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KaminokoDaughters (Chapter 11) - Tue 07 Jun 2011

You should have seen my face light up when I saw your story's title at the top of my favorite's list. I was like a lightening bolt in the dead of night. I liked the small interaction between Kagome and Sesshoumaru, short or not, it was... wonderful? perfect? I can't think a good word for it. I like Kotono's description of the stages of arousal leading to the fifth one or rather the height of pleasure. I still wonder if she has a true grasp on it lmao. Oooooh it will be so great for her to go through them. hahahahaha!  I wonder what Sesshoumaru's mother went across the water for though. And who this "he" is.

As for the drawing competition, I would love to participate,  unfortunately my newer scanner printer broke so i have to use my old printer and there is no scanner for it. Simply taking a picture of it, really isn't the same. :(

I bow deeply, reverently, and repeatedly in thanks for the swift update. You honor your loyal reader. :) :P

--Kaminoko (c)2011

LittleSingingBird (Chapter 11) - Mon 06 Jun 2011


I've been reading this fic since the beginning and I haven't had the chance to review. However, now that I have a chance, here it is...TADA!!!! Ok, first of all I love this story because it is a different take on a Sess/Kag "romance", I'm gonna say. Also you can literally see them having these convos and them, mainly Kagome, going through their daily lives on a daily basis and the interactions with the people they encounter. Also, I really enjoy how you really kept close to Sesshoumaru's character and how he is in the anime and he isnt too OOC. And his mother is too funny, even though she isnt trying to be, she reminds me of my ballet teacher I had when I was younger. Also Kotono is a lovely pairing for Kagome, since Sango, Miroku, Shippo,Kaede and InuYasha arent present, she is a happy balance for her and I see her as the older sister she never had. So I cant wait til the next chapter comes out because I will be there reading! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK :3

Alexandra (Chapter 11) - Mon 06 Jun 2011

"You just...gestured to all of me, didn't you?"

Suddenly Dragons, millions of them.


LOL, that reminds me of "how to train your dragon", it was such a cute movie. But the interaction between Kagome and Sesshoumaru was adorable! =3 Love the chapter! Can't wait for the next update

JeniNeji (Chapter 11) - Mon 06 Jun 2011

I loved how the story is progressing. Not too fast or too slow, just right. I could make a go for the challenge, but be warned! My drawings are not the best :D

tabitha2 (Chapter 11) - Mon 06 Jun 2011

I would love to see artwork. However, I have no creative talent.

I liked the chapter. It will be interesting when Kagome finally develops feelings for Sesshoumaru.  I think she is attracted to him. 

I continue to love the Kagome/Kontono interaction.  I hope you can get another chapter out on Thursday.

Treece (Chapter 10) - Sat 04 Jun 2011

Congrats on winning! 

I'm looking forward to Sesshoumaru making his appearance again--he's missed. 


This chapter was a warm interlude with a wonderful legend.  You forget about the practical elements of day to day as a concubine, and this is a reminder.

Kotono is like an older sister but there is a growing attraction of sorts between her and Kagome. 


Thanks for this update.  More, please!!!

janjan (Chapter 10) - Fri 03 Jun 2011

awesommmeee cant wait for next chap

Alexandra (Chapter 10) - Thu 02 Jun 2011

I think it was a good chapter. I always wondered what would happen if Kagome got her period or other human moments that writers don't really write about. Congrats on the 2nd place for Best Kagome Portrayal in the First Quarter 2011 Dokuga Awards. This story really does show an accurate Kagome, even though the Kagome in your story is from the same era that she lives in and not from the future. I thought that was very challenging since concepts of the future tend to affect the opinion of the character. But you did a wonderfully awesome job in portraying a Kagome from the Warring states era. Please continue to update! 

amy (Chapter 9) - Thu 02 Jun 2011

Thank you for a tale worth telling,it is fantastic, please  more updates , i want to know the outcome as she is so nervous!

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 10) - Thu 02 Jun 2011

Wow, this is just so stunning! I'm sorry I didn't leave a review prior, but I was too caught up in reading to stop.

