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Debra (Chapter 34) - Wed 24 Dec 2014

Wow, first time reading and i love it. This last chapter was great.

I think Kagome had a lot she was holding in for more than a few days the way she went off on Kikyo. I mean Kikyo didn't want to take Souta to the hospital sooner when Kagome did. Making it later when they caught his Leukemia, and decreasing his chances. Then Kikyo wanted to take him home when the bills started adding up, but Kagome didn't want to give up on him. Even the best of people are known to blame others when a loved one is sick or dying. To top it off Kikyo did kind of convince her to do it as well for the hospital bills. Now all this mess. I think the first things obviously she had issues with Kikyo for a while now and needed to get them out. The Sesshoumaru stuff just brought it out. 

I think Kagome needs to talk to more than Sesshoumaru. I also wonder about poor Kagome since people know about her debt. I'd hate to see Naraku or Kouga pay off her debt.

Anyway I hope you update real soon.

Ankita (Chapter 34) - Wed 24 Dec 2014

-_- i hope kagome doesn't look back no she shouldn't come back to him or talk to him .... I'm so angry right now T_T

Michela (Chapter 34) - Wed 24 Dec 2014

Great chapter! Hopefully Papa will find Kagome in one piece. poor Sess also he needs to step it up!

Merry Christmas!!!

Hope to read more soon!

Kimmy (Chapter 34) - Tue 23 Dec 2014

Amazing. I hope sesshomaru and kagome get back together and sesshomaru beats the crap out of kouga if he starts saying any more bull. 

lattie (Chapter 34) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

Kikyo was going to let her own brother die. But she is the good person and Kagome is crazy? Kagome is the only one right in this situation. Inuyasha is a terrible friend and Sesshomaru is a pansy.

Loveyaa (Chapter 34) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

Woah Kagome! Didn't really see that coming and yet. It all is really getting to her. I wonder if she will be able to pull herself back together. I do so hope she gets her happy ending and at this point without Sesshoumaru (!) (Although this is a Kagome and Sesshoumaru site, so I guess there is hope). I can't wait to see what happens next :)

VivWolf (Chapter 34) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

I've been missing you and your stories darling. Well done. Sad developments.


Hope Sesshomaru grows a pair and fights for what he wants, kagome gets her shit together, & kouga backs the fuck off.


DN Silence (Chapter 34) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

Thanks for updating so soon!

I think that Kagome deserves better. I am aware that Sesshoumaru and Kagome haven't really fall in love yet. But still, I see that he hasn't been making a lot of effort to hold her dear and make her his number one priority at all, which she needs to be, because it's a romance story in which he should loves her a lot. Wow, I just talked in one big circle. Again, he had to rely on his father to get the poor thing back, while he cooped up in his foly and brood. He is brave enough to speak so beautifully at the interview, but that's nothing he can't do in his power, and it also works for his benefit anyway. But he's still a coward when it comes to her... He doesn't like her enough, up until to this chapter, not as much as she likes him anyway. 

And Kikyo and Inuyasha kind of deserves Kagome's wrath. So few people gives a shit about her during the last few days. So..... I say, I won't be disappointed, in fact would be happy that Kagome and Sesshoumaru don't end up together.

Happy Christmas!

Night Wraith (Chapter 34) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

This is going to sound harsh but I really don't like Sesshomaru in this story and hopes that he ends up losing Kagome.  He's a straight up coward. The issue he had with Rin was annoying but understandable. His actions since things got rough is inexcusable. He's got money, power, and prestige. Yet he takes the cheap and easy road and does no better than Kouga than to twist The story around to suit his purpose. All because he doesn't have the courage to stand up for what he wants.

Oh, and he didn't win any points for trying to put Kouga into an abusive light either. Sesshomaru came out looking like a white knight but no one wants an abusive experience publicized in such a way. He harps on about his own privacy but again throws her under the bus to make himself look good and Kouga look bad? What is that? Nothing short of a very public media apology should suffice at this point to even help him get his foot through the door to start her talking to him again.

As for Kagome, she should just disappear for a while. Kikyo has settled in pretty nicely and could probably get a handle on her brother's debt now that she's with inuyasha. I'm pretty sure the Taisho's wouldn't want their love interest to continue dancing especially after finding out the reason why. Sesshomaru should have already figured that one out but he's been pretty self involved and stupid so I guess I'm not surprised there.

She should stay in contact with her little brother. With all the negative media coverage, Souta would have understood and want to protect Kagome considering what a poor job Kikyo did standing up for her own sister. No one who lamented what was happening had any nerve to speak up or stand up for her. He would refuse to tell where Kagome went if he knew. If a dying boy can see whats right and wrong with this picture why can't an adult?

I have never read such a cowardly version of Sesshomaru. The arrogant/ass part is correct but the only positive thing going for him is that he's a decent caring father. 

Lexy217 (Chapter 34) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

Love the chapter, hate the cliff hanger!!! I'm going to spend all holiday coming up with different possibilities!!! Have a great Christmas!!!!

mani16koinu (Chapter 34) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

Lmfao poor Kagome. She went crazy. Sesshoumaru better get his shit straight. Thanks for the gift my friend, happy holidays!

Wid0w (Chapter 34) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

Well she wasn't wrong. How do you not think to check her house? I think she hit the head, they're so wrapped up in each other, they did the bare minimum to feel like they were showing care for Kagome. Kikyo should have checked her house a long time ago if she really cared. Sesshomaru is just an ass, plain and simple. 

rose (Chapter 34) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

next chapter please

Kimmy (Chapter 33) - Thu 18 Dec 2014

Please finish the story its so agonizing to think how it will end and what more drama can unfold. Love your stories. 

van (Chapter 33) - Sun 30 Nov 2014

Wow, the plot thickens. Another man vying for Kagome's attention would be nice. So that dog can burn in jealousy. *evil laugh* Thank you for update. Awaiting more update (and update for another story too ;) )


Loveyaa (Chapter 33) - Fri 28 Nov 2014

Wow. Kouga sure made a mess of things. Talk about sore loser. I wonder if the family will be able to do anything to help. I kinda feel like its all on Sesshoumaru this time. I can't wait to see what happens next and if they work things out :)

DN Silence (Chapter 33) - Fri 28 Nov 2014

Wow that burns, sesshoumaru. If he really likes her, he would regret it dearly and realizing his mistake soon, and it would mean more for their love if it wasn't because of other people's help. 

Happy holidays!

Koree (Chapter 33) - Fri 28 Nov 2014

D; Totally Did Not See That Coming !

Angel's Wings (Chapter 33) - Fri 28 Nov 2014

Thank you for the new chapter. It is very sad but it brings in a new twist to the story so I won't complain. It is a nice thanksgiving gift so thanks for it. 

Now to the situation, I hope someone neutered the damn dog demon for his behaviour. He is the strong one with the power behind him and I am sure he can deal with the situation at hand through layers who are going to strip Kouga of all his fame, but Kagome does not have the luxury of such and thus, her name will remain tarnished for who knows how long. She just did that to save her brother and now, all might have been for naught. I hope Sesshoumaru will have Karma bite him in the ass.

For Kouga, I hope it comes true what he wrote in the article, namely Karma being a bitch. I hope it turns against him what he did. We have a saying in my country which translates as "God's mills grind slowly but surely", which means what ever you did, it will catch up with you someday ano you will pay for your deeds. I hope our favourite miko fries his nuts to oblivion.... 


Ja Ne 


Cheryl (Chapter 33) - Thu 27 Nov 2014

this new chapter is such a sudden twist, i love it! sadistically i love such situations in such stories where one partner is less capable then the other, can't wait for the next chapter! 

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