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PurpleSolstice (Chapter 30) - Thu 11 Sep 2014

Great Chapter and best wishes for your upcoming marriage!

Ankita (Chapter 30) - Thu 11 Sep 2014

Tht was such  a tease you ending the chapter there butt *claps* congratulations on you wedding 

desje (Chapter 30) - Thu 11 Sep 2014

ahhhhh, awesomenes ;p

Ankita (Chapter 30) - Thu 11 Sep 2014

I think ur always reading my mind whenever i think i wish you would update i open my email and find tht a new update is there ?? okay now i gotta go and read d new chappy ^_^ thank youuu 

Cheryl (Chapter 1) - Mon 08 Sep 2014

awesome story right here, love how the characters are placed and the flow of this story! hope to see more soon! 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 29) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

Good chapter, keep it coming

gildedglass (Chapter 29) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

WoW! At first I thought she was being a jealous bitch, but I guess not! :) Great story, update soon!

Loveyaa (Chapter 29) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Hopefully what happens in Vegas, actually stays in Vegas. Here's hoping something does happen but that Inupapa hasn't bitten off more than he can chew. I can't wait to see what happens next and if Vegas loosens Sesshoumaru and Kagome up a little bit :)

Ana (Chapter 29) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh *-* same room in las Vegas xD Well, you know what they say "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!" Hopefully this will not “stay” if you know what I mean xD

Thank you so much for the update! <3 

hana sora (Chapter 29) - Tue 02 Sep 2014
Can't wait. . What happened next chapter XD

mani16koinu (Chapter 29) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

I'm still loving the denial. Can't wait to see what happens next!

maricela (Chapter 29) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

great update as always thanks.

DN Silence (Chapter 29) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

OKAY...................... When I return to the internet this weekend, after my Grad School Admin EXAM. I want to see a new update.

Yes, I want new update.

New update... by this weekend! Oh gosh that took almost 30 chapters just to get them together.

So yeah... update by this weekend please!!!! Long and sweet update!

LOL, just kidding. I meant take your time. I appreciate whatever you have in store :) *gingerly put knife away*

And yea~~~ Please don't forget to update!

Thank you for this update!

Lazurite (Chapter 28) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

Seriously? She's going to get on a plane? She's crazy.

Lazurite (Chapter 27) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

There have got to be more than a few people who would remember who went on before Kagome. I can't imagine that remaining secret for long.


Can he really not guess why she would be in debt? I mean he knows about Souta. 

Lazurite (Chapter 26) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

What was the deal with that nurse. I thought Sesshoumaru might tell her off

vhfluffy (Chapter 28) - Fri 22 Aug 2014

O wow! I just began reading this yday and couldn't stop until I had read all available chapters! This story is so beautiful! That's the only word that comes to mind :)

The circumstances under which the sisters come to work for Bankotsu are so sad but they're both determined and that's great! Sesshomaru is just such a lovable character, all tight ass upfront but such a sweetheart once you get to know him. There's a certain vulnerability about him even though his mask is flawless; I love how you've been able to portary that side of him. I absolutely love Touda and Izayoi, they're the best supporting characters so are Inuyasha and Kikyou. Although I feel Kikyou's character is volatile and can fall apart at the tiniest hint of insecurity, that's a different story.

Overall, you've done an amazing job of wringing in all characters into a beautiful storyline, good job!

I have a feeling Naraku will try and hurt her again. Although none of them have needed their true forms, I am wondering if wr will get a hint of it in the future?

Hinata-Chan (Chapter 28) - Fri 22 Aug 2014

Can't wait for the next installment!

Loveyaa (Chapter 28) - Thu 21 Aug 2014

Now they really will be playing a dangerous game. And of course the perfect place to start their after death, kiss non togther relationship is in Vegas. Well what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas right...hopefully :) I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Ana (Chapter 28) - Thu 21 Aug 2014

This story is KILLING ME! And I mean it literally! xD So much tension :3 

Thank you for the update! <3 

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