I’m always looking for more podcasts to listen to. So, what podcasts do our fellow Dokugians subscribe to? Or at least like to listen to occasionally? What’s your list? Please give a brief description also, so we know what it is about.
Here’s my list:
Cartoon Radio Network Podcast with Dr. Don - themes and songs from cartoons (with the occasional retro 80’s / 90’s commercial)
GenY Retrocast - a podcast for those who were born between 1980 and 1990, talks about toys, cartoons, shows, etc. and since the hosts are Hawaiian, they also give the pigeon word of the day.
RetroforceGo - a retro gamers podcast
Masters cast - He-Man and She-Ra podcast
Muggle Cast - Harry Potter podcast
Renaissance Festival podcast- about renaissance festivals music, acts and more
Wandering Geek - well not the regular ones, just the
WGPR (Podcast Radio) - the WG talks about cons and RPG / MMORPG gaming but WGPR plays filks Kurt has chosen to fit a theme, however random that theme is.
Mysterious Universe - topics like the paranormal, futuristic science, ancient history, UFO’s and the like. Kinda like Coast to Coast.
On Hold - a little of everything geeky
Fetish Flame - a podcast about fetishes, nuf said.
Does anyone sense a pattern here?
So, again, what is your?