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Eve Nighte (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

After reading the kiss scene, I was out of breath LOL! Very well writen :D

I know I used to review a lot but I missed out on a few chapters due to exams and work but I am back ^_^

And YES! The long awaited lemon will finally come lol! I definitely look forward to reading that (knowing Kagome's luck, she might accidentally stumble on her way to Sesshomaru's room lol)

I look forward to the next chapter and many more

Keep up the good work :)

Asuna (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

No way. The quality of your work hasn't changed. If anything it's gotten better because I'm on the edge of my seat for the next chapter and it won't be up until next weeeek T_T

I love alot of things about your story. Kotono is a great OC, and I'm not even fond of OC! Something tells me Kagome and her will be getting alot closer :3 (*cough* threesome *cough*)


Christie (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

I finally had the time to sit down and read, purely for the pleasure of spending the day, lazing on the loveseat, with the dogs snuggled next to me...

And I spent the day, reading this and enjoying the story.


I am thrilled with your writing style, I enjoyed my afternoon in your world.

I was skeptical, when I decided to start this one. However, any skepticism I felt, soon faded and I happily lost track of time and embraced a great story, that is well written and pulls the reader in to your world.

Thank you. I needed that pleasure and feel that I had a wonderful afternoon, spent in a wonderful world.

Well done.


I will be looking forward to more time lost in this story!

Remi (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

Amazing! Fast update, and what a tense moment. An evil little cliff hanger, but this is a very well put together story. Bravo! I look everyday for an update :)

Sussanah (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

ohhhhh i can't wait for the lemon xDD.. :D!! great story keep writing :D

Giannix (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

That was really interesting :O!!  can't wait for another update :D!!

a Mysticlady (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

Beautifully written as always. Loved the scene.

Julie (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

i can assure that your writing is not going downhill the end of that chapter was extreamly intense i cant wait to read 

your next chapter keep up the awesome work

i love this story so much:)

KT (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

Always loving this story, always hoping you will update! =) 

Thank you so much for updating! This chapter was really really sweet!


1CarinoInu (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

I don't know about everyone else but I've just been eagerly reading and waiting for the long awaited lemon!  The build up with her training has be great and well-written (don't you even worry about that) and I'm just waiting on the unveiling, so-to-speak!  The detail has been wonderul and you have really explored so much in this story, opened so many doors.  Really, this is very good.

Can't wait. :) 

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

No, your writing has not gone downhill.  I freely admit that I am lax when it comes to reviewing, but I am working on it.  I love this story, and I sincerely hope to see more of it soon.

Fluffy Kitty (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

Fluffy Kitty (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

janjan (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

AWesome! cant wait for next chapter! dumm dumm daaaaaa the suspense! ice to know that its finally gonna happen though!

keep going!

Caleesci (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

Dear Aubrey,

Your story is far beyond stunning. You give new life to the characters that we all love, and the development of your original characters rivals that of even the professionals. Your concepts are captivating, without seeming to over to top. You portrayal of the human mind vs the youkai mind are quite stunning and I do not think that has something that has been so expertly portrayed in many other fics of similar quality. I, an avid lover of heavy detail, am engrossed with your ability to vividly describe the scenes without seeming too instructual.

Your writing has not at all decreased in quality, in fact I think anyone who reads this story is pulled further and further in to your subtle complex plot.

Now I will admit I am guilty of lurking and if I review, it is usually brief. However, in your last chapter, chapter 18: Promises, I was left speechless. I simply HAD to tell you about my addiction to this story, and this chapter is by far my favorite yet because of one specific scene. Despite the previous sexual situations, the kiss between Kagome and Sesshomaru was breathtaking. You could literally feel the intese emotions that they would have had and never in all my years of reading fiction, not just fanfiction, have I ever seen such a simple act portrayed as powerfully as this. It was dramatic and pure, something that truly defines the characters. I highly reccomend this fic to anyone who is old enough to read it. It truly is art. I am eager for your next update.



orchid (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011
I'm curious as to what will happen in the future. Will kagome and the 11 other concubines be a family? new concubines because sessh is happy with his 12? Or will she become his favorite concubine? Or will he let his other girls go and only keep kagome? So many possibilities....curious and I'll keep on reading to find out!

Reader in Disguise (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

Your writing is as flawless and well crafted as it has always been. Worry not my dear,  for you continue to make us dizzy with desire, lust, curiosity, and anticipation, every time that you update.

Truth be told, this past few weeks have been a bit more hectic than usual due to the return to school and the preparations needed for such, but you are right and I cringe at realizing that perhaps we didn't show our apreciation as we should for all you do for us with this story.

Know then, that you continue to be a favorite of us and we remain (albeit at some points in between courtains) loyal readers of your craft.


Jenna (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

I love me some light smut!  I'm so excited for the story whenever you update, so please keep it up!  This story brightens my day!

Nistera (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011

Oh my goodness, I'm dying to read the next chapter! The writing is still fabulous, so no worries there lol! Amazing job with the backgrounds on each of the characters so far, btw :)

Duchess Of Darkness (Chapter 18) - Fri 26 Aug 2011!!!

Smutterific darling, absolutely smutterific. You have yet again delivered another fantastic installment of this story. Bravo darling, bravo...*fidgets again* cant...wait for the next one...*eyes twitches* no pressure or

love ya miss lady keep up the great work.


P.S. No...thank YOU!!! lol you have made a permanent fan out of me for life.

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