Whaaaaaat???? You can't leave me hanging like this! They only JUST started getting along! It was cute even! “For the rest of my days.” OMG so sweet! Please please come back and write more. I love this story.
The Higurashi momma... ever the wise one.
Yaassss! Kagome yaaassss!!! Let him have it! The truth will set you free! Even if by means of shocking your captor. Lol
OMG so I love your writing SO MUCH! But I do feel the need to give one bit of constructive criticism. You're writing is so poetic and beautiful! But sometimes it's so much so that I have a hard time following your meaning or visualizing what you're describing. I like to take my time to visualize what the writer is seeing when they describe such a scene. On occasion I've had difficulties with this in your story. An example would be...
"Falling to the ground, her eyes wide and blank with shock, the distant scream of her mother echoed through her mind, pulling at her heart. However, despite the proximity of its source, the cry of concern was flat as if muffled by long distance. For though her mother’s arms were already lacing about her fallen figure, Kagome's awareness was away from this location, and beside her seething Mate."
I'm confused. It's she beside her mother whose arms are "lacing about her taken figure?" Or is she beside her seeing mate? It's kind of hard to follow, to picture this epic moment playing out. The "distant scream" would instate her mother was far away, however her mother's arms "lacing about her" would indicate otherwise? Just for clarification, it would be nice to understand your meaning here better.
Well... she had to have seen this coming, right? Lol
Dun dun DUUUUUNNNN!!! Oh Sesshomaru, your timing is impeccable as always.
Just wow. I love this take on the mark being a means of controlling the female.
Jeez. That sounds scary
OMG I love it. I LOVE her determination.
Whaaaaaat? Sesshomaru you DICK! LOL
Wow. How is this the first I've heard of you? This story is amazing! That was a bad ass Lemon too btw. Just awesome writing!
Very well written! And oh damn. That's quite an introduction to the story!
Alright so I binge read this in 24h and please, please tell me you have not abandoned this, because it would be a real shame if you did. It is so good. There is not a lot of stories with a dominiering Sesshoumaru out there, which seems strange since he is not only a very powerful demon but also a feudal war lord. As such he would have been raised to see himself as superior and to demand the obediance of those around him. And even in canon, lets be real, he is a bastard. A bastard whom we love, but still, dudes a prick.
Props to Grandpa for trying to take on a daiyoukai. I mean it will probably fail, but credit where credit is due, the guy has got some balls.
I really love this story and will also read your other stories. I really hope to read the rest of this one when you complete it. It is really good and you are a really talented author.
I really hope you come back to this story. I love it!
I hope you pick this back up you stopped right when their relationship was starting to turn
Still love it! x
Great so far, I look forward to reading more in the future.
Gaaaaah!!! How you could you stop there?!?! I need more!!!
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