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NicoRavenPen (Chapter 43) - Sun 02 Jun 2013

~~Omo!! I feel so anxious for them!! Such a huge step, but to not be able to appreciate it that way for their relationship is so bittersweet! XD

samantha (Chapter 43) - Fri 31 May 2013

Please!!! more i must read more!!!!!!!!

mochi (Chapter 43) - Wed 29 May 2013

I like that it isn't too explicit :)  It really makes way for the imagination, and you give just enough detail to make for some interesting imagery ^_^.  Very tastefully done!  I enjoyed the creativity that brought them to this juncture.  Looking forward to the next one!

Lumi (Chapter 43) - Tue 28 May 2013

I find it curious that no one else noticed the cuts on Kagomes arm when she was naked, since they were healing so slowly.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 43) - Mon 27 May 2013

Keep it coming.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 43) - Mon 27 May 2013

i wonder how this will play out now, she's got more tails then the enemy, i hope that helps her overcome him b/c i know that's going to be an issue! in my heart of fangirl hearts, there is a large part of me that hopes kagome deos end up preggo, b/c seriously, sess would be all 0o0o0o0o at a puppykit! odd little family that they may be, i think it'd be rather awesome! then he'd have more reason to gut the weasle when he tries something. afterall i cant see him taking it lightly if someone were to harm the mother of his puppykit! HIS VixenBish!

momo1o1 (Chapter 43) - Mon 27 May 2013

awwww no details??? *pouts* I’m sure you wrote their first time that way for a reason and all but... I’m kinda disappointed I mean it was so cold.. their first kiss had more heat than that :(  oh well. It was still a good chapter and written well


Thanks for the update

Also since they did the nasty together isn’t sess gonna notice the welts on her arm or no?

Darkness living in Hope (Chapter 43) - Mon 27 May 2013

Awesome chapter! Though murdering you would mean no chapters thus I shall put my things away :)

I would really like toelbow what is going to happen to kagome if she falls to get her arm looked at and why must she forget. I think that's the only thing I want her to do is get her arm looked at like come on if they are burning ya need to get that looked at. Ok I'm done. Please update soon!!!!

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 43) - Mon 27 May 2013


Why is their first time so... technical??


I'm sad.

I can't write a proper review like this.


It was awesomely well-written as always. I just don't think this is romantic at all T_T... except when Sessho started getting jealous lol.


PS. if you give me proper romance, I'll give you yet another kick-ass review :P

His Lady (Chapter 42) - Thu 23 May 2013

I knew Kiyohime knew SOMETHING about who was behind this. Kagome needs to tell Sesshomaru about her arm before its too late. She knows with her youki it shouldn't take her long to heal at all. But anyway thank you for the two chapters =) and congrats on the prize. And please update soon. 

Loveyaa (Chapter 42) - Wed 22 May 2013 all makes more sense now. I quite enjoy it finally clicking all into place. I wonder what they will do about Kagome's wound though, since they do know all his tricks. I can't wait to see what happens next now that it is more or less him(Myobu) against the world :)

Elizabeth (Chapter 42) - Wed 22 May 2013

Oh this was good. I did not guess that this would be the outcome. I look forward to the next update!

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 42) - Wed 22 May 2013

I read the chapter yesterday before I went to sleep but I was so sleepy, it would have been impossible for me to give a detailed review.

You see, I don't believe for a second that Myobu is the mastermind behind the murders and conflict. He's too much of a coward. Now, he does have bad intentions, but I think there is someone else pulling the strings here.

I mean, who was talking to Inari with the snake-like speach? Definitely not Myobu.

Something tells me it's Kiyohime. Firsssssst, she reveals to Sesshoumaru that Bozu is Myobu --to distract him. And then, she'll do something... evil.

Or maybe an unknown character you haven't presented to us yet.

If it's really Myobu the sole criminal here, I'm gonna be so disappointed. Hehehe. It's a little too cheesy for your writing style. It would be like cooking up a master meal and then serving it in paper plates. :P

On another note... As I've said before, your writing style is amazing. The characterization is very well written. The descriptions and the setting is thoroughly thought out, which makes the story even more appealing to the common reader. Just the fact that you drew out a map to keep tabs on what is happening makes you a fantastic writer. Also, the flow and continuity of the story is beautiful. There isn't a thing that is out of place or bizarre in the context of the story (not that I've noticed so far). Every word and every gesture falls into the character perfectly.

The most impactful thing in your writing is how you were able to describe how Kagome went from being a human to being a youkai, and how she had to deal with that. It's really hard for a writer to convey the right thing when a character changes that much. Oh! And let us not forget about how Sesshoumaru and Kagome fell in love just like two puzzle pieces that were meant for each other. (Although, I do crave a little romance).

Kudos for everything. You're an amazing writer, as I've said before. And even though this is fanfiction, it's a wonderful story, and it's definitely worth reading.

Keep updating!! <3



UnknownRandomness (Chapter 42) - Wed 22 May 2013

"I just smashed the words for 'weasel' and 'dragon' together." Oh, that made me laugh!

Absolutely marvelous two chapters! You really do deserve that award! Fantastic writing, well-planned and dramatic! I did guess that it was Myobu, but the way in which you excecuted the reveal was masterful, so it felt like a revelation.

Thank you for writing this story, it is brilliant. I shall EAGERLY be awaiting your next update :)


Ceysna (Chapter 42) - Wed 22 May 2013

This fic... I'm at a loss for words. You have one heck of a great story going here. I look forward to every update and am on the edge of my seat to see what you're going to do with the story next! And Congrats!

Looking forward to the next chap!!

momo1o1 (Chapter 42) - Tue 21 May 2013

im confused.. you keep mentioning years... just how much time has pass since naruku's defeat? and just how long now has kagome been with sesshomaru???

two chapter update. TWO!!!  Have i told you lately how much i love you? really HAVE I ??!?! because i totally completly LOVE YOU

JeniNeji (Chapter 42) - Tue 21 May 2013

such a good chapter! Thanks for writing!

Serena530 (Chapter 42) - Tue 21 May 2013

Those two chapters were great!  I'm so bugged that Kagome hasn't said anything about her wound, but at least now that they know about Myobu his plan won't go as...well...planned.  I can't wait for more.  Please update again soon. =)

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 42) - Tue 21 May 2013

silly dragon fox, Sesshomaru will reind you dead.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 42) - Tue 21 May 2013

Both chapters are great, keep it coming.

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