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.

That's so me!

lol!! I forgot all about that siggy!

I guess what really gets me is that I always thought squirrels were docile and timid creatures. Usually, whenever I saw them, they would run from people, not attack them and try to barge their way into houses to forcibly share PB&J sandwiches!

Here he is! You can't really see the screen on this picture, but believe me when I say that he ate it up pretty good! He's back on the outside BTW, but he was trying to get back in again!

Don't ask why I felt the need to take his picture.

After looking at that picture, hmm, I think that squirrel is a certified stalker. It looked a little obssessed, like it wantsa lot more than a PBJ sandwich. Like most people, I think squirrels are cute, but that particular one creeps me out, based on that picture.
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Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!

Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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