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catgirl (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

another beautiful chapter! i fall more in love with kotono's character everytime. please no angst! this fic has enough layers already :) it really is well written and plot-y enough that it would not benefit from angst! but, i'll keep reading either way :) Thank you!

ashley (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

No angst please. It's been used so many times. However, personally I would like to see a battle scene or two. Sometimes I wish there were more battle scenes in romantic drama fanfiction when it comes to the Inuyasha world. On another note, I would like to give you tons of kudos for that last scene between Kotono and Kagome. It was perfect and I think it hit the nail on the head about every woman's worry about their physical appearance. If only I had read your fanfiction when I was younger, I might have come to the realization that Kagome came to in the chapter a lot sooner than I did. That is what makes a good story good. The lessons they can teach to the readers. Wonderful, simply wonderful. Plus, it was an excellent way to describe Kagome, and in a smaller sense Kotono. update soon!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

No angst! I try to avoid fics with an angst label. Sure, it might make it more realistic but I don't read fics for Reality.

Awesome chapter.

Thanks for writing.

ArisaChan (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

aw this chapter was so sweet, I think every girl feels unpretty at some point and needs a reminder that they are indeed beautiful :) I look forward to reading more!

julie (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

That was a beautiful chapter. Or the last part I love angst in a story I definately agree with angst. keep up the awesomeness:)

Emily (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

I loved this chapter! It was so inspirational and beautiful. Yes, I'm beautiful despite all my imperfections! :D And yes, definitely some angst, please:) it would make the story suspenseful and add a lil more flavor to it :) Please update soon! I love your story!

JeniNeji (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

This was a very instructive chapter for people at real life :) About angst or not, I certainly mind not. Do as you wish. Also, enjoy your vacations!

Airy (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

I love this story, and if you think angst will benefit it in any way then you should add it.

tabitha2 (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

I loved this chapter. I loved getting some of the Sess/Kotono backstory. I had wondered why Kotono is Sess cocubine instead of his mate given she comes from a royal family. My guess is that her becoming his first cocubine was redemption for what her father did to Sess's father. I'm glad that they both respect and care for each other now.

It seems like Kagome has a lot of power and could  become more powerful with training. I think she will really take her training serious since she almost hurt Kotono.  I loved the Kag/Sess interaction as well as the Kotono/Kagome.

As for the angst  I never  have been a fan for it fanfiction. The reason for that is that so many authors IMO go overboard with the angst. It then becomes so depressing to read and so unrealistic with the amount of angst they write.  I can accept and enjoy angst if it does not overwelm the  fic and only one compenent of the fic.  I would hate to see the humor. the happiness, friendship, warmth . excitement and other things I love about this fic to be  put to the backburner . If the angst adds to the development of the characters and helps maintain and deepen what you have already  wonderfully told, then I think I could accept it and enjoy it.

Alexandra (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

Awesome story as always. You are an amazing writer and I trust your judgment, so if you want to add angst, go right ahead! It will only make the story that much more interesting than it already is! XD

I really liked the part where someone as beautiful as Kotono is showing Kagome how beautiful she is. So many girls are pressured to be perfectly beautiful in a way that is unattainable. The explanations to the imperfections making Kagome who she is and beauty not just skin deep, was brilliant. It's tough to be a woman, realizing that you are beautiful even with all the imperfections is just part of life.


Loveyaa (Chapter 12) - Mon 13 Jun 2011

And now things are sure to get interesting. Not only is there a new player on the field who is suppose to teach Kagome (wonder how that will turn out) but Sesshoumaru is stepping up his game when it comes to Kagome. Well at least his desire for her seems to be increasing. I wonder if he will be able to hold off long enough until she is ready. I can't wait to see what happens and if once again Kagome can keep her temper in check cuz this time things might get a little dangerous otherwise :)

jojo661538 (Chapter 12) - Mon 13 Jun 2011

hehehehehe if it wasnt for his other concubines i wonder what he would resort to doing in that situation and what exactly does he want her to do before they....anyways keep up the great work i hope to read more soon ^_^

Treece (Chapter 12) - Sun 12 Jun 2011

I saved this update to read to today as a treat, and it did not disappoint.  Lord Sesshoumaru fantasizing about a human miko!

Ohhh, the scandal.Who would have thought that under all the coolness he's so hotblooded?  It makes sense.  He has a LOT of women taking care of his sexual needs.  Kotono seems to also be a true companion and friend to him. 

It was cute and funny how Sesshoumaru's insult went from 'wench' to 'insufferable human wench'! Ha! 


BTW, what was he looking for (scroll)?  Just curious-


The awakening desire is mutual.  From the intensity of Sesshoumaru's reaction to his new concubine,  she will need to be  more than ready!  :-) 


I like the new character, Suzume, already!  She's sharp and fiesty.  Like the description of her.  


