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TruGemini (Chapter 15) - Thu 04 Aug 2011

She still has to work on the whole beating herself up thing, but I think she's learning well.

JeniNeji (Chapter 15) - Thu 04 Aug 2011

I think its amazing to see the difference on the Kagome in chapter one and this one. The change has been slow and steady and it makes it all seem fluid and IC. I think, that is one of the thing I like the most in this story :)

Remi (Chapter 14) - Thu 04 Aug 2011

As I've said before I LOVE you're writing style, this story runs very smoothy and I love what you've created. I can't wait for another update. :) I check daily to see if you're inspired to push out an another amazing chapter to this beautiful story. 

Treece (Chapter 14) - Wed 03 Aug 2011

Sexy and worth the wait.  Very creative instructional way to bring Kagome into her sexuality.  Thanks for the update!

Loveyaa (Chapter 14) - Mon 01 Aug 2011

Yay another chapter and Kagome learning a lot on a bunch of fronts. It seems like she is picking up a bunch. I do like that her lessons with Kotono do seem to go deeper than here is how to pleasure yourself. It seems to involve how to find pleasure in pleasure. It does seem like Kagome lets things get to her too easily but that may just be the way that she is in this story. I wonder when we will get to find out more about Suzume and her past along with Yuri. Kagome isn't interacting a lot with anyone and those special occasions seem not the greatest. I can't wait to see what happens next though :)

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 14) - Mon 01 Aug 2011

Yay, new update! I love this story. In fact, I do believe it's among my top three.

Hmm, me thinks this Yuri is just bitter because that is what happened to her? Either way, I'm sure I'll find out in later chapters. Also, that was an... interesting method of training. XD Great job with this chapter!

P.S. I'm still working on the fanart you assigned to me. I finally have the layout figured out, now all that's left to do is draw it! 

JeniNeji (Chapter 14) - Mon 01 Aug 2011

Uh oh, I think Kagome will not want to wait a month. I really like the way you describe things, I even felt anxiousness and a tad of fear when Yuri was talking to her... phew, well done.

lonelylulaby (Chapter 14) - Mon 01 Aug 2011

Had to get caught up, I really liked the angst in there. Gave it some spark.  I wonder what happened to Yuri thought that she is pushing her problems onto Kagome. So cruel.  And I just have to say that I think Kagome is just too cute in this last chapter, I'm just as amazed as Sesshoumaru of her innocence.  And then her falling asleep afer masturbating was icing on the cake.  KAWAII, is the only word.  Anywho I really enjoyed the updates and cant wait for next time.


ja ne till next time and keep up the good work

Fanfictioner (Chapter 14) - Mon 01 Aug 2011

My. Things are starting to get sexy aren't they? *grins* As always, you did a fabulous job! Yuri such a meanie that I hope a bit more physical 'conflict' happens between her and Kagome. Or at least Kagome puts her down somewhat. Kotono is still as awesome as ever. So update soon!


smutstalker (Chapter 14) - Mon 01 Aug 2011

i want more,seriously that chapter was scorching hot cant wait for the real sesshie i need more

Kim (Chapter 13) - Sun 24 Jul 2011

I hope that you still plan to continue this fanfiction. It has been awhile since the last update. I look forward to reading more! :)

Anonymous (Chapter 13) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

no angst please

Halothane (Chapter 13) - Mon 04 Jul 2011

I confess, before I requested to be apart of the challenge, I had not read the story yet. However, I zipped through it as soon as I woke up, and I am completely in love with it! I adore this AU world, and all the aspects in it. Your characterization of all the characters are, in my opinion, brilliant and spot-on for who they are. I really cannot wait until you update this. <3

