Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 26
My username wasn't chosen out of like for bees (I actually fear them), but my real name means "honey bee" (or just bee), so I decided to just go with that. Not very imaginative, I know... but I like it. 
Last Edit: 2009/05/17 22:19 By Honey-Bee.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 39
ladybattousai wrote:
Mine is from Rurouni Kenshin and just demonstrates how much love I have for a particular bad-ass, red-headed assassin. I added the the lady, since that particular assassin is quite the boy
That is a wonderful anime and I highly second that one, Lady B!
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 15
At first my names always had CAT in them because my initials spell cat, but in the end I was like, "people probably think I'm some crazy cat person."
So, I wanted something that wasn't already taken, and I thought of that movement To Write Love On Her Arms and I liked the sound of it, except authors write on pages, not arms...so, hence ToWriteLoveOnAPage!
“It is impolite to stare, miko,” he said, his smile gone, bringing Kagome back down to earth.
Oh, hello earth, how are you? She addressed the planet in a daze. Just got back from whatever parallel universe I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'d fallen into, did you know Sesshoumaru smiles there? Weird.
~Of Gods and Demons
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 11
Unlike most here, mine is exceedingly boring. For many years I was co-founder of a business called Elegantpaws.com. The moniker stuck and it is pure coincidence that I clack away at keys and write about characters who are demonic with amazing manicures in their own right lol...that and the fact that I do have long nails. 
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: -666
Mine is from Rurouni Kenshin and just demonstrates how much love I have for a particular bad-ass, red-headed assassin. I added the the lady, since that particular assassin is quite the boy 
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 39
Sorry, but I am insatiably curious about peoples' chosen pen names. I like knowing where they came from, what motivated you to choose it, etc. etc. SO, I am asking you. How did you choose your name?
And, since I am asking, I shall give you my tale of nerdiness... (cover your eyes!)
I use to play war games with one of my first boyfriends and we had names we had to pick for ourselves in the games. I chose LC Rose. (L meaning LADY because I was one of the only females there, C meaning CAT because I love kitties, and Rose b/c I've always loved white roses and I'm white so it fit) I know, nerdy. But the pen name stuck and I've used it my writings ever since then.
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 6
I either go by Khrystyne or khysser_kat
Khrystyne is my name and khysser_kat is my nickname which stands for Khrystyne Kathryn
Nothing real nerdy there lol.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 31
Wow--all of your stories are so awesome! Mine doesn't have much of a story behind it....lol. Well, I'm a Cancer, and Cancer's are ruled by the moon....so, I chose Saholia because it means "Moonlight" in Hebrew. (Hebrew because it's a language I picked up in Sunday school....lol)
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 9
My username has been piratequeen or piratequeen0405 since high school, when I was mildly obsessed with Gráinne Ní Mháille (Anglicized to Grace O'Malley), a sixteenth century Irish chieftain and pirate, an amazing, larger-than-life historical figure. The 0405 is April 5th, my birthday.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 33
Mine is no where near as cool as all of yours. My sister was laughing at me about my IY obsession, especially when it came to Sesshoumaru, and said at one point that I had "Sessy-love" on the brain. So, when it came time to set up my thing on myspace (I think it is a URL but am not sure) I put in Sessylove219. 219 is a number I always use in association with monikers. Since I used it there, I went ahead and used it here as well.
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 39
Honey-Bee wrote:
My username wasn't chosen out of like for bees (I actually fear them), but my real name means "honey bee" (or just bee), so I decided to just go with that. Not very imaginative, I know... but I like it.
Ya know, I always wondered about you and bees...
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
well i have a daughter, lilly, who was born in october and i was married in october so its a special month for me. and the second part is a tribute to the baby daughter i lost to a miscarriage. her name was to be rose. since roses and lillies are my favorite flowers.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 11
So I started out my fandom on the good ol' "Hero In the 21st Century" site where I first found "A Demon Should Act Like A Demon" (happy sigh) as vpotucek. good luck pronouncing that. I decided a new name was needed. Since then I have been KoTorii on DeviantArt, FF.net, A Single Spark, Dokuga and briefly on MediaMiner (geez that's a long list...I've been here a while...). I'm Sylphide on AFF.net which was a totally random decision stemming from my love of mythology and sprites...the fairie, not the soda lol. Anyhow, my name KoTorii: Ko was something I added to make my SN a bit more interesting, and since it means small and I am slightly vertically challenged it fit. Tori stems from my real name, Victoria, and the extra 'i' got tacked on because whenever my friends need something they just turn to me and go "Toriiiiiiii..." and I'm a sucker for it every time. It was convenient that Torii is actually a real Japanese word for those big red shrine gates. I used those gates as an icon for a while.
My story is kind of blah, but it works for me. 
Seeing the small is called clarity. ~Daode Jing
I claimed Sesshoumaru\\\'s Devilish Smirk at the CLaim Game!!!
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Posts: 293
Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 28
My username is actually a cropped version of the username I usually go by, Jupeboxgal.
