Reviews for The Asylum by Daniella

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Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 11) - Thu 18 Nov 2010

I am absolutely addicted to your story! Its sad what Sesshoumaru had to endure but I know that with  Kagome around he will hopefully get better. Kagome's boss seems a little suspicious to me as well. Hmmm...I'll have to wait and see what you write next to figure that one out. lol. Great story and can't wait read what happens next. :)

Nilee1 (Chapter 11) - Wed 17 Nov 2010

I love this story so much. It is unsettling and at times I am as fearful as Sesshoumaru is to hear the tale unravel. I want to know what happened but I know it will make me sad.

fatcatmom (Chapter 11) - Wed 17 Nov 2010

Another amazing chapter--I will force myself to write reviews so you can get the feedback you need--no news is good news but a positive "atta girl" is always welcome.

The naming ceremony and rape were imanginative and powerful, a great setup for what is going to happen. Sooooooo, seems like the South has some demons live on to the current time.....

Please update soon! Thanks!

fatcatmom (Chapter 9) - Wed 17 Nov 2010

I am blinking away the tears from reading this incredibly moving chspter. I am looking forward to a more lucid Sesshoumaru. Thanks for the gift of this story and please update as often as you can.

JeniNeji (Chapter 11) - Wed 17 Nov 2010


This story provokes so many mixed feelings on me. It's dark, depressing, makes me feel pity, sadness, melancholy...and the blossoming relationship between miko and taiyoukai.

It's such a strange mix of emotions, and I honestly congratulate you in how you manage to portray all this.


Undoubtedly, you are a greata author :)

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 11) - Wed 17 Nov 2010

Hmmm... This Onishi guy needs to come clean about something...

REDWOLF (Chapter 11) - Wed 17 Nov 2010

Great Chapter. Whew...that other doctor must think both Sesshoumaru and Kagome are BOTH nuts or heck, the doc knows something. To much info is coming from Sesshoumaru that's very descriptive to make him unbelievable to an educated person, especially if one knows a little history.  Yep, I think the doc knows something maybe even about demons, but, that just my guess. I look so forward to your updates, I never know what to expect from that doctor,

summerbirdy (Chapter 11) - Wed 17 Nov 2010

that head psycholog man is meeeeaaan...and I'd like to murder that southern lord...

I can't wait another chapter..

KayAkuma (Chapter 1) - Mon 08 Nov 2010

I love your story so much!! It's taking me on an emotional roller coaster though..  Can't wait for the next update!

JeniNeji (Chapter 10) - Sun 07 Nov 2010

Aww...I imagine his heir...its so cute. I liked that Shiyoko demanded Sesshomaru be there :P

Down with the rules!

1CarinoInu (Chapter 10) - Sat 06 Nov 2010

Very beautifully written.  Within your writing, you've managed to take one reeeeeally stoic, icy individual and show with the right partner, he can have true happiness.  It's just so sad to see him hurting so badly....he's truly suffered so much.  I hope that with Kagome's assistance, he'll be able to find peace.  Move on with his life?  I guess that is the real question.

Feminafures (Chapter 10) - Sat 06 Nov 2010

This was a very touching chapter.  I love how you described the birth of Sessoumaru's first son.  I also get the feeling from this chapter that Kagome's boss is growing more suspicious of her.  I can't wait to see how that plays out. 

Madison (Chapter 9) - Sun 31 Oct 2010

Total fail for this being so late. (Not you. Fail from me reviewing late.)

I always thought if Kagome was going to be stuck in the modern era, many of these questions would be haunting her. After all, they were like her other family right, and it's normal for her to worry, since she'd never be able to know what happens with them. Which, is always sad, I think more than her being stuck in the Feudal Era.

Did I mention I love the way you write? It's refreshing, and I don't know your choice of words always convey the emotions perfectly that I can feel them.

I'm glad Kagome stumbled upon Sesshomaru, if I can put it like that, lol. And I'm enjoying the fact that she doesn't want him drugged up for the rest of his life. Especially since that will not do anything to help him restore his sanity.

The sight of Sesshomaru you described in the article is freaking heartbreaking. Like him, that was so powerful, sinking so low. Urgh, it's just....

I'm still not liking this Oshini-sensei by the way, lol. Every time he comes in, the ambiance around is changed, and I don't know, I have a bad feeling every time you bring him around.