Loveyaa (Chapter 13) - Thu 30 Jun 2011

You just have quite the way with words and with using those words to create different atmospheres and emotions. I think that this chapter was just splendid from the fiesty conversation between Kagome and Suzume, to the frustration of Sesshoumaru, to the heart to heart of Kagome and Kotono realizing that beauty is more than skin deep. I think that you will do a great job adding in some angst. I mean what would a story be without a little long as there is a happy ending. I really can't wait to see how you carry out Kagome learning all she needs to in a month so that she is ready for Sesshoumaru. I just am so pumped to see what happens next :)

HimeLoli (Chapter 13) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

Yes! Angst, I was starting to get a bit bored with the development of the story, Kagome's slightly dull and has absolutly no control over her self kotono? is really really really..nice Dont kill her! But can I get a bit of her temper?? Shes a dragon!! And the miko is suposed to me a person you love to hate but I dont love her bc shes not getting anything done! I love the story though I can picture everything like a movie!

Treece (Chapter 13) - Sun 19 Jun 2011

Angst is good; you can never have enough angst in a story.  It makes the plot interesting, gives drive and life to motivations and makes plenty of room for plot twists.  Yes, throw in some angst.  Angst is good when it comes to a drama--look at how well it works in shojo!  The perfect blend of drama, romance and angst.  Angst can come from outside conflict, inner conflict, or both.  Obstacles from angst force the characters to grow and change by the end of the story. It can be used to force them out of their inertia, make them aware of their desires, feelings and force them to confront their fears.


Angst can be used to bring Sesshoumaru and Kagome together.  It will strengthen their relationship and build the sexual tension between them.  The longer she dangles out of reach, the more you have time to build intimacy between them and true emotion.  You want to use the 12 steps to intimacy to bridge the relationship, and while you build and bridge it, angst can be thrown in and used for good measure.  I've use the word 'good' quite a bit in this feedback!


I enjoyed this installment very much. Sesshoumaru has it bad! Very nice!  And Kotono is wonderful in looking out for Kagome and guiding her through her womanhood. The scene where they are in the mirror is moving, warms the heart and is a lesson to many women about loving their bodies w/out comparing their body to someone different from them.


I like Suzume!  Fiesty, smart, and clever as a fox.  She's fun, and she fits in with Kagome very well.


Have a great and safe vacation!  Will be looking forward to more soon.

Kim (Chapter 13) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

I have really enjoyed reading your story. Brilliant. I came across it a couple days ago and I have to say, it's one of the very best pieces of work I've read in a really long time. And I love that you kept their personalities intact.

As far as angst, not really a fan. :( But I'm open to adding it if you believe it will help build the story... just nothing that will completely depress the story and take it in another direction. :/ The mood of the story is what drew me in. In any case, you're very talented and I look forward to the next update! ^_^


matsujun (Chapter 13) - Sat 18 Jun 2011

Nooooooooooooo angst!!!!!! I like how it is going right now!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Oh, enjoy your vacation!!!!

jojo661538 (Chapter 13) - Fri 17 Jun 2011

i really dont enjoy angst but if its a little and for this story i think i could take it cause this is one of the best stories i have ever read keep up the great work i hope to read more as soon as you finish enjoying your vacation ^_^

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 13) - Thu 16 Jun 2011

Still wonderful!

I love Kotono's little beauty pep-talk, and the very realistic way you have Kagome view herself. Scars and lumps and uneven breasts are so common in the world of 'things women hate about themselves'.

He, he... I like that Sesshomaru is getting a bit antsy, though you haven't put him to the point where he's drooling and panting about like some half-mad animal. That always seems a little off when dealing with this particular demon.

As for the angst, as long as Kagome or Sesshomaru don't die, I'm down either way. Life is full of angst, and as crumby as it may be - shit happens. Besides, if you can make a reader cry, you know you're doing something right. Stories are supposed to bring out emotion in people, and not just happy emotions. I'm sure you'll get a million reviews begging you not to put the angst in, but the call is yours and yours alone to make. If you think it suits the story and will make it better, throw it in. You're a very talented writer, and I think you know how much is too much. I trust you not to go overkill with it, so I've got no worries.

Can't wait for more! Have fun on vacation!

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