It's so refreshing to read a 'concubine' based story where all of the other women aren't heartless bitches. It adds a very realistic and interesting twist to the story. You're doing a wonderful job developing characters as well, and I'm absolutely in love with Kotono.

I think that Sesshomaru is very in character, and the passion you use to portray his more... ahem, 'primal' thoughts is - to be frank - hot as hell. I shamelessly admit that I am really looking forward to future citrus!!

Can't wait for your next installment! 

JeniNeji (Chapter 10) - Thu 02 Jun 2011

Art challenge is nice :) I would really like to see Kotono. I really like our character very much. It was an enterneining chapter.

tabitha2 (Chapter 10) - Thu 02 Jun 2011

I loved this chapter even if it was filler. I hope this means your writers block is over.  I loved the Kagome/Kontono friendship. I like finding out more about them.  Kontono seems like the tough, caring older  sister.  She has good "motherly" qualities as well. It makes me wonder if she helped raised Rin. 

KaminokoDaughters (Chapter 10) - Thu 02 Jun 2011

A very interesting story as to how dragons came to be. *selfish pout* I so wanted to read more of Kagome's struggle to become a concubine but I understand that writer's block happens and it's not your entire life. *sniff sniff* But I hope my pitiful existence at this moment having been reduced to such a state by my inability to feed my addiction to your story, will guilt you into giving me more. If not, well i'll just wait.  I really like the aloofness of Sesshoumaru, the fiery, determined, but somewhat naiive Kagome, and your unique character Kotono, who has such a fellow but older girl disposistion at times but then suddenly nurturing and motherly other times, and then completely complex and unknown at others. The plot is divine and while mysterious, thankfully not hard to follow.  Grammar and Spelling mistakes remain non-existent, and I must thank you for that as well. Overall, it is one of my favorite stories right now that I am following as they are being written, and I truly dislike doing such, because i tend to read too many at once or they just stop getting updated. But enough of my ramblings. *lowers my pitiful form to the ground on hands and knees before your feet and begs fervently* Please, please most revered authoress, update your wonderous story so that your unworthy reader may read it and bask in the glorious words of your unrivaled imagination. 

Does that persuade you, o' grand authoress?

--Kaminoko (c)2011

Zeika (Chapter 10) - Thu 02 Jun 2011

Wonderful chapter, thanks for the update! 



blueminx87 (Chapter 9) - Wed 25 May 2011

Ooooh, so Kagome is 'the one'.......can't wait to see how this continues out!!! Update soon, I can't wait to see how her first night with Sesshy ends up.

Orang3Luv3r (Chapter 9) - Mon 23 May 2011

This story is wonderful. It has a great story line as soon as I read the first chapter I was hooked. Good job and I hope you update soon! (:

Scar-bby (Chapter 9) - Mon 23 May 2011



I am on the edge of my seat!





Treece (Chapter 9) - Sat 21 May 2011

Ohhh, how cruel to tease us with Kotono's motivations!  I want to know what

she has "Seen". 


I'm certain the chopsticks gifted from Sesshoumaru mean something.

He didn't mind she failed to say 'thanks'?  LOL I guess his beauty and abrupt appearance

left her speecheless.


I like Aoi very much!  I'm interested in her background.


I also like how all the concubines have a theme or associated color, and Kagome's is blue.

I really enjoyed this and I am anxiously awaiting the next chapter.


Thanks so much!


Treece (Chapter 8) - Sat 21 May 2011

I especially appreciated how well written Kagome's  tension, apprehension and anticipation wer coveyed.

The scenes is subtle and focuses more on the meeting but I would have really liked to have more of

visuals,  although I liked the colorful small descriptions offered.

I'm looking forward to the unraveling of Kagome's innocence and it's great how her relationship

with Kotono is evolving.


Looking forward to reading more--


And yes, I voted for this story :-)

Kitty BoBo333 (Chapter 9) - Fri 20 May 2011

Hi! I just found your fic a few days ago, and I think its excellent! Your portrayals of the characters are spot-on as far as I'm concerned... their personalities really work for me! I also think the concept of the story is very interesting. I am glad that not all of the women dislike Kagome, I think Aoi and Kotono are cool! Great job! Keep up the good work and I shall continue to read this lovely fic!

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