Wow....I knew I was terrible at remembering names....but I didn't think I was this bad. I am scrolling down your list of stories and oooohhhhhh maaaa gooooodneessss. Just....oh my... I've read your stories....T^T I've read some of them...and loved them....and this was another favorite of mine.
I love how it was so short and sweet. You do well in portraying the characters in such a short amount of words. It amazes me.
Summer (Chapter 1) - Tue 28 Jan 2014
I love it....
See ya!!!
Jessica (Chapter 1) - Sat 14 Dec 2013
My first review ever goes to you. This is just plain awesome. i love how intense it is.
wow, that was powerful and oh, so sweet of him!
It's good....though, I did wonder why the village was razed to the ground. Doesn't seem like Kagome or Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru was around when it happened. Otherwise, as 'the moment' it is good.
I really, really liked this Asami! It definitely had a powerful impact on me- in the form of a huge gasp and smile :)
Sesshoumaru's reaction was P-E-R-F-E-C-T. No way would he let his love suffer! What's a few hundred people brought back to life for the girl you fancy, eh? LOL
Will there be more? Or will I be waiting in vain?
Do you want me to supply you with prompts?
short, sweet, loved!
excellent job! : D
You go Sesshoumaru! Don't let your miko cry.. fix it.. fix it!.. The power is in your hands ^.^
You did awesome love ^.^
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