sesshoumaru is such a hypocrite!
also, this is the first time since i've read a sesskag fic where i wanted sesshoumaru to just leave kagome alone.
Aw...Just when they have turned a corner Grandpa is going to pull something. Very glad that you updated. I had to go back to refresh my memory. Hope to see more soon.
Horayyy!!! You're back!
Woke up at 5am and saw a new chapter for Autumn and had to read it. The feels, the feels in this chapter! So good, I love it. I love that you brought out Sesshomaru's underlying emotions for Kagome. Yes, he is a demon and a dog so his pride stands above all else, but the fact that he feels for her something that even he himself doesn't understand yet, you've done an awesome job of capturing that! Awesome writing skills! Can't wait for more!
Well this made my week!!! This is one of my favorite stories and I was overjoyed to get the email alert! I can't wait to see what happens with the old man's plan!
No self hateing, chapters great..........please don't keep us in suspense to long
i was so enraptured with this story, i hope one day you still plan on finishing it
This is one of my absolute favorite stories on Dokuga and I'm not trying to be overly gushing, but really, you inspired me to create an account at the beginning of this year. It only took six months for me to start posting my own story, something that has been in my head for years. I just have never had the courage to share, but your confident writing made me want to try. I look forward to seeing where your story leads!
Beautiful! Can't wait for an update
UPDATE!!!! please the story is fantastic! loving it!
Please finish the story because it is great.
Ok, but why is 25 years old Kagome STILL wearing her school uniform!?
Yay:) I luved this new chapter....I'm so happy u r still updating ! When time abides another chapter would be very much appreciated!
Nice chapters, keep it coming. Happy New Year!
Oh I cannot wait to find out what the prophecy reveals! I also would like like to find out how Kagome shows Sesshomaru the future! Will she give him some history books to brush up on the "past and present" first, so to speak, before showing him the city? I wonder where she will find clothing to fit his 6 ft 8 in. frame? Perhaps he can walk around in his hakama and haori without his armor, but it will take some serious negociations to get that stubborn Inu to comply.....what if they walk by a pet shop and he see those adorable puppies in the window? Will he become angry and wish to "free" them all? (Ha ha I think that would be funny enough for a one-shot adventure!) Just kidding! Anyway, this story is amazing and I cannot wait for the next installment! Mama H. rocks! Thank you!
YAY!!! What an update! I love that Kagome's mom spoke to Sesshomaru in a nonthreatening manner. The conversation spoken between them spoke of their personality. I hate that you left us hanging with what the oracle spoke. I can't wait until Inuyasha spills the beans on that. What an amazing chapter, I think it's safe to say that Sesshys and Kags mating can not be undone. I can't wait until the next chaper! This is a fantastic fic! I can't wait for your next update!!!
Come through mama higurashi !!
Wow! Crushing cliffhanger!! Mother Higarashi and Sesshomaru's last word, I thought were well played.Bravo! You were missed.Welcome back!
why you just leave the cliffhanger there. . Please update asap!!
Wow I thought this to be abandoned. Have to reread to remember the story. Thanks for the chap however the part with the walking dead felt like going around in circles.
This is an excellent chapter. I really enjoyed the I sights gained through Sesshoumaru 's revelation and conversation with his newly minted mother in law. I also appreciate the scattering of the Tachi to gather information individually that they were unable to garner as a whole. You are so cruel leaving us hanging on Kikiyo's word. I look forward to your continued storyline.
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