Awe, that's so sweet (I know it'll be sad eventually) but having Rin there is sweet. She must be a big presence for him, and I'm happy you brought her in. I'm glad he's making progress with Kagome, in the sense that he wants her to come, he's inviting her. I think even though he's not all there, he can sense certain things, and I think he realizes she won't bring harm!

I never thought they would allow him to go though, ohmy. That'll be interesting!

I'm so nervous!!

You know what, I thought he might have a freak out, but then, I remember, it's not really the world around the drove him insane, it's events. So I guess as long as nothing reminds him of something he should be fine. He's "better" sometimes.

ohmygod. I got so teary during the scene with Rin. Honey you can't write stuff like that! You can't.

That was so beautifully sad. And good.




Lexie (Chapter 9) - Sat 30 Oct 2010

awwww *tears* poor Sesshoumaru, i feel so bad for him - *hug for Sesshy*

please update soon

beckyducky (Chapter 9) - Sat 30 Oct 2010

Hi!!!  Okay, so I guess I totally missed this chapter because I dont remember seeing it in the home area where they update new fanfics and stuff... but then again I dont visit here as often as i did...


Ahem!  So i'm liking the progress that Kagome is making with Sesshoumaru.  He seems to open up to her, most likely because of the familiarity...  I'm glad you're referring to onishi as just onishi insead of switching back and forth!!  Thank you!!  haha i was reading and it made me happy!!  ^__^ 

And I'm being nitpicky but this: 

“The world has changed.” He said to her with surprising clarity.

Should become this:

"The world has changed," he said to her with surprising clarity. 

**sorry** lol I recently did this grammar workshop in writing, so it just sort of popped up...  The flashback totally broke my heart, but now i'm interested to see what role inuyasha played in all of this...  wonderful writing and keep it up!!  Thank you for the update!!  <3

Caitriona (Chapter 9) - Sat 30 Oct 2010

Chapter 9

Poor Sess.  I wonder just how many times he has relived Rin's death?  I wonder if he thought about all the years that had passed when he didn't come to see her when he was wrapped up in his own happiness.  I guess that most humans don't really think about the life span of the non-humans we love, like a cat or a dog, as something that is so fleeting.  We just assume that they will be with us for a long time.  Sess must have thought of Rin the same way.  She was someone and something that he loved, but it didn't really think about her mortality.  He must have taken that as a hard blow.  And to know that his brother had spent all that time with her must have also been hard.

OTOH, I don't feel bad at all for Rin.  She lived to her late 60's in a time when a person might only live 40 or 50 years on average. She had 4 surviving sons when the infant mortality was astronomical.  Her husband didn't preceed her in death.  She had lived a very long life surrounded by people who loved her and when she was ready to close her eyes the last time, the person she loved and respected most in the world was there with her, by her side.  What a comfort and a blessing it was for her.

It doesn't make Sess's loss any easier - especially when it's been wrapped around Chiyoko's death in his mind.

Thanks for writing for us!  I look forward to future chapters, especially those where we can see who Sess was at war with and what happened to him right after finding his family destroyed.

Caitriona (Chapter 8) - Sat 30 Oct 2010

Chapter 8 with our first introduction to the Lady Chiyoko was rather sad.  I know that we already know Chiyoko's ultimate fate, but it was nice to 'meet' the light personality that was the Lady.  I agree with Kagome in that it would have been nice to see Sess actually happy.

I understand why Kagome is being given another 'chance' with Sess, but I was a little surprised.  The fact that she put herself, the patient, and the guards in danger could have gotten her SO fired at many facilities.  I wonder what the good doctor actually knows about this whole situation.

Thanks for writing for us.  I'm off to read the next chapter.

Jesaka Karanaka (Chapter 9) - Fri 29 Oct 2010

I love the vigniette nature of the backstory in this story.  It's a good thing.  I see a lot of potential for growth here, while remaining in the basic framework laid out here.  I like the story a lot, and hope to see more of it soon.  Thanks.

JeniNeji (Chapter 9) - Fri 29 Oct 2010

OH my! This was so sad! Rin!!!


I wonder how Sessh is still alive...this is so angsty! He should have died of despair by now :(

I liked Rin name her daughter after Kagome.

Terry Lynn (Chapter 9) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

This was a such a touching chapter! Sesshoumaru is definitely a victim of time. D': Stories when Rin passes always get to me. Fabulous chapter and I hope to read more from you soon!

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