Have a great weekend. Looking forward to the next chapter!

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 12) - Fri 10 Jun 2011

XO Dirty dog! I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I'm very interested in seeing how this teacher will fare with her. Her last deemed her a lost cause, but I'm wondering if perhaps she was simply too stern. Kagome seems like the type that might need unconventional training and lots of positive reinforcement. Or perhaps something to spark her anger enough to make her want to prove a point... ;)

Either way, I'm sure the next installment will be just as amazing! You never disappoint!


JeniNeji (Chapter 12) - Fri 10 Jun 2011

Another amazing chapter! And I have a question: That was Sesshomaru's fantasy, right? Not a recollection of what happened between Sessh/Kag. And, I'm dying to know why Sesshomaru called on to Kotono like that!

tabitha2 (Chapter 12) - Thu 09 Jun 2011

I really loved Sesshoumaru's fantasy about Kagome and what he wished had happened after  Kagome served him tea. It will be interesting to see if the miko can  train Kagome. I wonder just how powerful Kagome is. I wonder if the one month he gave to the Miko is also how much longer he is giving Kotono  to get Kagome ready. When Sess told Kotono "come", it gave me the impression that is about to go relieve some sexual tension.


I look forward to the next  chapter and seeing some artwork.

Treece (Chapter 11) - Wed 08 Jun 2011


This chapter was worth waiting for!  I got a kick out of Kagome's response to Sesshoumaru's impromptu 'visit'.  Now that Kagome is aware of the nuances of attraction, arousal, and desire, it leaves the door open for building more sexual tension between her and Sesshoumaru.

I lovvvvve allll the descriptions of setting, clothing, expressions, gestures. So visual, vivid, and rich!

 I appreciate how much you keep Sesshoumaru in character.  It's clear how much she incites his interest, and shakes up his long lived ennui!  Ha!


Kotono is an excellent teacher, mentor, and friend, which has built trust.  Kagome's response to her comment about Sesshoumaru ensuring how he will make certain everything will happen,  is tantalizing. I really enjoyed Kagome's response; the thrill, dread, and anticipation.  Her sexual awakening is something I'm looking forward to.  The courtship --inside and outside the bedroom--between her and Sesshoumaru and the conclusion will be explosive.   I truly enjoy the battle of wills between them.  It almost reminds me of Taming of the Shrew, or any story that is a battle of the sexes or in this case battle of the sexes AND species!

Also, when will she be starting her miko training?   And her other training? 

Also, it will be fascinating to see how Sesshoumaru's emotions will be affected by his feelings, attraction and sexual interest in Kagome. He is, after all, a demon. 

SSI-Invasion (Chapter 11) - Tue 07 Jun 2011

About the question: yes! I would :D Though, I'm not that good, I would try my best, cuz I love your work and I especially love this couple :D

Now, about this chapter: I would have liked to see more of Sesshomaru's thoughts for a change. I mean, we all get how Kagome feels and stuff, the way she thinks and reacts to different situations, but you haven't done an introspect reading into Sesshomaru's heart for quite some time, and I personally miss it :(

Besides that, well, the story is amuzing and fun to read, and your style is enchanting, so you don't need to worry about things like that.

hmm... I would have pestered you to write about Kagome's future experience with the lord of the West a little faster, but i won't do that, do to the fact that I want to read everything from the begining to the end without rushing the action.

Keep on writting !



Kimberly (Chapter 11) - Tue 07 Jun 2011

anon (Chapter 10) - Tue 07 Jun 2011

So I've been amazed with this story since the beginning.  It's a bit tedious to read sometimes, like when it's late and I'm tired.  Sadly, that's sometimes the only time I have to read lately.  But I do love this story, and I thought it time I review.

Mostly because the 'in heat' thing has always bothered me with Inuyasha fanfic stories.  In heat is when a female animal is ready to take seed and get pregnant.  I'm sure you know that.  A woman can't really get pregnant when she's on her period.  The weeks before she's bleeding like a stuck pig is when she's hormonal and her body is prepared with the egg to take seed and attach it to the bloody walls and thus get pregant.  This is the time that she'd be 'in heat'. During the PMS period (before the bloody time) is when her hormones peak and she'd be sending out the signals to men saying "hey, I'm ready to make a baby!" which is why when you neuter your pets, they don't go into heat.  They can't make babies.

I thought to review here because I liked your story so much and this just made me sad to see you fall into the trap too.  I wouldn't mind if the writer said that the demons liked the smell of the hormonal blood/ the egg somewhere in it.  Or anything similar to that. Like I said, I love the story. It's interesting, it's sexy, it's got some good characterization. Nothing has bothered me at all except this. 

So, I apologize for the rant.  Please keep up the good work!

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