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Rowdys girl (Chapter 3) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

Awww, Aubrey doesn't feel good??? *quickly makes herbal tea with honey and gives her a cup* Now... enough sympathy! Get back to work, I want Chapter 4 -- NOW! *pouts like a 2-year-old*

It is a very good story, very intriguing. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Loveyaa (Chapter 3) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

This is quite the interesting set up you got going here. I am really intrigued to see where this story goes and how things turn out. I can't wait to see how Kagome reacts when she meets the other women trying to get the 12th spot. I can't wait to see what happens next and if Kagome will find what she is looking for :)

Eve Nighte (Chapter 3) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

So basically, I can read the same story and experience two totally different outcomes?! WOO HOO!! :D

Wonderful chapter; you obviously put a lot of time and effort into this chapter and it definitely paid off. You kept Kagome and Sesshomaru in character the whole time (especially their little banter), which is something many writers seem to stray from and job well done! As the story has just begun, I can only imagine what Sesshomaru has planned for our little miko >D *hopes there will be lemons, lemons and more lemons!*

As I always say, I cannot wait for the next chapter and keep up the great work :]



Kazanova (Chapter 3) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

Well, heck. I'm going to read BOTH versions -- wouldn't dare miss on it.

:) Thank you for the update!

Hikari (Chapter 3) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

omg omg omg >.< I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS!!! It is SO good, so different from anything I've read. GREAT JOB!! You are amazing!! :D

Please let us know in what chapter the threesome will be in so I can go over to lol

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 3) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

Good God, that was such an interestingly amusing chapter to read. I love the semi-playful, semi-serious banter between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. lol. I can just imagine him thinking about how feisty she would be in bed if she was so outspoken upon their first meeting. Arguing will be a new foreplay for him! XDD I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. It'll only get more interesting from here on out, I'm guessing. I love this story!!

oksana (Chapter 3) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

Great! Now I have a change to read two versions of the same story :D Thanks, you made my dream come tru :D

Ilia (Chapter 3) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

Okay so this story is pretty amazing!!!! please keep writing and update soon.

Niiroroze (Chapter 2) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

More please!

jojo661538 (Chapter 2) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

you know since sesshoumaru is a very posessive person at first it should be just sesshoumaru and kagome but after she gets to know the dragoness a little more and sesshoumaru a little more i think it would be okay to include a threesome since there seems to be some chemistry between the dragoness and kagome already in the end its your story you should write it as you want it any ways great work on the story i really like it keep up the great work ^_^

PragmaticDesi (Chapter 2) - Mon 21 Feb 2011

I'm loving this story for many reasons.

1. I love the whole Sesshomaru chasing Kagome thing...but I'm going to be honest and say it's kind of refreshing to read stories where Kagome is willing to, you yeah.

2. I love the idea of this story!!!!

3. I tire of all these threesome stories with Kag, Sess and some random hot dude. There's not much love for the opposition! I'm a fan of guy + multiple girl plots. I hope to see more.

(and if you think about Sesshomaru's REAL personality...he'd killl the guy!)


I likes this story!

Anonymous (Chapter 2) - Sun 20 Feb 2011
1. Yes, i would. 2.I love this story, as red in tooth and claw as it is, and I think you have struck gold with this. Writing style, tone, plot, I love it all!

Patricia (Chapter 2) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

I am absolutly in love with this story. I love the plot and im so intersted to see where you go with this story. as far as the threesome im not sure it depends on how the story goes, but i would like him to not want to share kagome in the end. I'm greatly anticipating the continuation of this story!!!

KAzanova (Chapter 2) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

Wow, great plot going! The only thing I'm sad about is that I had to stop at the 2nd chapter. 

I can't wait for you to update, and this sure sounds like an interesting one!

sweetest angel (Chapter 2) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

Hm...I'm not up for a threesome in this story. I don't know, maybe it is because there will be obviously be a sharing of sesshomaru already (after all, she is only the 12th) so I hope for the moments between sesshomaru and kagome to be just the two of them...

Anyways, I really love your story so far. please, update soon!

Anon (Chapter 2) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

Please update soon. I lifw it so far.

LunaGirl (Chapter 2) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

Wow. I just discovered this story and I am already hooked! No wonder everyone sings your praises here in Dokuga! You are really good!

I like that this is not the so tired and over used 'Kagome, the poor poor victim, the noble saint woman who has a heart of gold that makes even the angels up above seem like evil beings compared to her, who sacrifices even her life for the small rabbit that was about to die, the one who has a purity so bright that even the gods can't look at her and consider her special' BLAH! Or the 'Kagome the supermiko with incredible powers to rival those of Batman and Superman in a Wonderwoman kind of way but all inside a miko package' UGH! Give me a break!

You made Kagome a normal woman, not meek, not super, just a woman who happens to know what she wants and goes for it, who is realistic, and who doesn't need to be put in a gold pedestal in order to shine with her own light.

This is good! I like everything so far, and I am kind of intrigued at the idea of a threesome involving perhaps Kags, Sessho, and Kotono. With Kotono teaching Kagome the ways of the flesh to please her lord. I think I am open on the idea of Kotono being a guide of sorts, a teacher and a sort of protector/friend figure who is willing to look for the wellbeing of Kagome. We don't need every demon out there to hate Kagome do we?

I know the purists out there are going to hate me, but I think every woman out there has been curious or has wished someone would have given them some pointers at one point or another.

I like the idea of a sensual Kagome, but not a virgin who just because she has sex once, automatically becomes a vixen ready to try just about anything and automatically knows how to excite her partner. That is so unrealistic!

I am pretty sure that I am going to be a minority on being open to the threesome, but people need to be a little more open minded and get out of the well used and abused mold of things. Life has many different colors all beautiful, all worth exploring.

I hope you update again soon, (maybe before the week?) one can only hope! This story is really good and I know I am already hooked! -LG

amy (Chapter 2) - Fri 18 Feb 2011


katlady (Chapter 2) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

a 3 some........

i  am not sure  yet    i would  say do what you fell willl go  with your story


but till then update soon and often

Sirinya (Chapter 2) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

 Ahhh I dont think I want a threesome. -shrugs- I dont know why. Just think Kagome has a lot to learn and all. 

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