That one originated yeeears and years ago as the first username I ever used on the internet, ever. I have a love of language puns, and "jupe" is the French word for skirt. Since at the time I wore skirts almost exclusively and I sang a lot, I combined "jupe" and "jukebox" into "jupebox," which was taken because I was signing up for AOL. I had my heart set on the username, though, so I tacked on a "gal". I've used it ever since.
Since people mostly just call me Jupe nowadays, I've used that same word to make more language puns, such as Jupedujour and LoopdeJupe.
Moo. We are a cow. Take us to China.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 5
Miwa is my day of birth. 'mi' is minggu that means sunday in Indonesian and 'wa' is wage, a day in Javanese calendar.
Yeah I use two language daily, Indonesian and Javanese. Well anyway Miwa sounds like a Japanese name so I use it for this fandom.
And 03 is my day and month of birth, 3rd of March.
Last Edit: 2009/07/13 04:47 By miwa03.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2
My name came from the main character of a book that I'm writing. Micah is short for Micalah who is the estranged daughter of the King of Hell, Damien of Skulls. 'caran Damien' is an honorific of sorts in the kingdom of the book. It translates to "daughter of Damien" and basically means princess since Damien is the king. Micah is a hell of a lot like me, so I call myself Micah caran Damien on most sites. Except for ff.net where I'm Micah Rapp Cullen due to a previous obession with the musical Rent and Twilight. 
Last Edit: 2009/07/13 05:02 By Micah Rapp Cullen.
And I, tiny being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, felt myself a pure part of the abyss. I wheeled with the stars. My heart broke loose with the wind. ~Pablo Neruda "Poetry" Life's a fleeting dream; don't let it go.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
I was and am obsessed with the seven deadly sins. I look for them everywhere lol. So I looked up the name and what it translated into from japanese. And I found sekiaku. Kinda boring....I know
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 156
This will be geeky...
I've been planning on an original story like since the eighth grade. It's a high fantasy one, and so far along the years I've started writing it three times. (I'd always read it through, think it's all crap and started over...)
So it's a fantasy story, and for that I created my own world. I started making up a language too. "Chiera" means fire in that imaginary language, and "Chie" was at one point the nickname of the main character in that original story.
Those two I had in mind when I adopted the nick as my own, but later I learned that "Chie" actually is a Japanese female name. As a word, it means wisdom. Not suiting me too much, but still way cool, so I'm sticking to this. x3
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 11
This'll be a quick story. And one demonstrating my idiocy.
'I Agree' started with Fanfiction.net. I was signing up one morning, going through the motions like a zombie, giving them all the information they needed when all of the sudden they asked what PenName I wanted. I know I know... I should have seen it coming but I didn't... like an idiot.
When on the spot like that, I'm not a creative person. It takes time and patience for me. So I sat there in *headdesk* position for at least five minutes before I thought of the guidelines you have to agree to so you can be allowed on the site... Well, I had agreed so... 'I Agree'
Im never going to do that again until next week....
I iz the Master Agreer of Dokuga Island with my O.K. Stamp of Yes!
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 1
well there is a organization in thailand called the ayui foundation and it is really a amazing organization and i want my last name to be young b/c u can say i will always be young. silly i know but yea...my actually name is Stefanie Patterson which is boring.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2
Well i got my name from a Fan fiction i think it was by roo but i cant remember but the name Naughty Miko got me my name before had been Moko_Moko and that one people where taking it so thought i would change it to some thing people would be like wtf?! and then i came across the fan fiction and now i have my lovely name that i love to death
haha my wesker beats your batman.....I WIN!!!!!!
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
Cuz mah mommy said it :3
Sesshomaru loves Kagome...
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2
I came across my name when I was in high school and 4 gal pals and I needed to communicate without getting caught. Some things said could have either gotten the crap beat out of us or detention because note passing was forbidden in class...anyway Tana was a character in a cartoon I watched and I could see myself in and that alias kept me out of ALOT of trouble. So, when my daughter got me into anime I fell in love with Rurouni Kenshin and InuYasha fanfiction it was an easy choice. My daughter reminded me of my high school alias and said to add "san" as the Japanese show of respect.So, yeah, that's me and yet I still add my true name at the end of my reviews just to make it more personal.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
My name originated from high school... apparently I was a rather unfriendly sort and I discovered Lady Ice was the nickname all the boys had dubbed me. Since "Lady Ice" was taken on almost every site and email address imaginable, it morphed into either LadySilverIce or LadySilqIce, depending on if either were taken.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 6
My name doesn't have anything to do with Inuyasha fandom, even though I've been an addict of it for a LONG time...longer than most of my other anime/game obsessions anyway.
Heartless = because I'm an uber Kingdom Hearts nerd
iPod = because I'm ALWAYS WEARING MINE. No literally. ALL THE TIME.
Ninja = ...because ninjas pwn pirates. LOL. And, I'm a huge Naruto fan. Leaf nin! Whoo! [/LAME]
Everybody else has a cute story, so mine seems kinda boring... and rather otaku.
Oh, and props to Wiccan for being such a huge WHR fan! :hug: You rock, Wiccan.
Hug someone you care about, today. Tell them that you love them. You never know when they will be gone for good.
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